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Forked from dara-tobi/PDO_workout.php
Created December 29, 2015 12:51
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A PDO class extension with custom methods with which to manipulate a mysql database
namespace Dara\Db;
* Class for Mysql database manipulation
class MysqlPDO extends \PDO
* Create a new database to work with
* @param string $db Database name
* @return null
public function createDb($db)
var_export('Creaing database '.$db.'. <br/>');
$create = $this->prepare('Create database '.$db);
if ($create->execute()) {
var_export('database '.$db.' created <br/>');
* Get all entries from a specified database table
* @param string $tableName Table from which data is to be retrieved
* @return null
public function getAll($tableName)
var_export('Fetching data from '.$tableName.'. <br />');
$get = $this->prepare('select name, surname, middles from '.$tableName);
while ($result = $get->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
var_export('<br />'.$result['name'].' '. $result['surname'].' '.$result['middles'].'<br />');
* Delete a specified database
* @param string $db Database to be deleted
* @return null
public function deleteDb($db)
var_export('Deleting database '.$db.'. <br />');
if ($this->exec('drop database '.$db) !== false) {
var_export('Database '.$db.' deleted. <br />');
} else {
var_export('nothing to delete. <br/>');
* Select database to work with
* @param string $db Preferred database to work with
* @return null
public function selectDb($db)
var_export('Selecting database '.$db.'. <br/>');
$this->exec('use '.$db);
var_export('database '.$db.' selected. <br/>');
* Create a database table
* @param string $tableName Name of table to be created in database
* @param array $fields Array of fields to be created in the table
* @return null
public function makeTable($tableName, $fields)
var_export('Creating table '.$tableName.'. <br/>');
$query = 'Create table '.$tableName.'(';
for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fields); $i++) {
if ($i == sizeof($fields) - 1) {
$query .= $fields[$i];
} else {
$query .= $fields[$i].', ';
$query .=')';
if($this->exec($query)) {
var_export('Table '.$tableName.' created. <br />');
* Insert data into a table
* @param string $tableName Table into which data should be inserted
* @param array $columns List of columns to be populated with data
* @param array $data List of data to be inserted
* @return null
public function insertRow($tableName, $columns, $data)
var_export('Inserting data into '.$tableName.'. <br />');
if (count($columns) != count($data)) {
var_export('Unequal number of values and columns specified. <br/>');
$values = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
if ($i == count($data) - 1) {
$values .= '\''. $data[$i].'\'';
} else {
$values .= '\''. $data[$i].'\',';
try {
$insert = $this->prepare('insert into '.$tableName.' ('.implode(',',$columns).') Values ('.$values.')');
var_export('Data inserted. <br />');
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 'Unable to insert: '.$e->getMessage();
* Delete a row from a table
* @param string $tableName Table from which data is to be deleted
* @param string $column Column to be matched with search keyword
* @param string $keyword Keyword to be matched in the row to be deleted
* @return null
public function deleteRow($tableName, $column, $keyword)
var_export('Deleting data from '.$tableName.'. <br />');
try {
$delete = $this->prepare('delete from '.$tableName.' where '.$column.' like \'%'.$keyword.'%\'');
var_export('Data deleted. <br />');
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 'Unable to delete: '.$e->getMessage();
* Edit a row in a specified table
* @param string $tableName Table on which edit is to be carried out
* @param string $keyColumn Column to be matched with serach keyword
* @param string $keyword Keyword to be matched in row to be edited
* @param array $modifications multidimensional array of column to be edited and the new data to use for replacement
* @return null
public function editRow($tableName, $keyColumn, $keyword, $modifications)
var_export('Editing '.$tableName.'. <br/>');
try {
$update = $this->prepare('update '.$tableName.' set '.$modifications['column'].' = \''.$modifications['new-value'].'\' where '.$keyColumn.' like \'%'.$keyword.'%\'');
var_export($tableName. ' table edited. <br/>');
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 'Unable to edit: '.$e->getMessage();
//You might need to change $user and $pass here to match your own Mysql details
$user = 'root';
$pass = '';
$dbName = 'PDO_test_db';
$link = new MysqlPDO('mysql:host=localhost', $user, $pass);
$link->makeTable('users', ['name varchar(15)', 'surname varchar(15)','middles varchar(50)']);
$link->insertRow('users', ['name','middles'], ['Dan', 'Ricky']);
$link->insertRow('users', ['name','middles'], ['Anita', 'Victor']);
$link->insertRow('users', ['name','middles','surname'], ['Amiel', 'Grace','Bolt']);
$link->deleteRow('users', 'surname', 'Bolt');
$link->editRow('users', 'name', 'Anita', ['column' => 'middles', 'new-value' => 'Baker']);
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