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Last active February 21, 2024 16:55
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Simple converter from markdown-style _annotations_ to Unicode combining characters.
#!/usr/bin/perl -C63
# Converts
# The -quick- _brown_ =fox= ^jumps^ +over+ ~the~ @lazy@ dog.
# into
# The q̶u̶i̶c̶k̶ b̲r̲o̲w̲n̲ f̳o̳x̳ j̅u̅m̅p̅s̅ o̱v̱e̱ṟ t̴h̴e̴ l̿a̿z̿y̿ dog.
# Implemented by Vitaly "_Vi" Shukela in 2016. Public domain / CC-0.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
$_=' '.(join ' ',@ARGV).' ';
sub interleave($$) {
my $t=shift;
my $r=shift;
$t =~ s@\X@$&$r@g;
return $t;
s@(?<=\s) \- (?=\w) (.*?) (?<=\w) \- (?=\s|$)@ interleave($1,pack("U*",0x0336)) @gex; # strikethough
s@(?<=\s) \~ (?=\w) (.*?) (?<=\w) \~ (?=\s|$)@ interleave($1,pack("U*",0x0334)) @gex; # tildethough
s@(?<=\s) \_ (?=\w) (.*?) (?<=\w) \_ (?=\s|$)@ interleave($1,pack("U*",0x0332)) @gex; # underline
s@(?<=\s) \= (?=\w) (.*?) (?<=\w) \= (?=\s|$)@ interleave($1,pack("U*",0x0333)) @gex; # double underline
s@(?<=\s) \+ (?=\w) (.*?) (?<=\w) \+ (?=\s|$)@ interleave($1,pack("U*",0x0331)) @gex; # dashed underline
s@(?<=\s) \^ (?=\w) (.*?) (?<=\w) \^ (?=\s|$)@ interleave($1,pack("U*",0x0305)) @gex; # overline
s@(?<=\s) \@ (?=\w) (.*?) (?<=\w) \@ (?=\s|$)@ interleave($1,pack("U*",0x033f)) @gex; # double overline
print $_, "\n";
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