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Created June 22, 2016 17:56
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const isEmpty = value => value === undefined || value === null || value === '';
const join = (rules) => (value, data) => => rule(value, data)).filter(error => !!error)[0 /* first error */ ];
export function email(value) {
// Let's not start a debate on email regex. This is just for an example app!
if (!isEmpty(value) && !/^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test(value)) {
return 'Invalid email address';
export function required(value) {
if (isEmpty(value)) {
return 'Required';
export function minLength(min) {
return value => {
if (!isEmpty(value) && value.length < min) {
return `Must be at least ${min} characters`;
export function maxLength(max) {
return value => {
if (!isEmpty(value) && value.length > max) {
return `Must be no more than ${max} characters`;
export function integer(value) {
if (!Number.isInteger(Number(value))) {
return 'Must be an integer';
export function oneOf(enumeration) {
return value => {
if (!~enumeration.indexOf(value)) {
return `Must be one of: ${enumeration.join(', ')}`;
export function match(field) {
return (value, data) => {
if (data) {
if (value !== data[field]) {
return 'Do not match';
export function createValidator(rules) {
return (data = {}) => {
const errors = {};
Object.keys(rules).forEach((key) => {
const rule = join([].concat(rules[key])); // concat enables both functions and arrays of functions
const error = rule(data[key], data);
if (error) {
errors[key] = error;
return errors;
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any example using the match please?

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