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Last active June 27, 2021 18:37
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Lint CSS
/* Prevent unsecure [target="_blank] links */
a[target='_blank']:not([rel~='noopener']):not([rel~='noreferrer']) {
outline: 2px dashed red;
/* Input or label without id or for attribute */
label:not([for]) {
outline: 2px dashed red;
/* Headers out of order */
:is(h2, h3, h4, h5, h6) ~ h1,
:is(h3, h4, h5, h6) ~ h2,
:is(h4, h5, h6) ~ h3,
:is(h5, h6) ~ h4,
h6 ~ h5 {
outline: 2px dashed red;
/* Images without alt attribute */
img:not([alt]) {
outline: 2px dashed red;
/* Div inside inline elements */
:is(b, i, q, em, abbr, cite, code, span, small, label, strong) > div {
outline: 2px dashed red;
/* Lang attribute in html document */
html:not([lang]):before {
display: block;
content: "You didn't declare lang attribute";
color: red;
/* <picture> elements that do not contain .webp <source> */
picture > source:first-child:not([type="image/webp"])::before {
content: "Missing a webp source";
padding: 1em;
display: block;
outline: 2px solid aqua;
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