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Created October 9, 2012 05:19
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mobilpay request
class Auction extends Record
const STATUS_AUTO_DRAFT = 'auto-draft';
const STATUS_DRAFT = 'draft';
const STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active';
const STATUS_RESERVED = 'reserved';
const STATUS_CANCELED = 'canceled';
const TYPE_AUCTION = 0;
const TYPE_STATIC = 1;
protected $_live;
public function getExpiryRequest()
$request = new Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Sms();
$config = Nip_Config::instance()->MOBILPAY;
$request->url = $config->sandbox ? $config->sandbox_request_url : $config->request_url;
$request->signature = $config->merchant_id;
$request->service = $config->listing_service_id;
$request->returnUrl = Listings::instance()->getMineURL();
$request->confirmUrl = Listings::instance()->getMobilpayURL();
$request->orderId = $this->id . md5(uniqid());
$request->encrypt(LIBRARY_PATH . "Mobilpay" . DS . "public.cer");
return $request;
public function getTopListingRequest()
$request = new Mobilpay_Payment_Request_Sms();
$config = Nip_Config::instance()->MOBILPAY;
$request->url = $config->sandbox ? $config->sandbox_request_url : $config->request_url;
$request->signature = $config->merchant_id;
$request->service = $config->top_listing_service_id;
$request->returnUrl = Listings::instance()->getMineURL();
$request->confirmUrl = Listings::instance()->getMobilpayURL();
$request->orderId = $this->id . md5(uniqid());
$request->encrypt(LIBRARY_PATH . "Mobilpay" . DS . "public.cer");
return $request;
public function expired()
return strtotime($this->expires) < time();
* @return Listing
public function toUserListing()
$item = Listings::instance()->getNew();
return $item;
public function getStatusString()
$strings = array(
self::STATUS_AUTO_DRAFT => 'Auto draft',
self::STATUS_DRAFT => 'Inactiv',
self::STATUS_ACTIVE => 'Activ',
self::STATUS_RESERVED => 'Rezervat',
self::STATUS_CANCELED => 'Anulat'
return $strings[$this->status];
* Returns the next live auction in the queue, only if the next item is
* distinct than the current one. If no auction for the same car model is
* found, a random one is returned
* @return Auction
public function getNextLiveAuction()
$manager = Auctions::instance();
$query = $manager->getCurrentQuery();
$filters = array(
"new" => $this->new,
"id_manufacturer" => $this->getManufacturer()->id
$manager->filter($query, $filters);
$item = $manager->findOneByQuery($query);
if (!$item) {
$item = $manager->getRandomCurrent($filters);
return $item;
public function process(&$queue, $offer = false)
$this->price -= $this->getPriceDecrement();
if ($this->price < $this->min_price) {
if ($offer && $offer->price >= $this->price) {
return $this->reserve($offer);
return $this;
public function start(&$queue = array())
$rand = rand(1, 2);
$this->min_price = $this->{"min_price_$rand"};
$this->price = $this->initial_price;
$this->status = self::STATUS_ACTIVE;
$this->id_user_reserved = 0;
$this->reserved = null;
$this->save(array('min_price', 'price', 'status', 'id_user_reserved', 'reserved', 'iterations', 'queue'));
// send previous offers to dealer, then delete
$offers = $this->getOffers();
if (count($offers)) {
return $this;
* @param array $queue
* @return bool
public function queue(&$queue = array())
$this->queue = ++$queue[$this->new][$this->id_manufacturer];
return $this;
* @param Offer|User $item
* @return Auction
public function reserve($item)
if ($item instanceof Offer) {
$offer = $item;
$user = $item->getUser();
} else {
$user = $item;
$this->id_user_reserved = $user->id;
$this->status = self::STATUS_RESERVED;
$this->reserved = date(DATE_DB);
$this->save(array('id_user_reserved', 'status', 'reserved'));
// delete all auction and user offers, except the one that reserved the auction
$offers = $this->getOffers();
$offers = $user->getOffers();
return $this;
public function sendAlerts()
$query = Alerts::instance()->newQuery();
$query->where("new != ?", abs(1 - $this->new));
$query->where("id_model = ?", $this->id_model);
$alerts = Alerts::instance()->findByQuery($query);
if (count($alerts)) {
foreach ($alerts as $alert) {
if ($alert->match($this)) {
return $this;
public function sendNotifications()
$user = $this->getReservedUser();
$dealer = $this->getDealer();
$view = new Nip_View();
$view->setBasePath(MODULES_PATH . 'default/views/');
$view->user = $user;
$view->dealer = $dealer;
