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Last active October 22, 2021 09:28
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Instructions to instal Sysdig agent on local Minikube so it can be used to learn Kubernetes without a cloud account
# We will create a VM with Debian, and inside it execute Minikube with driver=none
# This way we avoid using Minikube's VM on Windows or Macos, that has a custom kernel
# You need to install VirtualBox and Vagrant on your host machine before you continue
# This works for latest versions on 2021-10-22. It doesn't work using Win+WSL2
# Use the following repository to download Vagrant boxes definition
git clone
# Use box4 that includes Docker, Kubectl, Minikube and many other tools
cd box4
vagrant box update
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
# Inside the VM, execute the following
# Find where the Linux Kernel sources are located
find /usr/src -name linux-headers-*-amd64 -type d
# If the directory is for example /usr/src/linux-headers-4.19.0-18-amd64, link it to where it's expected by using uname
sudo ln -s $(find /usr/src -name linux-headers-*-amd64 -type d) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
# Fix the filesystem so it's not readonly in /lib/modules and the agent installation can create the kernel module
sudo fsck -f /
# Reboot for changes
sudo reboot
# Last command rebooted the machine and exited the session, let's get inside it again (it will take a minute)
vagrant ssh
# We have to start minikube again.
# We use sudo and driver=none to execute it on the bare VM
sudo minikube start --driver=none \
--apiserver-ips \
--apiserver-name localhost
# Assign kubeconfig to current user 'vagrant'
sudo cp -R /root/.kube /root/.minikube /home/vagrant/
sudo chown -R vagrant /root/.kube /root/.minikube /root /home/vagrant/.kube
# Install Sysdig agent, modify settings according to your account
kubectl create ns sysdig-agent
helm repo add sysdig
helm repo update
helm install sysdig-agent --namespace sysdig-agent \
--set sysdig.accessKey=YOUR_ACCESS_KEY \
--set \
--set sysdig.settings.collector_port=6443 \
--set clusterName=minikube sysdig/sysdig \
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=sysdig-agent
# Remove Node Analyzer as it consumes a lot of CPU and blocks the agent from being deployed
# This has the side effect of container images not being automatically scanned
kubectl delete daemonset sysdig-agent-node-analyzer
# Alternatively, add more CPU to the Vagrantfile, or reduce CPU assignation on daemonsets
# Check agent log for errors
kubectl logs daemonset/sysdig-agent
# Get inside a pod
kubectl run my-shell --rm -i --tty --image ubuntu -- bash
# Write to root inside the pod's container so it fires a Falco rule
sudo touch /test.txt
# Exit the pod
# Exit Vagrant VM
# Now go to Sysdig Secure web dashboard and check that you have an event on Event Feed section.
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