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Last active December 17, 2015 11:08
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using System;
class Program
static void Main()
var result1 = Authenticate("me", "password");
var result2 = Authenticate("ja", "heslo");
static AuthenticationResult Authenticate(string login, string password)
if (password == "heslo")
return new Authenticated(new User(login));
return new NotAuthenticated();
static void PrintAuthResult(AuthenticationResult result)
some: user => Console.WriteLine("yes: {0}", user.Login),
none: () => Console.WriteLine("no")
public class User
public User(string login)
Login = login;
public string Login { get; private set; }
public interface AuthenticationResult { }
public class NotAuthenticated : AuthenticationResult { }
public class Authenticated : AuthenticationResult
public Authenticated(User user)
User = user;
public User User { get; private set; }
public static class AuthenticationResultExtension
public static void Match(this AuthenticationResult result, Action<User> some, Action none)
var authenticated = result as Authenticated;
if (authenticated == null)
type User(login: string) = class
member x.Login = login
type AuthenticationResult =
| NotAuthenticated
| Authenticated of User
let Authenticate (login: string) (password: string) =
if password = "heslo" then Authenticated(new User(login))
else NotAuthenticated
let PrintAuthResult (result: AuthenticationResult) =
match result with
| AuthenticationResult.Authenticated(result) -> printfn "yes: %s" result.Login
| AuthenticationResult.NotAuthenticated -> printfn "no"
let main() =
let result1 = Authenticate "me" "password"
PrintAuthResult result1
let result2 = Authenticate "ja" "heslo"
PrintAuthResult result2
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