$view->auction = $this;
foreach (array("user", "dealer") as $who) {
$view->setBlock('content', '/email/auction_reserved_' . $who);
${$who . "_content"} = $view->load('/layouts/email', array(), true);
$processor = new CSSToInlineStyles(${$who . "_content"}, file_get_contents(STYLESHEETS_PATH . 'email.css'));
${$who . "_content"} = $processor->convert();
$email = new Nip_View_Email();
$email->addTo($user->email, $user->name);
$email->addTo($dealer->email, $dealer->name);
foreach (explode(",", Nip_Config::instance()->EMAIL->offers) as $address) {
return $this;
* @return ModelFuel
public function getModelFuel()
return ModelFuels::instance()->findOne($this->id_model_fuel);
* @return ModelBody
public function getModelBody()
return ModelBodies::instance()->findOne($this->id_model_body);
* @return Model
public function getModel()
return Models::instance()->findOne($this->id_model);
* @return Manufacturer
public function getManufacturer()
$manager = Manufacturers::instance();
if ($this->id_manufacturer) {
$return = $manager->findOne($this->id_manufacturer);
if (!$return) {
$model = $this->getModel();
if ($model) {
$this->id_manufacturer = $model->id_manufacturer;
$return = $model->getManufacturer();
return $return;
public function getName()
$parts[] = $this->getModel()->getName();
$parts[] = $this->model_variant;
return implode(" ", array_map("trim", $parts));
public function getID()
return str_pad($this->id, 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
* @return Dealer
public function getDealer()
return Dealers::instance()->findOne($this->id_dealer);
* @return County
public function getCounty()
return Counties::instance()->findOne($this->id_county);
* Returns the auction's creator
* @return User
public function getUser()
return Users::instance()->findOne($this->id_user);
* Returns the user (if any) that has successfully reserved this auction,
* either via direct reservation or through the offer system
public function getReservedUser()
return Users::instance()->findOne($this->id_user_reserved);
* @todo fetch value from the database
* @return int
public function getPriceDecrement()
return $this->new() ? 100 : 50;
public function getPrice()
return $this->price;
public function active()
return $this->status == self::STATUS_ACTIVE;
public function reserved()
return $this->status == self::STATUS_RESERVED;
public function canceled()
return $this->status == self::STATUS_CANCELED;
public function isStatic()
return intval($this->static) === self::TYPE_STATIC;
public function isAuction()
return intval($this->static) === self::TYPE_AUCTION;
public function isPromotion()
return intval($this->static) === self::TYPE_PROMOTION;
public function isUserListing()
return intval($this->static) === self::TYPE_USER_LISTING;
public function live()
if (is_null($this->_live)) {
$current = $this->getManager()->getCurrent();
if ($current[$this->id]) {
$this->_live = true;
} else {
$this->_live = false;
return $this->_live;
public function activate()
$this->status = self::STATUS_ACTIVE;
return $this;
public function deactivate($notify_user = false)
$this->status = self::STATUS_DRAFT;
$this->queue = $this->price = $this->min_price = 0;
if ($notify_user) {
return $this;
public function sendExpiryNotification()
$user = $this->getUser();
$view = new Nip_View();
$view->setBasePath(MODULES_PATH . 'default/views/');
$view->setBlock('content', '/email/auction_expired');
$view->auction = $this;
$view->user = $user;
$content = $view->load('/layouts/email', array(), true);
$processor = new CSSToInlineStyles($content, file_get_contents(STYLESHEETS_PATH . 'email.css'));
$content = $processor->convert();
$email = new Nip_View_Email();
$email->setSubject(__(' - Anuntul tau a expirat'));
$email->addTo($this->getUser()->email, $this->getUser()->name);
public function validateAdmin($request = array())
if ($request) {
$this->getFromRequest($request, array(
"id_manufacturer", "id_model", "id_county", "new",
"static", "initial_price", "min_price_1", "rabla",
"model_variant", "model_doors", "id_model_fuel", "model_price", "model_engine", "model_power", "model_gearbox", "model_mileage", "model_emissions", "model_co2", "model_color", "model_year", "model_km", "model_warranty", "model_description", "model_tax",
"promotion_discount", "promotion_available", "promotion_optionals_price", "promotion_financing", "contact_email", "contact_telephone"
if ($this->getUser()) {
$fields = array_merge($fields, array('billing', 'tos', 'contact_name', 'contact_email', 'contact_telephone'));
