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Nicklas Gummesson viddo

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auremoser /
Last active February 24, 2016 10:55
Parsons Color Lesson
edrex / Automatically start Camlistore at login on
Last active January 6, 2017 14:35
Automatically start Camlistore at login on OSX

I store my documents in a Camlistore, with a local instance running on my workstation and sync to an s3 bucket and a fixed server. Since I set this up 2 years ago, I've been manually starting camlistored and cammount inside a tmux session each time I log in to OSX.

Today I finally got around to setting up these processes to to start using the native OSX facility, launchd plists.


  • camlistored and cammount should be in /usr/local/bin. I have them symlinked via

cd /usr/local/bin && ln -s ~/go/* . &&

ncase /
Last active January 20, 2017 19:04

"Do and Show and Tell"

###Do & Show & Tell

Don't try to explain everything with something interactive. Use interactivity only when interactivity works best, otherwise, supplement it with text & images. Also keep in mind the overlaps of Do & Show & Tell: when text interacts with the diagrams (e.g. Tangle), and vice versa.

Text: Best at describing very abstract concepts.
Graphs: Best at showing broad relationships at a glance.
Animations: Best at showing temporal relationships.
Interactives: Best at showing processes, systems, models. (See final slide on Procedural Rhetoric)

ncase /
Last active July 5, 2017 15:33
The Common Project Project (version 0.1)

A country that's polarized is paralyzed. If we want any change in the coming years, we need to find a way to work together. However, you can't just unify people by holding hands and singing Kumbaya. No – rather than ignore or "put aside" our differences, let's use our different perspectives & interests & skills to tackle problems from all possible angles! For us to find common ground, we first need to find common goals.

This is the Common Project project.

Below, you'll find a list of projects, people, organizations, books, talks, movies, articles, and ideas that cross partisan lines to solve The Big Problems we face today. There's many such problems. And we'll need help from all sides.

curran /
Last active July 16, 2018 19:19
Map & Globe

Pan and zoom in the map on the left to rotate the globe.

Click and drag the globe to pan on the map.

An example that shows a Chiasm plugin based on Leaflet.js alongside a Chiasm globe plugin based on the D3 example This is a Globe.

The Chiasm plugins demonstrated here are

bomberstudios /
Last active April 26, 2020 15:12
Ale Muñoz — UX Spain 2015

Design Hacking — Mi chapa del UX Spain 2015

Hola, mundo

Soy Ale Muñoz. Nací en Sevilla, aunque ahora vivo con mi mujer y mi hija en Madrid, donde trabajo para una empresa holandesa, con un equipo repartido por toda Europa, haciendo software que se usa en todos los rincones del mundo.

Me gusta diseñar, cocinar, y sentarme plácidamente a poner la mente en blanco sin hacer absolutamente nada.

Llevo muchos años ayudando a diseñadores y diseñadoras a trabajar menos, fabricando herramientas para automatizar tareas, definiendo procesos de trabajo, o gestionando proyectos de diseño. Si alguna vez habéis trabajado conmigo es posible que os haya contado algún truco para hacer algo más rápido

import Timestamp from './timestamp';
function getKeys(trie) {
return Object.keys(trie).filter(x => x !== 'hash');
function keyToTimestamp(key) {
// 16 is the length of the base 3 value of the current time in
// minutes. Ensure it's padded to create the full value
let fullkey = key + '0'.repeat(16 - key.length);

This document has moved!

It's now here, in The Programmer's Compendium. The content is the same as before, but being part of the compendium means that it's actively maintained.

evancz /
Last active October 17, 2023 05:36
Some thoughts on how to have nicer discussions online

Towards Discussion Guidelines

I personally like to have discussions in the spirit of the Socratic method. Instead of declaring my opinion, I ask a relevant question. How about this situation? What about this case? This has two possible outcomes.

  1. The other person explains to me how things work in that case. I realize that I misunderstood, and we both come out enriched and in agreement.
  2. The other person realizes that those situations are not covered. They realize they misunderstood, and we both come out enriched and in agreement.

In both cases, it could have been a conflict, egos crashing together. But by asking questions, it becomes a collaboration to find the best answer. Even the simple act of asking a question in the first place says, "I care what you have to say, we can agree on this." That said, I have noticed that it is definitely still possible for things to go wrong within this framework. How can this happen?

There was a passage from [The