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Created August 27, 2018 02:58
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Brainfuck interpreter written in Python 3
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os, sys
if not sys.argv[1:]:
sys.exit("Usage: file [input]")
if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):
sys.exit("File not found.")
# Interpret a bf program
with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
bf = list(filter(lambda x: x in "+-><.,[]",
# Input processing
userinput = sys.argv[2] if sys.argv[2:] else ""
pos = 0 # Instruction
array = {0:0} # Cells
current = 0 # Current cell, incremented with '>' and decremented with '<'
while pos < len(bf):
# Current instruction
inst = bf[pos]
# Increment pointer
if inst == "+":
if current not in array:
array[current] = 1
array[current] += 1
array[current] %= 256 # Wrap around the ASCII table
# Decrement pointer
elif inst == "-":
if current not in array:
array[current] = -1
array[current] -= 1
array[current] %= 256 # Wrap around the ASCII table
# Next cell
elif inst == ">":
current += 1
if current not in array:
array[current] = 0
# Previous cell
elif inst == "<":
current -= 1
if current not in array:
array[current] = 0
# Output ASCII character of cell value
elif inst == ".":
elif inst == "," and userinput:
array[current] = ord(userinput[0])
userinput = userinput[1:]
# Start loop
elif inst == "[":
if array[current] == 0:
loops = 1
while loops:
pos += 1
if bf[pos] == "[":
loops += 1
elif bf[pos] == "]":
loops -= 1
# End loop
elif inst == "]":
loops = 1
while loops:
pos -= 1
if bf[pos] == "[":
loops -= 1
elif bf[pos] == "]":
loops += 1
pos -= 1
pos += 1
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