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Created November 3, 2016 13:04
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AOP - Sample
package com.springaction.knights;
public class BraveKnight implements Knight {
private Quest quest;
private Minstrel minstrel;
public BraveKnight(Quest quest, Minstrel minstrel) { = quest;
this.minstrel = minstrel;
/* should Knight manage his own minstrel??? */
public void embarkQuest() throws QuestException {
===================== ApplicationContext.xml =====================
<bean id="knight" class="com.springaction.knights.BraveKnight">
<constructor-arg ref="quest"/>
<bean id="quest" class="com.springaction.knights.SlayDragonQuest">
<constructor-arg value="#(T(System.out)"/>
<bean id="minstrel" class="com.springaction.knights.Minstrel">
<constructor-arg value="#(T(System.out)"/>
<aop:aspect ref="minstrel">
<aop:point-cut id="embark"
expression="execution (* *.embarkOnQuest(..))"/>
<aop:before pointcut-ref="embark" method="singBeforeQuest"/>
<aop:after pointcut-ref="embark" method="singAfterQuest"/>
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