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Last active January 10, 2024 14:05
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# Estimated amount of the cost for fine-tuning GPT models
# Common
''' requirements.txt
import json
import tiktoken # for token counting
import numpy as np
from collections import defaultdict
def print_header(title: str): print("\n", f" [{title}] ".center(80, "*"), "\n")
# Arguments
ft_model_name, ft_model_price, ft_model_max_token_limit = ("gpt-3.5-turbo", 0.0080, 4096) #
ft_training_file = "gpt_3_5_turbo_finetuning.jsonl"
ft_num_epochs = 3
# Data loading
print_header("Data Loading")
data_path = RF"data/{ft_training_file}"
# Load the dataset
with open(data_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
dataset = [json.loads(line) for line in f]
# Initial dataset stats
print("Num examples:", len(dataset))
print("First example:")
for message in dataset[0]["messages"]:
# Format validation
print_header("Format Validation")
# Format error checks
format_errors = defaultdict(int)
for ex in dataset:
if not isinstance(ex, dict):
format_errors["data_type"] += 1
messages = ex.get("messages", None)
if not messages:
format_errors["missing_messages_list"] += 1
for message in messages:
if "role" not in message or "content" not in message:
format_errors["message_missing_key"] += 1
if any(k not in ("role", "content", "name", "function_call") for k in message):
format_errors["message_unrecognized_key"] += 1
if message.get("role", None) not in ("system", "user", "assistant", "function"):
format_errors["unrecognized_role"] += 1
content = message.get("content", None)
function_call = message.get("function_call", None)
if (not content and not function_call) or not isinstance(content, str):
format_errors["missing_content"] += 1
if not any(message.get("role", None) == "assistant" for message in messages):
format_errors["example_missing_assistant_message"] += 1
if format_errors:
print("Found errors:")
for k, v in format_errors.items():
print(f"{k}: {v}")
print("No errors found")
# Token Counting Utilities
# print_header("Token Counting Utilities")
encoding = tiktoken.get_encoding("cl100k_base")
# not exact!
# simplified from
def num_tokens_from_messages(messages, tokens_per_message=3, tokens_per_name=1):
num_tokens = 0
for message in messages:
num_tokens += tokens_per_message
for key, value in message.items():
num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(value))
if key == "name":
num_tokens += tokens_per_name
num_tokens += 3
return num_tokens
def num_assistant_tokens_from_messages(messages):
num_tokens = 0
for message in messages:
if message["role"] == "assistant":
num_tokens += len(encoding.encode(message["content"]))
return num_tokens
def print_distribution(values, name):
print(f"\n#### Distribution of {name}:")
print(f"min / max: {min(values)}, {max(values)}")
print(f"mean / median: {np.mean(values)}, {np.median(values)}")
print(f"p5 / p95: {np.quantile(values, 0.1)}, {np.quantile(values, 0.9)}")
# Data Warnings and Token Counts
print_header("Data Warnings and Token Counts")
# Warnings and tokens counts
n_missing_system = 0
n_missing_user = 0
n_messages = []
convo_lens = []
assistant_message_lens = []
for ex in dataset:
messages = ex["messages"]
if not any(message["role"] == "system" for message in messages):
n_missing_system += 1
if not any(message["role"] == "user" for message in messages):
n_missing_user += 1
print("Num examples missing system message:", n_missing_system)
print("Num examples missing user message:", n_missing_user)
print_distribution(n_messages, "num_messages_per_example")
print_distribution(convo_lens, "num_total_tokens_per_example")
print_distribution(assistant_message_lens, "num_assistant_tokens_per_example")
n_too_long = sum(l > ft_model_max_token_limit for l in convo_lens)
print(f"\n{n_too_long} examples may be over the {ft_model_max_token_limit} token limit, they will be truncated during fine-tuning")
# Cost Estimation
print_header("Cost Estimation")
# Pricing and default n_epochs estimate
MAX_TOKENS_PER_EXAMPLE = ft_model_max_token_limit
MIN_TARGET_EXAMPLES = 1 # 100 # TODO: Why 100?
MAX_TARGET_EXAMPLES = 10**6 # 25000 # TODO: Why 25000?
TARGET_EPOCHS = ft_num_epochs
n_epochs = TARGET_EPOCHS
n_train_examples = len(dataset)
if n_train_examples * TARGET_EPOCHS < MIN_TARGET_EXAMPLES:
n_epochs = min(MAX_DEFAULT_EPOCHS, MIN_TARGET_EXAMPLES // n_train_examples)
elif n_train_examples * TARGET_EPOCHS > MAX_TARGET_EXAMPLES:
n_epochs = max(MIN_DEFAULT_EPOCHS, MAX_TARGET_EXAMPLES // n_train_examples)
n_billing_tokens_in_dataset = sum(min(MAX_TOKENS_PER_EXAMPLE, length) for length in convo_lens)
print(f"Dataset has ~{n_billing_tokens_in_dataset} tokens that will be charged for during training")
print(f"By default, you'll train for {n_epochs} epochs on this dataset")
print(f"By default, you'll be charged for ~{n_epochs * n_billing_tokens_in_dataset} tokens")
print(f"Fine-tunine the model '{ft_model_name}' with the training file '{ft_training_file}' ~{n_billing_tokens_in_dataset} tokens by {n_epochs} epochs.")
print(f"Estimated amount of the cost ≈ ${n_epochs * n_billing_tokens_in_dataset * ft_model_price} USD.")
(openai-env) openai-env>python
******************************** [Data Loading] ********************************
Num examples: 3
First example:
{'role': 'system', 'content': 'You are a helpful assistant.'}
{'role': 'user', 'content': '...'}
{'role': 'assistant', 'content': '...'}
***************************** [Format Validation] ******************************
No errors found
*********************** [Data Warnings and Token Counts] ***********************
Num examples missing system message: 0
Num examples missing user message: 0
#### Distribution of num_messages_per_example:
min / max: 3, 3
mean / median: 3.0, 3.0
p5 / p95: 3.0, 3.0
#### Distribution of num_total_tokens_per_example:
min / max: 35, 42
mean / median: 39.333333333333336, 41.0
p5 / p95: 36.2, 41.8
#### Distribution of num_assistant_tokens_per_example:
min / max: 9, 15
mean / median: 12.666666666666666, 14.0
p5 / p95: 10.0, 14.8
0 examples may be over the 4096 token limit, they will be truncated during fine-tuning
****************************** [Cost Estimation] *******************************
Dataset has ~118 tokens that will be charged for during training
By default, you'll train for 3 epochs on this dataset
By default, you'll be charged for ~354 tokens
Fine-tunine the model 'gpt-3.5-turbo' with the training file 'gpt_3_5_turbo_finetuning.jsonl' ~118 tokens by 3 epochs.
Estimated amount of the cost ≈ $2.832 USD.
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