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Last active October 30, 2018 08:28
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  • Save victortorrescosta/2b5fdf65253c8d983b969425c642f567 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Powershell script to start Ping jobs on the background. Each ping job pings a target IP and streams the result to a separate file in the log folder. Each record in the log file has the date and time prepended, for easy audit.
# Define the list of target IP addresses
$pingTargetIps = "", ""
# Define the folder where the log files will be generated
$logFolder = "C:\Users\my_user\ping_logs"
echo "Prearing ping jobs..."
$scriptBlock = {
param ($ipAddress,$logFolder)
$ipAddressReplaced = $ipAddress.Replace(".","_")
# Define a filter to easily add date/time to our ping results
filter timestamp {"$(Get-Date -Format G): $_"}
# The log file will be like pingAAA_BBB_CCC_DDD.txt
ping $ipAddress -n 9999999 | timestamp | Out-File $logFolder\ping$ipAddressReplaced.txt -append
# Create an empty array to contain the job names
$jobNameList = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()
Foreach($ipAddress in $pingTargetIps)
echo "Starting JOB to ping $ipAddress saving to $logFolder"
$jobName = "ping$ipAddress"
Start-Job -Name $jobName -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $ipAddress,$logFolder | Out-Null
# Ask user for input in case we need to terminate
# if the character q is input, the ping jobs are terminated and the script terminates
$keyInput = Read-Host "Press the key q and enter to quit"
if ($keyInput -eq "q")
Foreach($jobName in $jobNameList)
Stop-Job -Name $jobName
# End program
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