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Created July 12, 2020 16:01
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iOS 14, `ScrollViewReader` + `TabView`, rough around the edges but you get the idea.
// TilingTabView.swift
// Created by Dan Tavares on 12/07/2020.
import SwiftUI
class State: ObservableObject {
@Published var itemIndex: Int = 0
@Published var color: Color = .white
struct TilingTabView: View {
@StateObject var state = State()
enum Options {
static var animation = Animation.spring()
static var pillColor =
static var pillTitleColorSelected = Color.white
static var pillTitleColorNormal =
static var rows = [GridItem(.flexible())]
static var scrollToPosition =
let items: [String] = [
"Item 1",
"Item 2",
"Item 3",
"Item 4",
"Item 5",
"Item 6",
"Item 7"
func scrollTo(index: Int, scrollProxy: ScrollViewProxy) {
scrollProxy.scrollTo(items[index], anchor: Options.scrollToPosition)
var body: some View {
ZStack {
VStack {
ScrollViewReader { scrollProxy in
// Title Scroll View
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
LazyHGrid(rows: Options.rows, alignment: .top) {
ForEach(items.enumeratedArray(), id: \.element) { index, text in
Button(action: {
withAnimation(Options.animation) {
state.itemIndex = index
scrollTo(index: index, scrollProxy: scrollProxy)
}) {
.foregroundColor(state.itemIndex == index ? Options.pillTitleColorSelected : Options.pillTitleColorNormal)
.padding(.vertical, 8)
.background(state.itemIndex == index ? Options.pillColor : Color.clear)
.onReceive(state.$itemIndex) { index in
withAnimation(Options.animation) {
state.color = Color(
hue: Double.random(in: 0...1),
saturation: Double.random(in: 0...0.5),
brightness: 1
scrollTo(index: index, scrollProxy: scrollProxy)
.fixedSize(horizontal: false, vertical: true)
// Main Tabs Scrollview
TabView(selection: $state.itemIndex) {
ForEach(items.enumeratedArray(), id: \.element) { index, text in
.tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle(indexDisplayMode: .never))
extension Collection {
func enumeratedArray() -> Array<(offset: Int, element: Self.Element)> {
return Array(self.enumerated())
struct TilingTabView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
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