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Created March 12, 2018 22:59
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object KafkaProtocolBuilder {
implicit def toProtocol(builder: KafkaProtocolBuilder): KafkaProtocol =
def apply(configuration: GatlingConfiguration): KafkaProtocolBuilder =
case class KafkaProtocolBuilder(kafkaProtocol: KafkaProtocol) {
def build = kafkaProtocol
object KafkaProtocol {
def apply(configuration: GatlingConfiguration): KafkaProtocol =
KafkaProtocol(Map[String, AnyRef]())
val KafkaProtocolKey = new ProtocolKey {
type Protocol = KafkaProtocol
type Components = KafkaComponents
override def protocolClass: Class[protocol.Protocol] = classOf[KafkaProtocol].asInstanceOf[Class[protocol.Protocol]]
override def defaultProtocolValue(configuration: GatlingConfiguration): KafkaProtocol = KafkaProtocol(configuration)
override def newComponents(system: ActorSystem, coreComponents: CoreComponents): KafkaProtocol => KafkaComponents =
case class KafkaProtocol(properties: Map[String, AnyRef]) extends Protocol {
def properties(prop: Map[String, AnyRef]): KafkaProtocol = copy(properties = prop)
case class KafkaComponents(protocol: KafkaProtocol) extends ProtocolComponents {
override def onStart: Option[Session => Session] = None
override def onExit: Option[Session => Unit] = None
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