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Created August 16, 2020 11:03
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Lens + State
object Example {
def doStuff(partition: String, itemId: String): State[ExampleState, Seq[Item]] =
for {
_ <- getOrCreateItem(partition, itemId)
_ <- setPending(partition, itemId)
pending <- unconsPending(partition)
} yield pending
private def getOrCreateItem(partition: String, item: String): State[ExampleState, Item] =
Lens.item(partition, item).getOrElseSet(, pending = false)))
private def setPending(partition: String, item: String): State[ExampleState, Unit] =
Lens.pending(partition, item).tryModifyS(_ =>
private def unconsPending(partition: String): State[ExampleState, Seq[Item]] =
Lens.items(partition).applyS { itemsMap =>
val (pending, notPending) = itemsMap.partition { case (_, item) => item.pending } -> pending.values.toSeq)
object Lens {
def items(partition: String): Lens[ExampleState, Map[String, Item]] =
(ExampleState.partitionsLens composeLens
mapValue(partition, Partition.empty) composeLens
def item(partition: String, item: String): Optional[ExampleState, Item] =
(ExampleState.partitionsLens composeLens
mapValue(partition, Partition.empty) composeLens
Partition.itemsLens composeOptional
def itemId(partition: String, item: String): Optional[ExampleState, String] =
(ExampleState.partitionsLens composeLens
mapValue(partition, Partition.empty) composeLens
Partition.itemsLens composeOptional
mapValue(item) composeLens
def pending(partition: String, item: String): Optional[ExampleState, Boolean] =
(ExampleState.partitionsLens composeLens
mapValue(partition, Partition.empty) composeLens
Partition.itemsLens composeOptional
mapValue(item) composeLens
case class ExampleState(partitions: Map[String, Partition], finished: Boolean)
case class Partition(items: Map[String, Item])
case class Item(id: String, pending: Boolean)
object ExampleState {
val partitionsLens: Lens[ExampleState, Map[String, Partition]] = GenLens[ExampleState](_.partitions)
val finishedLens: Lens[ExampleState, Boolean] = GenLens[ExampleState](_.finished)
object Partition {
val empty: Partition = Partition(Map.empty)
val itemsLens: Lens[Partition, Map[String, Item]] = GenLens[Partition](_.items)
object Item {
val idLens: Lens[Item, String] = GenLens[Item](
val pendingLens: Lens[Item, Boolean] = GenLens[Item](_.pending)
package object mono {
def mapValue[K, V](key: K): Optional[Map[K, V], V] =
Optional[Map[K, V], V](_.get(key))(v => _ + (key -> v))
def mapValue[K, V](key: K, default: V): Lens[Map[K, V], V] =
Lens[Map[K, V], V](_.getOrElse(key, default))(v => _ + (key -> v))
implicit class LensOps[S, A](lens: Lens[S, A]) {
def inspectS[F[_]: Applicative, B](f: A => F[B]): StateT[F, S, B] = StateT.inspectF { s: S =>
def modifyS[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[A]): StateT[F, S, Unit] = StateT.modifyF { s: S =>
def applyS[F[_]: Applicative, B](f: A => F[(A, B)]): StateT[F, S, B] = StateT { s: S =>
val S = s.applyLens(lens)
val a = S.get
def setS[F[_]: Applicative](fa: F[A]): StateT[F, S, Unit] = modifyS(_ => fa)
def getS[F[_]: Applicative]: StateT[F, S, A] = inspectS(_.pure[F])
implicit class OptionalOps[S, A](opt: Optional[S, A]) {
def inspectS[F[_]: Applicative, B](f: A => F[B]): StateT[F, S, Option[B]] = StateT.inspectF { s: S =>
def tryModifyS[F[_]: Applicative](f: A => F[A]): StateT[F, S, Unit] = StateT.modifyF { s: S =>
def modifyOptS[F[_]: Applicative](f: Option[A] => F[A]): StateT[F, S, Unit] = StateT.modifyF { s: S =>
val S = s.applyOptional(opt)
def applyS[F[_]: Applicative, B](f: A => F[(A, B)]): StateT[F, S, Option[B]] = StateT { s: S =>
val S = s.applyOptional(opt)
val empty: F[(S, Option[B])] = (s -> none[B]).pure[F]
def set(a: A): F[(S, Option[B])] = f(a).map(_.leftMap(S.set))
def applyOptionS[F[_]: Applicative, B](f: Option[A] => F[(A, B)]): StateT[F, S, B] = StateT { s: S =>
val S = s.applyOptional(opt)
def getOrElseSet[F[_]: Applicative](default: F[A]): StateT[F, S, A] = applyOptionS {
case None => => a -> a)
case Some(a) => (a -> a).pure[F]
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