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Created June 12, 2014 23:42
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  • Save vicenteg/2194904dc2597f562839 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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SET hive.exec.compress.output=true;
SET mapred.output.compression.type=BLOCK;
LIKE yelp_business
LOCATION '/user/testsnappy/';
INSERT INTO TABLE X1_TEST_SNAPPY_B SELECT city,review_count,name,neighborhoods,business_id,full_address,hours,state,longitude,stars,latitude,attributes,open,categories FROM yelp_business;
[mapr@node1 ~]$ hive -f ajender.hql
Logging initialized using configuration in jar:file:/opt/mapr/hive/hive-0.12/lib/hive-common-0.12-mapr-1405.jar!/
Time taken: 1.631 seconds
Total MapReduce jobs = 3
Launching Job 1 out of 3
Number of reduce tasks is set to 0 since there's no reduce operator
Starting Job = job_201406121314_0009, Tracking URL = http://node1:50030/jobdetails.jsp?jobid=job_201406121314_0009
Kill Command = /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-0.20.2/bin/../bin/hadoop job -kill job_201406121314_0009
Hadoop job information for Stage-1: number of mappers: 1; number of reducers: 0
2014-06-12 19:40:57,011 Stage-1 map = 0%, reduce = 0%
2014-06-12 19:41:01,044 Stage-1 map = 100%, reduce = 100%, Cumulative CPU 2.5 sec
MapReduce Total cumulative CPU time: 2 seconds 500 msec
Ended Job = job_201406121314_0009
Stage-4 is selected by condition resolver.
Stage-3 is filtered out by condition resolver.
Stage-5 is filtered out by condition resolver.
Moving data to: maprfs:/user/testsnappy/_scratchdir_hive_2014-06-12_19-40-52_985_3500623372040090056-1/-ext-10000
Loading data to table default.x1_test_snappy_b
Table default.x1_test_snappy_b stats: [num_partitions: 0, num_files: 1, num_rows: 0, total_size: 1619135, raw_data_size: 0]
MapReduce Jobs Launched:
Job 0: Map: 1 Cumulative CPU: 2.5 sec MAPRFS Read: 0 MAPRFS Write: 0 SUCCESS
Total MapReduce CPU Time Spent: 2 seconds 500 msec
Time taken: 8.551 seconds
[mapr@node1 ~]$ ls -l /mapr/mapr/user/testsnappy/000000_0.snappy
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 mapr mapr 1619135 Jun 12 19:40 /mapr/mapr/user/testsnappy/000000_0.snappy
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