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Last active June 27, 2017 03:36
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CustomMesh Header Refactored
// Created by Victor Holt on 3/18/2017.
// Reference: (rbnpontes)
#pragma once
#include <gs-common/PreCompiledHeadersUrho.h>
using namespace Urho3D;
namespace Sencha
enum class MeshUVType {
UV_XY = 0,
struct GAMESENCHA_API MeshVertex {
Vector3 vertex_;
Vector3 normal_;
Vector2 uv_;
Vector4 tangent_;
MeshUVType uvType_;
struct GAMESENCHA_API MeshFace {
unsigned vertIndexStart_;
MeshVertex* v0_;
MeshVertex* v1_;
MeshVertex* v2_;
struct GAMESENCHA_API MeshRawData {
uint32_t numVerts_ = 0;
uint32_t numIndices_ = 0;
PODVector<VertexElement> elements_;
uint8_t* vertexData_ = nullptr;
uint16_t* indexData_ = nullptr;
uint32_t* largeIndexData_ = nullptr;
BoundingBox boundingBox_;
MeshRawData& operator=(const MeshRawData& rawData) {
this->numVerts_ = rawData.numVerts_;
this->numIndices_ = rawData.numIndices_;
this->elements_ = rawData.elements_;
this->vertexData_ = rawData.vertexData_;
this->indexData_ = rawData.indexData_;
this->largeIndexData_ = rawData.largeIndexData_;
this->boundingBox_ = rawData.boundingBox_;
return *this;
class GAMESENCHA_API CustomMesh : public Object
URHO3D_OBJECT(CustomMesh, Object);
//! Constructor.
//! \param context
//! \param isDynamic
CustomMesh(Context* context, bool isDynamic);
//! Destructor.
virtual ~CustomMesh();
//! Adds a face to the mesh.
//! \param v0
//! \param v1
//! \param v2
//! \param uvType
MeshFace* AddFace(const Vector3& v0, const Vector3& v1, const Vector3& v2, const MeshUVType& uvType = MeshUVType::UV_XZ);
//! Adds an index.
//! \param index
void AddIndex(uint16_t index);
//! Adds an index.
//! \param index
void AddLargeIndex(uint32_t index);
//! Sets the face of the mesh based on the given index.
//! \param i
//! \param face
void SetFace(unsigned int i, const MeshFace& face);
//! Returns the face of the mesh from a given index.
//! \param i
//! \return
MeshFace* GetFace(unsigned int i);
//! Commits changes to the mesh.
//! \param updateNormals
//! \param updateTangents
void Commit(bool updateNormals = false, bool updateTangents = false);
//! Calculates the mesh normals.
//! \param check
void CalculateNormals(bool check = true);
//! Calculates the mesh tangents.
//! \param check
void CalculateTangents(bool check = true);
//! Updates the texture coordinates.
void UpdateTexCoords();
//! Updates the bounding box for the mesh.
void UpdateBoundingBox();
//! Clears all vertex data of the mesh.
void Clear();
//! Saves the mesh to a file.
//! \param path
void Save(const String& path);
//! Returns the mesh geometry.
//! \return
Geometry* GetGeometry();
//! Returns the mesh model.
//! \return
Model* GetModel();
//! Sets the scale of the mesh.
//! \param scale
inline void SetScale(float scale) {
scale_ = scale;
//! Returns the scale of the mesh.
//! \return
inline float GetScale() const {
return scale_;
//! Flag to use large indices.
//! \param useLargeIndices
inline void SetUseLargeIndices(bool useLargeIndices) {
useLargeIndices_ = useLargeIndices;
//! Sets the raw data.
//! \param rawData
//! \param rawIndexData
void SetRawData(const MeshRawData& rawData);
//! Returns the mesh vertex buffer.
//! \return
VertexBuffer* GetVertexBuffer();
//! Returns the mesh index buffer.
//! \return
IndexBuffer* GetIndexBuffer();
//! Rotates a mesh face.
//! \param face
//! \param rot
void RotateFace(MeshFace* face, const Quaternion& rot);
//! Rotates a mesh face.
//! \param faceIndex
//! \param rot
void RotateFaceByIndex(unsigned faceIndex, const Quaternion& rot);
//! Rotates the mesh by the given rotation.
//! \param rot
void Rotate(const Quaternion& rot);
//! Returns the bounding box.
//! \return
inline const BoundingBox& GetBoundingBox() const { return boundingBox_; }
//! Adds a vertex.
//! \param v
//! \param uvType
MeshVertex* AddVertex(const Vector3& v, const MeshUVType& uvType = MeshUVType::UV_XZ);
//! Builds the mesh.
//! \param updateNormals
//! \param updateTangents
void CreateMesh(bool updateNormals, bool updateTangents);
//! Generates the vertex data.
void GenerateVertexData();
//! Updates the vertex data.
void UpdateVertexData();
//! Creates a new face.
//! \param v0
//! \param v1
//! \param v2
//! \return
MeshFace* CreateFace(MeshVertex* v0, MeshVertex* v1, MeshVertex* v2);
//! Updates the mesh.
//! \param updateNormals
//! \param updateTangents
void UpdateMesh(bool updateNormals, bool updateTangents);
/// The scale of the mesh.
float scale_;
/// Flag for if this is a dynamic mesh.
bool isDynamic_;
/// Flag to calculate the normals.
bool calcNormals_;
/// Flag to calculate the tangents.
bool calcTangents_;
/// Flag to use large indices.
bool useLargeIndices_;
/// Flag to use raw vertex/index data.
bool useRawDataOnly_;
/// Flag to manually add indices.
bool manualAddIndex_;
/// Raw mesh data.
MeshRawData rawData_;
/// Faces for the mesh.
PODVector<MeshFace*> faces_;
/// Geometry of the mesh.
SharedPtr<Geometry> geometry_;
/// Model of the mesh.
SharedPtr<Model> model_;
/// Vertex buffer of the mesh.
SharedPtr<VertexBuffer> vertexBuffer_;
/// Index buffer of the mesh.
SharedPtr<IndexBuffer> indexBuffer_;
/// Vertex data of the mesh.
PODVector<MeshVertex*> meshVertexList_;
/// Vertex data of the mesh.
PODVector<float> vertexData_;
/// Index data of the mesh.
PODVector<uint16_t> indexData_;
/// Large index data.
PODVector<uint32_t> largeIndexData_;
/// Reference to the bounding box.
BoundingBox boundingBox_;
/// Mutex for the mesh.
Mutex meshLock_;
/// Mutex for calculations.
Mutex calcMeshLock_;
/// Transform for the mesh.
Matrix3x4 transform_;
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