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Created June 12, 2010 15:35
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namespace SqlTest;
use Adapter\Sql;
require_once 'Sql.php';
class SqlTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase {
private $db = NULL;
// Fixture creation
public function setUp() {
$this->db = new \PDO('sqlite::memory:');
$sql_data = @file_get_contents(DIRECTORY_DATA . 'SqlData.sql');
if ( false !== $sql_data ) {
public function tearDown() {
$this->db = NULL;
// Custom assertions
public static function assertIsPdo($obj, $message = '') {
self::assertTrue(is_object($obj), $message);
self::assertTrue($obj instanceof \PDO, $message);
public static function assertArray($a, $message = '') {
self::assertTrue(is_array($a), $message);
// Tests
public function testAttachDb_CanAttachPdoObject() {
$sql = new Sql;
* @expectedException PHPUnit_Framework_Error
public function testQuery_InputParametersMustBeArray() {
$sql = new Sql;
$sql->find('FAKE QUERY', NULL);
* @expectedException \Adapter\Exception
public function testQuery_RequiresPdo() {
$sql = new Sql;
$sql->find('FAKE QUERY', array());
* @expectedException \Adapter\Exception
public function testQuery_RequiresSql() {
$sql = new Sql;
$sql->find(NULL, array());
* @dataProvider providerInvalidSelectPreparedQuery
* @expectedException \Adapter\Exception
public function testQuery_RequiresValidSql($query) {
$sql = new Sql;
$sql->find($query, array());
* @dataProvider providerValidSelectPreparedQuery
* @expectedException \Adapter\Exception
public function testQuery_RequiresValidSqlExecution($query, $input_parameters) {
$sql = new Sql;
$sql->find($query, array(':does_not_exist' => 'non-existent value'));
* @dataProvider providerValidPreparedQuery
public function testQuery_ReturnsNumberAffectedRows($query, $input_parameters, $expected_affected_rows) {
$sql = new Sql;
$actual_rows = $sql->query($query, $input_parameters);
$this->assertEquals($actual_rows, $expected_affected_rows);
* @dataProvider providerValidSelectPreparedQuery
public function testFind_ReturnsArray($query, $input_parameters) {
$sql = new Sql;
$result_list = $sql->find($query, $input_parameters);
public function providerInvalidSelectPreparedQuery() {
return array(
array("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = :i-d"),
array("SELECT * FROM products WHERE sku = "),
array("SELECT * FROM products_invalid_table WHERE id > :id"),
array("SELECT products.invalid_field FROM products WHERE price <= :price")
public function providerValidPreparedQuery() {
return array(
array("UPDATE products SET price = :price", array(':price' => 11.00), 3),
array("UPDATE products SET name = :name", array(':name' => "Baba O'Reilly"), 3),
array("UPDATE products SET sku = :sku WHERE id = :id", array(':sku' => 'PROD2', ':id' => 1), 1),
array("INSERT INTO products (name, price, sku) VALUES(:name, :price, :sku)", array(':name' => 'Very Expensive "Product"', ':price' => 11.99, ':sku' => 'PRODUCT4'), 1)
public function providerValidSelectPreparedQuery() {
return array(
array("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id = :id", array(':id' => 1)),
array("SELECT * FROM products WHERE sku = :sku", array(':sku' => 'P1')),
array("SELECT * FROM products WHERE id > :id", array(':id' => 1)),
array("SELECT * FROM products WHERE price <= :price", array(':price' => 11.95))
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