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Created August 14, 2012 03:15
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Save victorliu/3346020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fast sudoku solver
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <set>
#include <algorithm>
// first index is which row, second is which col;
#define GRID(I,J) grid[9*(I)+(J)]
#define GET(grid,I,J) (grid)[9*(I)+(J)]
std::set<int> all_numbers;
void zero_grid(int *grid){
for(int i = 0; i < 81; ++i){
grid[i] = 0;
// returns how many already filled in
int read_initial_grid(int *grid, const char *filename){
std::ifstream fin(filename);
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
fin >> GRID(i,j);
if(GRID(i,j) < 1 || GRID(i,j) > 9){
GRID(i,j) = 0;
return count;
void print_grid(int *grid){
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
std::cout << " " << GRID(i,j);
std::cout << std::endl;
void fill_grid(const char *reason, int *grid, int i, int j, int val){
std::cout << "Filled in row " << i+1 << ", col " << j+1 << " = " << val << " by " << reason << std::endl;
GRID(i,j) = val;
void generate_occlusion_map(int *grid, int *blocking_map, int n){
// generated the grid of blocked cells (cells which cannot possibly contain value n
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
// if the cell is already filled, then it is blocked
if(GRID(i,j) != 0){
GET(blocking_map,i,j) = 1;
if(GRID(i,j) == n){
// if we found the number, then block out all rows/cols that contain it
for(int k = 0; k < 9; ++k){
GET(blocking_map,i,k) = 1;
GET(blocking_map,k,j) = 1;
// also block out entire 3x3 block that contains it
for(int k = 3*(i/3); k < 3*(i/3+1); ++k){
for(int l = 3*(j/3); l < 3*(j/3+1); ++l){
GET(blocking_map,k,l) = 1;
int fill_by_block_using_occlusion_map(int *grid, int *blocking_map, int n, const char *reason){
// Now see if any 3x3 blocks have only 1 zero
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j){ // these outer 2 loops iterate over each 3x3 block
std::stringstream reason_str;
reason_str << reason;
int blocked_count = 0;
int last_unblocked_k = -1, last_unblocked_l = -1;
for(int k = 3*i+0; k < 3*i+3; ++k){
for(int l = 3*j+0; l < 3*j+3; ++l){
if(GET(blocking_map,k,l) == 1){
last_unblocked_k = k;
last_unblocked_l = l;
if(blocked_count == 8){
// It's unique!
reason_str << " in block " << i+1 << "," << j+1;
fill_grid(reason_str.str().c_str(), grid, last_unblocked_k, last_unblocked_l, n);
return 1;
return 0;
int fill_by_line_using_occlusion_map(int *grid, int *blocking_map, int n, const char *reason){
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
int num_holes_in_col_i = 0; // count number of unblocked cells (holes) in each col
int num_holes_in_row_i = 0;
int last_hole_in_col_i = -1;
int last_hole_in_row_i = -1;
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
if(GET(blocking_map,i,j) == 0){
last_hole_in_row_i = j;
if(GET(blocking_map,j,i) == 0){
last_hole_in_col_i = j;
std::stringstream reason_str;
reason_str << reason;
if(num_holes_in_row_i == 1){
reason_str << " on row " << i+1;
fill_grid(reason_str.str().c_str(), grid, i, last_hole_in_row_i, n);
return 1;
if(num_holes_in_col_i == 1){
reason_str << " on col " << i+1;
fill_grid(reason_str.str().c_str(), grid, last_hole_in_col_i, i, n);
return 1;
return 0;
// First order occlusion test
// returns how many could be filled in
int occlusion_test(int *grid, int n){
int b[81]; zero_grid(b);
int ret = 0;
generate_occlusion_map(grid, b, n);
ret += fill_by_block_using_occlusion_map(grid, b, n, "occlusion test");
if(ret == 0){
