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Created May 6, 2015 00:09
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%% run this on the CLI:
%% start erlang: erl +K true
%% file size is arbitrary but too big will make the VM crawl with what follows
{ok, Bin} = file:read_file("my_at_least_3MB_file.something").
L = binary_to_list(Bin).
Pid = memory:start().
%% keep N low, a value of 100 makes my VM unresponsive in my 16GB of RAM Retina Mac.
N = 10.
[Pid ! {set, Key, L} || Key <- lists:seq(1, N)].
%% use Activity Monitor or similar to check beam.smp memory usage.
%% next line will double memory usage since the dictionary will be duplicaed
%% see:
erlang:process_info(Pid, dictionary).
start() ->
spawn(fun loop/0).
loop() ->
{set, Key, Val} ->
put(Key, Val),
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