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Created May 9, 2012 07:58
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WordPress Loop Processing Widget Proof Of Concept
class WPPluginTemplateWidget extends WP_Widget {
function __construct () {
$widget_ops = array (
'description' => __('Template Test Widget')
parent::WP_Widget ('WPPluginTemplateWidget', __('WP Plugin Template'), $widget_ops);
function form ($instance) {
$text_stub = '<label for="%s">%s</label><input type="text" id="%s" name="%s" value="%s" class="widefat" />';
$instance = wp_parse_args (
(array) $instance,
array (
'title' => __('WP Plugin Template')
$content = '<p>'
. sprintf ($text_stub,
$this->get_field_id ('title'),
__('Widget Title'),
$this->get_field_id ('title'),
$this->get_field_name ('title'),
attribute_escape ($instance['title'])
. '</p>';
echo $content;
function update ($new_instance, $old_instance) {
$instance = $old_instance;
$instance['title'] = strip_tags ($new_instance['title']);
return $instance;
function widget ($args, $instance) {
global $post;
extract ($args, EXTR_SKIP);
$content = $before_widget;
if ($instance['title']) {
$content .= $before_title . $instance['title'] . $after_title;
if (!is_main_query ()) {
wp_reset_query ();
if (is_front_page ()) {
$content .= '<strong>Type: Front Page</strong><br />';
elseif (is_archive ()) {
$content .= '<strong>Type: Archive</strong><br />';
elseif (is_page ()) {
$content .= '<strong>Type: Page</strong><br />';
elseif (is_single ()) {
$content .= '<strong>Type: Single</strong><br />';
elseif (is_feed ()) {
$content .= '<strong>Type: Feed</strong><br />';
else {
$content .= '<strong>Type: Unknown</strong><br />';
while (have_posts ()) : the_post ();
$user = get_userdata ($post->post_author);
$content .= $post->post_title . ' (<em>' . $user->user_login . '</em>)<br />';
$content .= $after_widget;
echo $content;
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