ret += fill_by_line_using_occlusion_map(grid, b, n, "occlusion test");
return ret;
int block_refine_occlusion_map(int *b){
int refinements = 0;
// Now see if any 3x3 blocks have unblocked cells in only a single row/col
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j){ // these outer 2 loops iterate over each 3x3 block
int min_unblocked_k = 10;
int max_unblocked_k = -1;
int min_unblocked_l = 10;
int max_unblocked_l = -1;
for(int k = 3*i+0; k < 3*i+3; ++k){
for(int l = 3*j+0; l < 3*j+3; ++l){
if(GET(b,k,l) == 0){
if(k < min_unblocked_k){ min_unblocked_k = k; }
if(k > max_unblocked_k){ max_unblocked_k = k; }
if(l < min_unblocked_l){ min_unblocked_l = l; }
if(l > max_unblocked_l){ max_unblocked_l = l; }
if(min_unblocked_k == max_unblocked_k){ // all in single row
for(int k = 0; k < 9; ++k){
if(3*j+0 <= k && k < 3*j+3){ continue; } // remember to only add occlusion in OTHER blocks
if(GET(b,min_unblocked_k,k) == 0){
GET(b,min_unblocked_k,k) = 1;
}else if(min_unblocked_l == max_unblocked_l){
for(int k = 0; k < 9; ++k){
if(3*i+0 <= k && k < 3*i+3){ continue; } // remember to only add occlusion in OTHER blocks
if(GET(b,k,min_unblocked_l) == 0){
GET(b,k,min_unblocked_l) = 1;
return refinements;
// Second order occlusion test
// Perform first order occlusion, then if any 3x3 blocks contain unblocked cells in a single row/col, use that to perform another level of occlusion
int occlusion_test2(int *grid, int n){
int b[81]; zero_grid(b);
int ret = 0;
generate_occlusion_map(grid, b, n);
// It is assumed that a first order occlusion test was performed already
// Now see if any 3x3 blocks have unblocked cells in only a single row/col
int p = 1;
std::stringstream reason;
reason << "order " << p << " occlusion test";
ret += fill_by_block_using_occlusion_map(grid, b, n, reason.str().c_str());
if(ret == 0){
ret += fill_by_line_using_occlusion_map(grid, b, n, reason.str().c_str());
return ret;
// Use standard occlusion test, but also go through all numbers != n to see if their feasible locations match up exactly, then those numbers must be confined to the feasible locations, which act as a group to block n from being in those locations
int occlusion_test_with_feasible_set_reduction(int *grid, int n){
int b[81]; zero_grid(b);
int ret = 0;
generate_occlusion_map(grid, b, n);
// generate occlusion maps for all other numbers
int b2[9][81];
for(int n2 = 1; n2 <= 9; ++n2){ if(n != n2){
generate_occlusion_map(grid, b2[n2-1], n2);
std::stringstream sout;
sout << "occlusion test by feasible set reduction, sets: ";
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j){ // these outer 2 loops iterate over each 3x3 block
// find which numbers are already in this block, so we can skip it for all n2 already in this block
int numbers_in_block[9];
int num_numbers_in_block = 0;
for(int k = 3*i+0; k < 3*i+3; ++k){
for(int l = 3*j+0; l < 3*j+3; ++l){
if(GRID(k,l) != 0){
numbers_in_block[num_numbers_in_block] = GRID(k,l);
// See if occlusion maps of other numbers line up exactly within any 3x3 block
// easiest way is to xor the maps; if it comes up all zeros within a block then they are identical
// these xors must be performed pairwise, so we get a (strictly upper triangular) matrix of binary matched or not values
int matches[81]; zero_grid(matches);
int feasible_set_size[9]; // number of 0's for each n2
// We have a feasible set overlap of size 2 if matches(i,j) = 1, feasible_set_size(i)=feasible_set_size(j) = 2
// We have a feasible set overlap of size 3 if matches(i,j) = matches(j,k) = 1, feasible_set_size(i) = feasible_set_size(j) = feasible_set_size(k) = 3
// etc.
