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Created October 7, 2020 08:34
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Utility functions for Google Apps Script to prevent "Argument too large" error
* Function that gets data from or sets data to the property / cache.
* @param {String} storage property / cache (required).
* @param {String} key to be used to get data stored in the property / cache (required).
* @param {String} scope of the storage. valid scopes - user, script, document (required).
* @param {String} dataType of the property / cache, possible values: json, bool, string (required when action is set).
* @param {String} action to be performed, get / set the property / cache (required if the action is set).
* @param {String} value if action === 'set', value to be set. (required if the action is set)
* @param {number} expirationDuration after which the cache expires (optional)
* @return the data stored in the property / cache
const getSetStorage = (storage, key, scope, dataType, action, value, expirationDuration = 21600) => {
let store = storage === 'cache' ? CacheService : PropertiesService;
let val;
if (scope === 'user') {
store = store[storage === 'cache' ? 'getUserCache' : 'getUserProperties']();
} else if (scope === 'script') {
store = store[storage === 'cache' ? 'getScriptCache' : 'getScriptProperties']();
} else {
store = store[storage === 'cache' ? 'getDocumentCache' : 'getDocumentProperties']();
if (action === 'set') {
val = value;
const argsTobePassed = [key, dataType === 'json' ? JSON.stringify(value) : value];
if (storage === 'cache') argsTobePassed.push(expirationDuration);
store[storage === 'cache' ? 'put' : 'setProperty'](...argsTobePassed);
} else {
const storedValue = store[storage === 'cache' ? 'get' : 'getProperty'](key);
if (!storedValue) return null;
if (dataType === 'json') val = JSON.parse(storedValue);
else if (dataType === 'bool') val = storedValue === 'true';
else val = storedValue;
return val;
* Converts string to byte length
* @param {String} str string value to be converted to size
* @return {Number} byte size of the string passed
const byteLength = (str) => {
// returns the byte length of an utf8 string
let s = str.length;
for (let i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
const code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) s += 1;
else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) s += 2;
if (code >= 0xdc00 && code <= 0xdfff) i -= 1; // trail surrogate
return s;
* Returns the length of the string to save in the stroage based on its limitation
* @param {Object / Array} value to be stored
* @param {String} type cache / property
* @return {Number} length of the string
const getChunkSize = (value, type) => {
// Sets the max limit of a chunk. For cache, it is 95KB and for property it is 8.5KB
const sizeLimit = (type === 'cache' ? 95 : 8.5) * 1024;
let newValue = value;
let byteSize = byteLength(newValue);
while (byteSize > sizeLimit) {
// Slices the string in half till it is within the size limit
newValue = value.slice(0, (newValue.length / 2));
byteSize = byteLength(newValue);
return newValue.length;
* Saves the property without the Argument too large error
* @param {String} name of the property
* @param {Object / Array} value of the property
* @param {String} type of the storage property / cache
* @param {String} scope of the storage user / document / script
export const saveInBatches = (name, value, type = 'property', scope = 'user') => {
const jsonStr = JSON.stringify(value);
const strSliceLength = getChunkSize(jsonStr, type);
// Number of iteration to perform
const totalChunkedIterations = Math.ceil(jsonStr.length / strSliceLength);
let counter = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < jsonStr.length; i += strSliceLength) {
const prop = jsonStr.slice(i, i + strSliceLength);
getSetStorage(type, `${name}_${counter}`, scope, 'string', 'set', prop);
counter += 1;
// Stores the total number of chunks stored to be used when retrieving
getSetStorage(type, `${name}_total`, scope, 'number', 'set', totalChunkedIterations);
* Retreive the property in batches to avoid Argument too large error
* @param {String} name of the property
* @param {String} type of the storage property / cache
* @param {String} scope of the storage user / document / script
* @return saved value in the property after fetching from batches
export const retrieveFromBatches = (name, type = 'property', scope = 'user') => {
const count = Number(getSetStorage(type, `${name}_total`, scope, 'number')) || 0;
if (count === 0) return undefined;
let jsonStr = '';
for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
const tempStr = getSetStorage(type, `${name}_${i}`, scope, 'string');
// JSON string is stitched here
jsonStr += tempStr;
// JSON string is parsed and returned
return JSON.parse(jsonStr);
* Deletes all the saved batches
* @param {String} name of the property
* @param {String} type of the storage property / cache
* @param {String} scope of the storage user / document / script
export const deleteBatches = (name, type = 'property', scope = 'user') => {
const count = Number(getSetStorage(type, `${name}_total`, scope, 'number')) || 0;
const serviceFunc = type === 'property' ? PropertiesService : CacheService;
// returns the method to be used based on the type of storage and scope
const funcMethod = {
property: {
user: 'getUserProperties',
document: 'getDocumentProperties',
script: 'getScriptProperties',
cache: {
user: 'getUserCache',
document: 'getDocumentCache',
script: 'getScriptCache',
const deleteObj = serviceFunc[funcMethod]();
const deleteMethod = type === 'property' ? 'deleteProperty' : 'remove';
for (let i = 0; i < count; i += 1) {
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