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Last active September 11, 2021 07:51
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Gradle Bamboo Deploy Release Branch Task
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
Gradle commandLine task to trigger deployments from release branches
This will trigger deployments for all Deployment Projects for specific plan
Note that bambooUsername and bambooPassword need to be set (environment variables)
.. also for first time usage override the bambooUrl variable, and rootPlanKey
gradle release43toQa //Deploy release43 to Qa environments
gradle release42toProd //Deploy release42 to Prod environments
Note: this was tested on Bamboo 6.1. The deployment REST API stuff was added recently , so it will no work on older versions of Bamboo (5.7)
tasks.addRule("Pattern: release<version>to<env>") { String taskName ->
def regexMatcher = taskName =~ /release(?<version>\d+)to(?<env>\w+)/
if (regexMatcher.matches()) {
task(taskName) {
doLast {
String version ='version')
String environmentName ='env')
String rootPlanKey = 'MY-KEY'
Object branchPlan = bambooGet("plan/${rootPlanKey}/branch/release-${version}")
if (branchPlan == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find branch release-${version} for planKey ${rootPlanKey}")
//Wait for build to finish
while (bambooGet("plan/${branchPlan.key}").isBuilding){
println "Waiting for plan to finish"
//Get Build Info
Object buildResult = bambooGet("result/${branchPlan.key}-latest")
//Build Release Name is -- Branch Name + Build Number , as per Bamboo defaults
String buildReleaseName = "${buildResult.planName}-${buildResult.buildNumber}"
//Get Related Deployment Projects
Object deploymentProjects = bambooGet("deploy/project/forPlan?planKey=${rootPlanKey}")
deploymentProjects.each { deploymentProject ->
//Get Deployment Project Details
Object deploymentProjectDetails = bambooGet("deploy/project/${}")
//Get Environment
Object environment = deploymentProjectDetails.environments.find {
if (environment == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to find environment $environmentName for deployment project $")
//Create Release if one doesn't exist already
Object release = bambooGet("deploy/project/${}/versions").versions.find { == buildReleaseName }
if (release == null) {
release = bambooPost("deploy/project/${}/version", "{\"planResultKey\" : \"${buildResult.buildResultKey}\", \"name\" : \"${buildReleaseName}\"}")
println "Triggering ${buildReleaseName} deployment to ${environmentName} on ${}"
//Invoke actual deploy
HttpURLConnection getBambooConnection(String url){
String username = System.env.bambooUsername
String password = System.env.bambooPassword
String bambooUrl = ''
if(username==null || password==null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please ensure bambooUsername and bambooPassword are configured with correct values.")
HttpURLConnection connection = new URL("${bambooUrl}/rest/api/latest/${url}${url.contains("?")?"":"/.json?max-result=2000"}").openConnection() as HttpURLConnection
connection.addRequestProperty("Authorization","Basic " + (username + ":" + password).bytes.encodeBase64().toString())
return connection
Object bambooPost(String url, String content = null){
HttpURLConnection connection = getBambooConnection(url)
connection.setRequestProperty( "Content-Type", "application/json" )
connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", "application/json")
if(content != null) {
connection.outputStream.withWriter { it.write(content) }
if(connection.getResponseCode() != 200)
println connection.errorStream.text
return new JsonSlurper().parseText(connection.inputStream.text)
Object bambooGet(String url){
HttpURLConnection connection = getBambooConnection(url)
if(connection.getResponseCode() != 200)
println connection.errorStream.text
return new JsonSlurper().parseText(connection.inputStream.text)
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