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Created August 11, 2014 02:06
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require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe Membership, :type => :model do
let!(:user) { FactoryGirl.create(:user, gnucash_id: "FOO")}
let!(:membertype) { FactoryGirl.create(:membership_type, name: "BAR", monthlycost: 23)}
let!(:membership) { FactoryGirl.create(:membership, user: user, membership_type: membertype,
start: Date.parse("2012-11-15")) }
subject { membership }
it { respond_to(:membership_type)}
it { respond_to(:start)}
it { respond_to(:end)}
it { respond_to(:discounts) }
it { be_member_on(Date.parse("2012-11-15")) }
it { is_expected.not_to be_member_on(Date.parse("2012-11-14")) }
describe "when it ends" do
before { membership.end = Date.parse("2013-11-15") }
it { be_member_on(Date.parse("2013-11-15")) }
it {is_expected.not_to be_member_on(Date.parse("2013-11-16")) }
describe "when a membeship is created" do
let!(:another_membership) { FactoryGirl.create(:membership, user: user, membership_type: membertype,
start: Date.parse("2013-11-15")) }
context "if there are other memberships associated with user" do
it "sets the end date for any of them that have a nil end date" do
expect(Membership.find_by(start: Date.parse("2012-11-15"))).not_to be_nil
expect(Membership.find_by(start: Date.parse("2012-11-15")).end).not_to be_nil
describe "invoicing" do
before { membership.end = Date.parse("2013-11-10")}
it { is_expected.not_to be_invoiceable_on(2012,10)}
it { be_invoiceable_on(2012,11)}
it { be_invoiceable_on(2013,5)}
it { be_invoiceable_on(2013,10)}
it { is_expected.not_to be_invoiceable_on(2013,11)}
describe "generates csv" do
before { @invoice = membership.invoice_for(2013,5).split(",", -1)}
specify {expect(@invoice[0]).to eq("FOO-1305")} # Invoice ID
specify {expect(@invoice[1]).to eq(} # Date Opened
specify {expect(@invoice[2]).to eq("FOO")} # Owner Id
specify {expect(@invoice[3]).to be_empty} # Billing ID
specify {expect(@invoice[4]).to be_empty} # Notes
specify {expect(@invoice[5]).to eq("2013-05-15")} # Invoice Date
specify {expect(@invoice[6]).to eq("BAR membership for 2013-05-15")} # Description
specify {expect(@invoice[7]).to be_empty} # Action
specify {expect(@invoice[8]).to eq("Income:Membership Dues")} # Account
specify {expect(@invoice[9]).to eq("1")} # Qty
specify {expect(@invoice[10]).to eq("23.00")} # Price
specify {expect(@invoice[11]).to eq("%")} # Discount Types
specify {expect(@invoice[12]).to be_empty} # Discount How
specify {expect(@invoice[13]).to eq("0")} # discount
specify {expect(@invoice[14]).to be_empty} # Taxable
specify {expect(@invoice[15]).to be_empty} # Tax included
specify {expect(@invoice[16]).to be_empty} # Tax Table
specify {expect(@invoice[17]).to eq("2013-05-15")} # Date Posted
specify {expect(@invoice[18]).to eq("2013-05-22")} # Due Date
specify {expect(@invoice[19]).to eq("Assets:Accounts Receivable")} # account posted
specify {expect(@invoice[20]).to be_empty} # memo posted
specify {expect(@invoice[21]).to be_empty} # accumulate splits
describe "generates csv with one discount" do
before {membership.discounts.create(name: "TestingDiscount", percent: 10)}
before { @invoice = membership.invoice_for(2013,5).split(",", -1)}
# GnuCash 2.6.3 has Bug 734183 - Importing invoices with discounts yields invoice line items with incorrect subtotals and bizzare editing behavior
# which affects this import. The current workaround is to pre-compute the discount, rather than letting GnuCash do it.
specify {expect(@invoice[10]).to eq("20.70")}
specify {expect(@invoice[13]).to eq("0")}
specify {expect(@invoice[4]).to eq("10.0% TestingDiscount discount applied")}
describe "generates csv with two discount" do
before do
membership.discounts.create(name: "Fred", percent: 10)
membership.discounts.create(name: "Wilma", percent: 15)
@invoice = membership.invoice_for(2013,5).split(",", -1)
# GnuCash 2.6.3 has Bug 734183 - Importing invoices with discounts yields invoice line items with incorrect subtotals and bizzare editing behavior
# which affects this import. The current workaround is to pre-compute the discount, rather than letting GnuCash do it.
specify {expect(@invoice[10]).to eq("17.60")} # 23 * .90 * .85 = 17.595
specify {expect(@invoice[13]).to eq("0")}
specify {expect(@invoice[4]).to eq("10.0% Fred and 15.0% Wilma discounts applied")}
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