// fill in feasible_set_size
for(int n2 = 1; n2 <= 9; ++n2){
bool already_in = false;
for(int nn = 0; nn < num_numbers_in_block; ++nn){ if(n2 == numbers_in_block[nn]){ already_in = true; }}
if(n != n2 && !already_in){
feasible_set_size[n2-1] = 0;
for(int k = 3*i+0; k < 3*i+3; ++k){
for(int l = 3*j+0; l < 3*j+3; ++l){
if(GET(b2[n2-1],k,l) == 0){
// fill in matches
for(int n2 = 1; n2 <= 9; ++n2){
bool already_in = false;
for(int nn = 0; nn < num_numbers_in_block; ++nn){ if(n2 == numbers_in_block[nn]){ already_in = true; }}
if(n != n2 && !already_in){
for(int n3 = n2+1; n3 <= 9; ++n3){
bool already_in2 = false;
for(int nn2 = 0; nn2 < num_numbers_in_block; ++nn2){ if(n3 == numbers_in_block[nn2]){ already_in2 = true; }}
if(n != n3 && !already_in2){
// perform the xor; count number of differences instead
int num_differences = 0;
for(int k = 3*i+0; k < 3*i+3; ++k){
for(int l = 3*j+0; l < 3*j+3; ++l){
if(GET(b2[n2-1],k,l) != GET(b2[n3-1],k,l)){
k = 9; break; // exit loop with variable k
// At this point, if num_differences > 0, the XOR was not all zero
if(num_differences > 0){
GET(matches,n2-1,n3-1) = 0;
GET(matches,n2-1,n3-1) = 1;
// Now test to see if there are collections of feasible sets that did overlap
// count how many on each row of matches contains a 1
for(int row = 0; row < 9; ++row){
bool already_in = false;
for(int nn = 0; nn < num_numbers_in_block; ++nn){ if(row+1 == numbers_in_block[nn]){ already_in = true; }}
if(n != row+1 && !already_in){
int num_overlaps = 1; // at least occlusion map of row+1 overlaps with itself
int overlapping_numbers[9]; // keep track of which numbers overlapped
overlapping_numbers[0] = row+1;
for(int col = row+1; col < 9; ++col){
if(GET(matches,row,col) == 1){
overlapping_numbers[num_overlaps] = col+1;
// we limit ourselves to sizes of 2 through 4 to be reasonable
if(2 <= num_overlaps && num_overlaps <= 4){ // subtract 1 since the 1's on the diagonals are never counted
bool can_reduce = true;
for(int n_overlaps = 0; n_overlaps < num_overlaps; ++n_overlaps){
if(feasible_set_size[overlapping_numbers[n_overlaps]-1] != num_overlaps){
can_reduce = false;
// now take the feasible set (1-b2[row][]) and count it as blocking
for(int k = 3*i+0; k < 3*i+3; ++k){
for(int l = 3*j+0; l < 3*j+3; ++l){
if(GET(b2[row], k, l) == 0){
GET(b, k, l) = 1;
sout << "(" << overlapping_numbers[0];
for(int n_overlaps = 1; n_overlaps < num_overlaps; ++n_overlaps){
sout << "," << overlapping_numbers[n_overlaps];
sout << ") in block " << i+1 << "," << j+1 << " ";
ret += fill_by_block_using_occlusion_map(grid, b, n, sout.str().c_str());
if(ret == 0){
ret += fill_by_line_using_occlusion_map(grid, b, n, sout.str().c_str());
return ret;
int trivial_completion(int *grid){
// go through each block
for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j){ // these outer 2 loops iterate over each 3x3 block
int block_numbers[9];
int num_block_numbers = 0;
int last_hole_k = -1;
int last_hole_l = -1;
for(int k = 3*i+0; k < 3*i+3; ++k){
for(int l = 3*j+0; l < 3*j+3; ++l){
if(GRID(k,l) != 0){
block_numbers[num_block_numbers] = GRID(k,l);
last_hole_k = k;
last_hole_l = l;
if(num_block_numbers == 8){
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){
bool in_block = false;
for(int k = 0; k < num_block_numbers; ++k){
if(block_numbers[k] == n){
in_block = true;
std::stringstream reason_str;
reason_str << "trivial completion in block " << i+1 << "," << j+1;
fill_grid(reason_str.str().c_str(), grid, last_hole_k, last_hole_l, n);
return 1;
// go through each line
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
int num_holes_in_row_i = 0;
int num_holes_in_col_i = 0;
int last_hole_j_in_row_i = -1;
int last_hole_j_in_col_i = -1;
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
if(GRID(i,j) == 0){
last_hole_j_in_row_i = j;
if(GRID(j,i) == 0){
last_hole_j_in_col_i = j;
if(num_holes_in_row_i == 1){
// find which number it was
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){
bool in_line = false;
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
if(GRID(i,j) == n){
