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Created October 11, 2018 22:00
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Interact with the RingZer0 challenge site.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import bs4, getpass, urllib3
url = ""
url1 = f"{url}/login"
url2 = f"{url}/challenges"
# Set up the connection pool
http = urllib3.PoolManager()
# Disable InsecureRequestWarning
# Initial request
r = http.request("GET", url1)
# Grab the session ID
cookie = r.headers["Set-Cookie"]
# Grab the CSRF token
csrf ="ascii").split("var _")[1][12:44]
# User details
user = input("Username: ")
pswd = getpass.getpass()
# Prepare the form data
form = {"username":user, "password":pswd, "csrf":csrf}
# Login
r = http.request("POST", url1, headers={"Cookie":cookie}, fields=form)
if u"Login failed" in"ascii"):
exit("Incorrect username or password!")
# Function to receive challenge info
def get_chall(n):
print(f"Getting challenge: {n}")
r = http.request("GET", f"{url2}/{n}", headers={"Cookie":cookie})
recv ="ascii")
html = bs4.BeautifulSoup(recv, "html.parser")
return [x.text for x in html.findAll("div", {"class":"challenge-wrapper"})][0]
# Function to submit answer and logout
def answer_chall(n, a):
r = http.request("GET", f"{url2}/{n}/{a}", headers={"Cookie":cookie})
recv ="ascii")
if "Wrong" in recv:
return "Incorrect answer or too slow!"
html = bs4.BeautifulSoup(recv, "html.parser")
flag = [x.text for x in html.findAll("div") if x.text.startswith("FLAG-")][0]
http.request("GET", f"{url1}/logout", headers={"Cookie":cookie})
return flag
##### Solve challenge below! #####
data = get_chall(13)
import hashlib
msg = data.split("-----")[2].encode("ascii").strip()
hash = hashlib.sha512(msg).hexdigest()
print("Result: " + answer_chall(13, hash))
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