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Created September 7, 2019 16:07
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# Start from golang base image
FROM golang:alpine as builder
# Add Maintainer info
LABEL maintainer="Steven Victor <>"
# Install git.
# Git is required for fetching the dependencies.
RUN apk update && apk add --no-cache git
# Set the current working directory inside the container
# Copy go mod and sum files
COPY go.mod go.sum ./
# Download all dependencies. Dependencies will be cached if the go.mod and the go.sum files are not changed
RUN go mod download
# Copy the source from the current directory to the working Directory inside the container
COPY . .
# Build the Go app
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -a -installsuffix cgo -o main .
# Start a new stage from scratch
FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk --no-cache add ca-certificates
WORKDIR /root/
# Copy the Pre-built binary file from the previous stage. Observe we also copied the .env file
COPY --from=builder /app/main .
COPY --from=builder /app/.env .
# Expose port 8080 to the outside world
#Command to run the executable
CMD ["./main"]
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