in_line = true;
std::stringstream reason_str;
reason_str << "trivial completion in row " << i+1;
fill_grid(reason_str.str().c_str(), grid, i, last_hole_j_in_row_i, n);
return 1;
}else if(num_holes_in_col_i == 1){
// find which number it was
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){
bool in_line = false;
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
if(GRID(j,i) == n){
in_line = true;
std::stringstream reason_str;
reason_str << "trivial completion in col " << i+1;
fill_grid(reason_str.str().c_str(), grid, last_hole_j_in_col_i, i, n);
return 1;
return 0;
// go through each empty cell and find which numbers cannot go in that cell
// any numbers in the row, column, or block are eliminated
int cell_wise_elimination(int *grid){
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
if(GRID(i,j) == 0){
// NOw, we have found an empty cell
std::set<int> eliminated_numbers;
// check block
for(int k = 3*(i/3); k < 3*(i/3+1); ++k){
for(int l = 3*(j/3); l < 3*(j/3+1); ++l){
if(GRID(k,l) != 0){
// check row/col
for(int k = 0; k < 9; ++k){
if(GRID(i,k) != 0){
if(GRID(k,j) != 0){
if(eliminated_numbers.size() == 8){
std::set<int> C;
std::set_difference(all_numbers.begin(), all_numbers.end(), eliminated_numbers.begin(), eliminated_numbers.end(), std::inserter(C, C.begin()));
int n = *(C.begin());
fill_grid("cell-wise elimination", grid, i, j, n);
return 1;
return 0;
// look at row,col,block and find which numbers can go in which cells
int feasible_set_analysis(int *grid){
int bn[9][81];
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){
// Generate order-p occlusion map
generate_occlusion_map(grid, bn[n-1], n);
int p = 1;
std::set<int> feas[81];
int max_set_size = 3;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
if(GRID(i,j) == 0){
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){
if(GET(bn[n-1],i,j) == 0){
if(max_set_size < GET(feas,i,j).size()){ max_set_size = GET(feas,i,j).size(); }
// print out feasible sets
for(int i = 0; i < 9; ++i){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; ++j){
if(GRID(i,j) == 0){
int num_printed = 0;
for(std::set<int>::const_iterator it = GET(feas,i,j).begin(); it != GET(feas,i,j).end(); ++it){
std::cout << *it;
for(int k = num_printed; k <= max_set_size; ++k){
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << "[" << GRID(i,j) << "]";
for(int k = 3; k <= max_set_size; ++k){
std::cout << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
#include "brute.cpp"
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
int grid[81];
if(argc < 2){
std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " input.txt" << std::endl;
return 0;
int initial_count = read_initial_grid(grid, argv[1]);
int total_count = initial_count;
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){
int num_filled_per_pass;
num_filled_per_pass = 0;
if(num_filled_per_pass == 0){
num_filled_per_pass += trivial_completion(grid);
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){ if(num_filled_per_pass == 0){
num_filled_per_pass += occlusion_test(grid, n);
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){ if(num_filled_per_pass == 0){
num_filled_per_pass += occlusion_test2(grid, n);
for(int n = 1; n <= 9; ++n){ if(num_filled_per_pass == 0){
num_filled_per_pass += occlusion_test_with_feasible_set_reduction(grid, n);
if(num_filled_per_pass == 0){
num_filled_per_pass += cell_wise_elimination(grid);
total_count += num_filled_per_pass;
}while(num_filled_per_pass > 0 && total_count < 81);
std::cout << "Total filled in: " << total_count << std::endl;
if(total_count < 81){
std::cout << "Built-in rules could not complete the solve. Remaining feasible sets:" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Transfering to brute-force solver" << std::endl;
Puzzle p;
for(int i = 0; i < 9; i++){
for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++){
if(GRID(i,j) != 0){
if(solve(p, 0, gridSize, 0, gridSize, true, true)){
std::cout << "Failed to solve" << std::endl;
return 0;
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