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Last active April 29, 2017 08:58
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  1. What is a closure in JavaScript?

  2. What is strict mode in JavaScript? How do you enable it? How does it affect your code ? Any examples.

  3. Which design patterns in Javascript you are aware of ? Any prefernce in known patterns. If yes , reason?

  4. How do you convert a varibale to boolean type?

  5. Are you aware of any bugs related to floating points arithmetic in javascript. What precatuions do you follow to ensure nothing goes wrong with floating point arithmetic in JS.

  6. How do you iterate through properties of an object?

  7. How do you check if a given variable is array.

  8. What is hoisting in JavaScript? How does it affect your code? How do you counter it?

  9. What kind of scope varibale can have in JS. How do you ensure block level scope in JS?

  10. what is DOM?

  11. Are you aware of any event order model in JavaScript.

  12. What is event capturing ? What is event bubbling?

  13. How do you send varibale number of arguments in function.

  14. What is IIFE? What is it used for?

  15. Is there any way to achieve multi threading in JavaScript.

  16. Strings are said to be immutable in Javacript. what does that mean?

  17. Event delegation?

  18. When is a variable that a closure used generally released?

    a) When the function closure goes out of scope

    b) When the variable's owning scope is released

    c) Never

    d) When it goes out of scope

[1] + [2] - [3]


  1. What is two-way data binding?
  2. What is Dependency Injection ?
  3. What is difference between service and factory in AngularJS.


  1. What is CSS Box Model and what are its elements?
This box defines design and layout of elements of CSS. The elements are:

Margin: the top most layer, the overall structure is shown
Border: the padding and content option with a border around it is shown.  Background color affects the border.
Padding: Space is shown. Background colour affects the border.
Content: Actual content is shown.
  1. What are pseudo classes and what are they used for?

  2. How are inline and block elements different from each other?

  3. Are you aware of any CSS pre-processers?

  4. What are the various techniques for clearing floats?


  1. Are you aware of any build tools.
  2. Any scaffolding tools.
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