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Created April 6, 2020 19:31
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const states = {
pending: 'Pending',
resolved: 'Resolved',
rejected: 'Rejected'
class Nancy {
constructor(executor) {
const tryCall = callback => Nancy.try(() => callback(this.value));
const laterCalls = [];
const callLater = getMember => callback => new Nancy(resolve => laterCalls.push(() => resolve(getMember()(callback))));
const members = {
[states.resolved]: {
state: states.resolved,
then: tryCall,
catch: _ => this
[states.rejected]: {
state: states.rejected,
then: _ => this,
catch: tryCall
[states.pending]: {
state: states.pending,
then: callLater(() => this.then),
catch: callLater(() => this.catch)
const changeState = state => Object.assign(this, members[state]);
const apply = (value, state) => {
if (this.state === states.pending) {
this.value = value;
for (const laterCall of laterCalls) {
const getCallback = state => value => {
if (value instanceof Nancy && state === states.resolved) {
value.then(value => apply(value, states.resolved));
value.catch(value => apply(value, states.rejected));
} else {
apply(value, state);
const resolve = getCallback(states.resolved);
const reject = getCallback(states.rejected);
try {
executor(resolve, reject);
} catch (error) {
static resolve(value) {
return new Nancy(resolve => resolve(value));
static reject(value) {
return new Nancy((_, reject) => reject(value));
static try(callback) {
return new Nancy(resolve => resolve(callback()));
module.exports = {Nancy, states};
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