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Last active November 15, 2022 13:32
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using Firebase.Crashlytics;
#if IOS
using Foundation;
using Firebase;
namespace DemoApp.Services.Firebase;
public interface IFirebaseCrashlyticsService
void Log(Exception ex);
public class FirebaseCrashlyticsService : IFirebaseCrashlyticsService
public void Log(Exception ex)
#if IOS
var errorInfo = new Dictionary<object, object> {
{ NSError.LocalizedDescriptionKey, NSBundle.MainBundle.GetLocalizedString(ex.Message, null) },
{ NSError.LocalizedFailureReasonErrorKey, NSBundle.MainBundle.GetLocalizedString ("Managed Failure", null) },
{ NSError.LocalizedRecoverySuggestionErrorKey, NSBundle.MainBundle.GetLocalizedString ("Recovery Suggestion", null) },
//{ "ProductId", "123456" }, you can append even custom information if needed
var error = new NSError(new NSString("NonFatalError"),
NSDictionary.FromObjectsAndKeys(errorInfo.Values.ToArray(), errorInfo.Keys.ToArray(), errorInfo.Keys.Count));
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