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Last active February 8, 2016 16:02
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Reveal.JS - initialize
controls: true, //Display controls in the bottom right corner
progress: true, //Display a presentation progress bar
slideNumber: true, //Display the page number of the current slide
history: true, //Push each slide change to the browser history
keyboard: true, //Enable keyboard shortcuts for navigation
overview: true, //Enable the slide overview mode
center: true, //Vertical centering of slides
touch: true, //Enables touch navigation on devices with touch input
loop: false, //Loop the presentation
rtl: false, //Change the presentation direction to be RTL
fragments: true, //Turns fragments on and off globally
embedded: false, //Flags if the presentation is running in an embedded mode, i.e. contained within a limited portion of the screen
help: true, //Flags if we should show a help overlay when the questionmark key is pressed
showNotes: false, //Flags if speaker notes should be visible to all viewers
autoSlide: 0, //Number of milliseconds between automatically proceeding to the next slide, disabled when set to 0, this value can be overwritten by using a data-autoslide attribute on your slides
autoSlideStoppable: true, //Stop auto-sliding after user input
mouseWheel: true, //Enable slide navigation via mouse wheel
hideAddressBar: true, //Hides the address bar on mobile devices
previewLinks: false, //Opens links in an iframe preview overlay
transition: 'concave', //none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom
transitionSpeed: 'slow', //default/slow/fast
backgroundTransition: 'default', //none/fade/slide/convex/concave/zoom //Transition style for full page slide backgrounds
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