if (isset($request['id_dealer'])) {
$this->id_dealer = intval($request['id_dealer']);
if ($this->isPromotion()) {
if ($this->active()) {
return !count($this->errors);
public function validate($request = array(), $validate_billing = false)
if ($this->isUserListing()) {
return $this->toUserListing()->validate($request);
if ($request) {
$fields = array(
"id_manufacturer", "id_model", "id_county", "new",
"static", "initial_price", "min_price_1", "rabla",
"model_variant", "model_doors", "id_model_fuel", "model_price", "model_engine", "model_power", "model_gearbox", "model_mileage", "model_emissions", "model_co2", "model_color", "model_year", "model_km", "model_warranty", "model_description", "model_tax",
if ($this->getUser()) {
$fields = array_merge($fields, array('billing', 'tos', 'contact_name', 'contact_email', 'contact_telephone'));
$this->getFromRequest($request, $fields);
if (isset($request['id_dealer'])) {
$this->id_dealer = intval($request['id_dealer']);
if ($this->getUser()) {
if ($validate_billing) {
return !count($this->errors);
public function validateNew()
if (!strlen($this->new)) {
$this->errors['new'] = __('Nu ai ales tipul anuntului');
public function validateModel()
if (!$this->getModel()) {
$this->errors['id_model'] = __('Nu ai ales modelul');
public function validatePrice()
if (!($this->initial_price > 0)) {
if ($this->static()) {
$this->errors['initial_price'] = __('Nu ai introdus pretul');
} else {
$this->errors['initial_price'] = __('Nu ai introdus pretul de start');
if ($this->static()) {
$this->min_price_1 = $this->min_price_2 = 0;
} else {
if (!($this->min_price_1 > 0)) {
$this->errors['min_price_1'] = __('Nu ai introdus pretul minim');
return false;
$config = Nip_Config::instance()->AUCTIONS;
$discount = $this->new() ? $config->discount_new : $config->discount_old;
if ($this->initial_price - $discount < $this->min_price_1) {
$this->errors['min_price'] = __('Diferenta intre pretul de start si pretul minim trebuie sa fie de cel putin #{discount} euro', array(
'discount' => $discount
return false;
$this->min_price_2 = $this->min_price_1 + ($this->new() ? 200 : 100);
public function validateSpecifications()
if (!strlen($this->model_variant) || $this->model_variant == __('Versiune')) {
$this->errors['model_variant'] = __('Nu ai completat versiunea');
if (!strlen($this->model_engine) || $this->model_engine == __('Motor') || $this->model_engine == __('Capacitate cilindrica')) {
$this->errors['model_engine'] = __('Nu ai completat motorul / capacitatea cilindrica');
if (!intval($this->model_doors)) {
$this->model_doors = 0;
if (!strlen($this->model_power) || $this->model_power == __('Putere maxima (CP)')) {
$this->errors['model_power'] = __('Nu ai completat puterea maxima');
if (!strlen($this->model_gearbox) || $this->model_gearbox == __('Cutie de viteze')) {
$this->errors['model_gearbox'] = __('Nu ai completat cutia de viteze');
if (!$this->getModelFuel()) {
$this->errors['id_model_fuel'] = __('Nu ai ales combustibilul');
if (!strlen($this->model_emissions) || $this->model_emissions == __('Alege norma de poluare')) {
$this->errors['model_emissions'] = __('Nu ai ales norma de poluare');
if (!in_array($this->model_year, range(date("Y"), date("Y") - 10))) {
$this->errors['model_year'] = __('Nu ai selectat anul de fabricatie');
if ($this->model_co2 == __('Emisii CO2 (g/km)')) {
$this->model_co2 = '';
if ($this->model_mileage == __('Consum Mixt')) {
$this->model_mileage = '';
if (!strlen($this->model_color) || $this->model_color == __('Culoare')) {
$this->errors['model_color'] = __('Nu ai completat culoarea');
if ($this->model_tax == __('Taxa auto') || $this->model_tax == __('Taxa de poluare')) {
$this->model_tax = '';
if (!$this->getCounty()) {
$this->errors['id_county'] = __('Nu ai ales judetul');
if ($this->new()) {
if (!($this->model_price > 0)) {
$this->errors['model_price'] = __('Nu ai completat pretul de lista');
if (!strlen(trim($this->model_description)) || $this->model_description == __('Optiuni incluse in pret')) {
$this->errors['model_description'] = __('Nu ai completat optiunile incluse in pret');
} else {
if (!strlen(trim($this->model_description)) || $this->model_description == __('Descriere completa')) {
$this->errors['model_description'] = __('Nu ai completat descrierea completa');
if (!strlen($this->model_warranty) || $this->model_warranty == __('Garantie')) {
$this->errors['model_warranty'] = __('Nu ai completat garantia');
