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Created September 21, 2020 16:51
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/* eslint-disable func-names */
/* eslint-disable no-console */
const Alexa = require('ask-sdk-core');
const GetNewFactHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'LaunchRequest'
|| (request.type === 'IntentRequest');
handle(handlerInput) {
const factArr = data;
const factArrScreen = dataScreen;
const factIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * factArr.length);
const randomFact = factArr[factIndex];
const randomFactDisplay = factArrScreen[factIndex];
const speechOutput = GET_FACT_MESSAGE + randomFact;
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.withSimpleCard(SKILL_NAME, randomFactDisplay)
const HelpHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& === 'AMAZON.HelpIntent';
handle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const ExitHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'IntentRequest'
&& ( === 'AMAZON.CancelIntent'
|| === 'AMAZON.StopIntent');
handle(handlerInput) {
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
const SessionEndedRequestHandler = {
canHandle(handlerInput) {
const request = handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request;
return request.type === 'SessionEndedRequest';
handle(handlerInput) {
console.log(`Session ended with reason: ${handlerInput.requestEnvelope.request.reason}`);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder.getResponse();
const ErrorHandler = {
canHandle() {
return true;
handle(handlerInput, error) {
console.log(`Error handled: ${error.message}`);
return handlerInput.responseBuilder
.speak('Sorry, an error occurred.')
.reprompt('Sorry, an error occurred.')
const SKILL_NAME = 'Haiku Reader';
const GET_FACT_MESSAGE = 'I have a haiku for you: ';
const HELP_MESSAGE = 'You can say tell me a haiku... or, you can say stop... What can I help you with?';
const HELP_REPROMPT = 'You can ask me to tell a haiku or exit to stop. What can I help you with?';
const STOP_MESSAGE = 'Goodbye!';
const dataScreen = [
`Up the wall he crawls
Moving with a spider’s ease
Slinging sticky webs
`He hides in shadows.
Roaming the nighttime darkness.
Savior in the black.
`He’s the man of steel.
Sailing through the air, bird-like.
Defending the Earth.
`A lawyer by day.
Who fights crime in Hell's Kitchen.
The Man Without Fear.
`A streak of lightning.
Gone before you can see him.
Protector of good.
The Flash`,
`A mercenary.
Who's mentally unstable.
The fourth wall breaker.
`I haunt your darkness.
While Gotham City slumbers.
I am its nightmares.
The Joker`,
`He's patriotic.
His shield's indestructible.
Fought in World War II.
Captain America`,
`Amazon princess.
Whose weapon's Lasso of Truth.
Fights for compassion.
Wonder Woman`,
`Weapon's a hammer.
His brother's his nemesis.
He is a Norse God.
`Fish man swims quickly.
Telepathy controls fish.
King of Atlantis.
`He is a fine shot.
His bow is very special.
He is hot tempered.
`If he gets angry.
He'll get into purple pants.
And then turn to green.
The Hulk`,
`His armor is great.
He has strong repulsor rays.
He can fly quickly.
Iron man`,
`His fists contain claws.
Had the alias Logan.
Was born James Howlett.
`Giant flapping wings.
Feathered bird faced mask.
Ancient mace in hand.
const data = [
`<voice name="Justin">Up the wall he crawls<break time="0.5s"/>
Moving with a spider’s ease<break time="0.5s"/>
Slinging sticky webs</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Spiderman</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">He hides in shadows.<break time="0.5s"/>
Roaming the nighttime darkness.<break time="0.5s"/>
Savior in the black.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Batman</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">He’s the man of steel.<break time="0.5s"/>
Sailing through the air, bird-like.<break time="0.5s"/>
Defending the Earth.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Superman</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">A lawyer by day. <break time="0.5s"/>
Who fights crime in Hell's Kitchen.<break time="0.5s"/>
The Man Without Fear.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Daredevil">Batman</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">A streak of lightning.<break time="0.5s"/>
Gone before you can see him.<break time="0.5s"/>
Protector of good.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">The Flash</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">A mercenary.<break time="0.5s"/>
Who's mentally unstable.<break time="0.5s"/>
The fourth wall breaker.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Deadpool</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">I haunt your darkness.<break time="0.5s"/>
While Gotham City slumbers.<break time="0.5s"/>
I am its nightmares.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">The Joker</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">He's patriotic.<break time="0.5s"/>
His shield's indestructible.<break time="0.5s"/>
Fought in World War II.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Captain America</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">Amazon princess.<break time="0.5s"/>
Whose weapon's Lasso of Truth.<break time="0.5s"/>
Fights for compassion.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Wonder Woman</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">Weapon's a hammer.<break time="0.5s"/>
His brother's his nemesis.<break time="0.5s"/>
He is a Norse God.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Thor</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">Fish man swims quickly.<break time="0.5s"/>
Telepathy controls fish.<break time="0.5s"/>
King of Atlantis.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Aquaman</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">He is a fine shot.<break time="0.5s"/>
His bow is very special.<break time="0.5s"/>
He is hot tempered.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Hawkeye</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">If he gets angry.<break time="0.5s"/>
He'll get into purple pants.<break time="0.5s"/>
And then turn to green.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">The Hulk</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">His armor is great.<break time="0.5s"/>
He has strong repulsor rays.<break time="0.5s"/>
He can fly quickly.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Iron man</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">His fists contain claws.<break time="0.5s"/>
Had the alias Logan.<break time="0.5s"/>
Was born James Howlett.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Wolverine</voice>`,
`<voice name="Justin">Giant flapping wings.<break time="0.5s"/>
Feathered bird faced mask.<break time="0.5s"/>
Ancient mace in hand.</voice>
<audio src="soundbank://soundlibrary/aircrafts/futuristic/futuristic_02"/>
<voice name="Justin">Hawkman</voice>`
const skillBuilder = Alexa.SkillBuilders.custom();
exports.handler = skillBuilder
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