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Last active March 13, 2023 11:30
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package portals.examples
import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingQueue
import scala.annotation.experimental
import portals.api.builder.ApplicationBuilder
import portals.api.builder.TaskBuilder
import portals.application.task.PerKeyState
import portals.application.task.PerTaskState
import portals.application.task.StatefulTaskContext
import portals.application.ASTPrinter
import portals.application.Application
import portals.application.AtomicPortalRef
import portals.system.Systems
import portals.util.Future
object Events:
// Query
case class Query(workflow: String, sql: String)
case class QueryResult(success: Boolean, message: String, rows: List[Tuple])
def keyFrom(query: Query): Long = query.workflow.hashCode()
// Events
sealed trait Event
object Tasks:
import portals.api.dsl.DSL.*
import portals.api.dsl.ExperimentalDSL.*
import Events.*
// AccountTask
val replierState: StatefulTaskContext ?=> PerTaskState[Int] = PerTaskState("bankAccountState", 1)
def accountTask(portals: AtomicPortalRef[Query, QueryResult]) =
TaskBuilder.replier[Nothing, Nothing, Query, QueryResult](portals)(_ => ()) { query =>"bank-account-replier: " + query.toString())
replierState.set(replierState.get() + 1)
reply(QueryResult(true, replierState.get().toString, List()))
// QueryTask
def queryTask(portals: AtomicPortalRef[Query, QueryResult]) =
TaskBuilder.asker[Query, Nothing, Query, QueryResult](portals) { query =>"queryTask: " + query.toString())
val future: Future[QueryResult] = ask(portals)(query)
future.await {"queryTask got reply: " + future.value.get)
object Queryable:
import portals.api.builder.TaskBuilder
import portals.api.dsl.DSL.*
import portals.api.dsl.ExperimentalDSL.*
import Events.*
val app: Application = PortalsApp("any") {
// Bank Account
val bankAccountPortal = Portal[Query, QueryResult]("bankAccountPortal", keyFrom)
val generator = Generators.fromList(List[Event]())
val wf = Workflows[Nothing, Nothing]("bankAccount")
// Query Origin
val queries = Generators.fromIterator[Query](REPL.iterator)
val queryWorkflow = Workflows[Query, Nothing]("queryWorkflow")
object REPL:
import Events.*
class BlockingQueueIterator[T] extends Iterator[T] {
val queue = new LinkedBlockingQueue[T]()
override def hasNext: Boolean = !queue.isEmpty
override def next(): T = {
def enqueue(e: T) = queue.offer(e)
val iterator = new BlockingQueueIterator[Query]()
val waitForMsg = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Int]()
val waitForProcessing = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Int]()
def start(): Unit = {
new Thread {
override def run(): Unit = {
while (true) {
val line ="prompt> ")
iterator.enqueue(Query("test-wf", line))
object QueryableMain extends App:
val system = Systems.interpreter()
new Thread() {
override def run(): Unit = {
while (true) {
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