public function validatePromotion()
if (!($this->promotion_discount > 0)) {
$this->errors['promotion_discount'] = __('Discount-ul Autobis trebuie sa fie mai mare decat zero');
if (!strlen($this->promotion_financing)) {
$this->errors['promotion_financing'] = __('Nu ai completat informatiile legate de finantare');
if (!($this->promotion_available > 0)) {
$this->errors['promotion_available'] = __('Nu ai introdus numarul de unitati disponibile');
if (!strlen($this->contact_email)) {
$this->errors['contact_email'] = __('Nu ai introdus adresa de email de contact');
} elseif (!valid_email($this->contact_email)) {
$this->errors['contact_email'] = __('Adresa de email de contact nu este valida');
if (!strlen($this->contact_telephone)) {
$this->errors['contact_telephone'] = __('Nu ai introdus numarul de telefon de contact');
public function validateImages()
if (!count($this->getImages())) {
$this->errors['images'] = __('Trebuie sa incarci cel putin o imagine');
if ($this->real_images === '') {
$this->real_images = 1;
public function validateOptions($request = array())
$ids = $request['options'] ? array_map('intval', $request['options']) : array();
$options = ListingOptions::instance()->findAll();
foreach ($options as $option) {
if (in_array($option->id, $ids)) {
} else {
public function validateFeatures($request)
$ids = $request['features'] ? array_map('intval', $request['features']) : array();
$features = ListingFeatures::instance()->findAll();
foreach ($features as $feature) {
if (in_array($feature->id, $ids)) {
} else {
public function validateTos()
if (!$this->tos) {
$this->errors['tos'] = __('Trebuie sa accepti Termenii si Conditiile de utilizare');
public function validateContact()
if (!strlen($this->contact_name) || $this->contact_name == __('Nume complet')) {
$this->errors['contact_name'] = __('Nu ai completat numele persoanei de contact');
if (!strlen($this->contact_email) || $this->contact_email == __('Adresa de email')) {
$this->errors['contact_email'] = __('Nu ai completat adresa de email persoanei de contact');
} elseif (!valid_email($this->contact_email)) {
$this->errors['contact_email'] = __('Adresa de email a persoanei de contact nu este valida');
if (!strlen($this->contact_telephone) || $this->contact_telephone == __('Telefon')) {
$this->errors['contact_telephone'] = __('Nu ai completat numarul de telefon al persoanei de contact');
if (!$this->getCounty()) {
$this->errors['id_county'] = __('Nu ai selectat judetul');
* @return AuctionImage
public function getNewImage()
$image = AuctionImages::instance()->getNew();
$image->id_auction = $this->id;
$image->position = 1;
$images = $this->getOrderedImages();
if (count($images)) {
$image->position = $images->end()->position + 1;
return $image;
* @return AuctionImage
public function getImage()
$images = $this->getOrderedImages();
if (count($images)) {
return $images->rewind();
return $this->getNewImage();
public function orderImages($order = array())
if (!count($order)) {
$images = $this->getImages();
foreach ($order as $id) {
$images[$id]->position = ++$i;
return $this;
* To be used as a callback for usort-type functions
public function sortImages($a, $b)
if ($a->position == $b->position) {
return 0;
return ($a->position < $b->position) ? -1 : 1;
public function getOrderedImages()
$images = $this->getImages();
$images->uasort(array($this, "sortImages"));
return $images;
public function uploadImage($data = array())
$upload = new Nip_File_Upload($data);
if (!$upload->valid(Nip_File_Upload::VALIDATE_IMAGE)) {
return $upload->getError();
$image = $this->getNewImage();
return $image;
public function cancel()
$this->status = self::STATUS_CANCELED;
return $this;
public function delete()
$images = $this->getImages();
if (count($images)) {
foreach ($images as $image) {
return parent::delete();
public function getUploadPath()
return UPLOADS_PATH . 'images' . DS . 'auctions' . DS . $this->id;
public function getUploadURL()
return UPLOADS_URL . "images/auctions/{$this->id}";
public function getURL()
if (Nip_Request::instance()->module == 'admin') {
$arguments = func_get_args();
return parent::__call('getURL', $arguments);
$params = array(
"new" => $this->isPromotion() ? 'promotii-autobis' : ($this->new() ? "anunturi-masini-noi" : "anunturi-masini-rulate"),
"name" => Nip_Helper_URL::instance()->encode($this->getName()),
"id" => $this->id
return $this->URL()->Auctions()->view($params);
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