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Created January 3, 2022 15:27
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from z3 import *
from itertools import combinations
def solve_job_shop(alljobs, optimize=False):
v = [[(Int("t_%i_%i" % (i, j)), task)
for j, task in enumerate(job)]
for i, job in enumerate(alljobs)]
clauses = []
# All start times are positive
clauses += [And([(task[0] >= 0) for job in v for task in job])]
# All tasks in a job should be executed sequentially
for job in v:
for i, task in enumerate(job[:len(job)-1]):
t0 = task[0] # start tim of the task
d0 = task[1][1] # duration of task starting at t0
clauses += [t0 + d0 <= job[i+1][0]]
# All tasks have to be executed sequentially on a machine
tasks_per_machine = {}
for J in v:
for T in J:
tmachine = T[1][0]
if tmachine in tasks_per_machine:
tasks_per_machine[tmachine] += [T]
tasks_per_machine [tmachine] = [T]
# Any pair of tasks on the machine should be executed in sequence.
for machno, tasks in tasks_per_machine.items():
for P in combinations(tasks, 2):
t0 = P[0][0] # start time of task 0
t1 = P[1][0] # start time of task 1
d0 = P[0][1][1] # duration
d1 = P[1][1][1]
clauses += [Or([t0 + d0 <= t1, t1 + d1 <= t0])]
if optimize:
s = Optimize()
s = Solver()
for sc in clauses:
if optimize:
for J in v:
s.minimize(J[len(J)-1][0] + J[len(J)-1][1][0])
if str(s.check()) == 'sat':
model = s.model()
m = 0
for job in v:
for task in job:
m = max(m, int(str(model.evaluate(task[0]))))
print("End time: %i" % m)
# ================================================================================
# Driver code / read the input and check it is well formed
# ================================================================================
def well_formed_problem(jobs):
if not isinstance(jobs, list):
return False
for job in jobs:
if not isinstance(job, list) or job == []:
return False
for task in job:
machine_no, duration = task
if machine_no < 0:
print("Tasks should be assigned to machines no > 0.")
return False
if duration <= 0:
print("Tasks should have a duration larger than 0.")
return False
except TypeError:
print("Tasks should be pairs (machine_no >= 0, duration > 0)")
return False
return True
if __name__ == '__main__':
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: python INPUT_FILE [o]")
print("\tHint: test_input contains two valid input files.")
print("\tAdd the o parameter to search for an optimal solution.")
_jobs = []
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as input_grid:
for line in input_grid.readlines():
if well_formed_problem(_jobs):
if len(sys.argv) == 3 and sys.argv[2] == 'o':
solve_job_shop(_jobs, True)
print("Input file does not define a well formed problem.")
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