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Last active July 1, 2024 07:24
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A aswsomes 1200 line method
public function QueryBuilder(array $criteria, array $depths = []): QueryBuilder
$builder = QueryBuilder::for(Order::class);
$condition = $depths['condition'] ?? '';
$with = [
// 'orderItems',
// 'orderLogisticsFeatures',
// 'orderDeclares',
if (isset($criteria['loadCustomTagHandlers'])){
$with[] = 'customTagsEnable.handlers';
// 自定义加载关联关系
if (isset($depths['with'])) {
$with = $depths['with'];
// 支持传入select 检索字段
if (isset($depths['select']) && !empty($depths['select'])) {
$select = array_unique(array_merge([''], $depths['select']));
// 防止有排序字段时,select中没有该字段而报错 订单排序目前都是orders表字段
if (isset($criteria['sort'])) {
$sort_filed = ltrim($criteria['sort'], '-');
if ($sort_filed == 'payment_at_gmt') {
$sort_filed = 'payment_at_timezone';
$select[] = 'orders.' . $sort_filed;
} else {
$is_warehouse = $this->checkWarehousePermission($criteria);
$leftJoinItem = false;
// 数据权限过滤
if (isset($criteria['permission'])) {
if (isset($criteria['permission']['pattern'])) {
if (empty($criteria['permission']['pattern'])) {
return $builder->where('', '=', -1);
$pattern = $criteria['permission']['pattern'];
$options = $criteria['permission']['options'] ?? [];
if (empty($options)) {
return $builder->where('', '=', -1);
// 按照店铺查看
if ($pattern == 'order_show_shop') {
if (is_array($options) && !empty(array_filter($options))) {
$builder->whereIn('orders.shop_id', $options);
// 按照仓库查看
if ($pattern == 'order_show_warehouse') {
if (is_array($options) && !empty(array_filter($options))) {
$builder->leftJoin('order_items', '', '=', 'order_items.order_id')
->whereIn('order_items.sku_warehouse_id', array_filter($options))->distinct('');
$leftJoinItem = true;
// 按照物流渠道查看
if ($pattern == 'order_show_logistic') {
if (is_array($options)) {
// 只有空物流渠道
if (in_array(0, $options) && count($options) == 1) {
// 只有正常物流渠道
if (!in_array(0, $options) && count($options) > 0) {
$builder->whereIn('orders.logistic_channel_id', $options);
// 既有正常渠道 又有空渠道
if (in_array(0, $options) && count($options) > 1) {
function ($query1) use ($options) {
$query1->whereIn('orders.logistic_channel_id', $options)
if (isset($criteria['ids'])) {
$builder->whereIn('', array_unique(array_filter($criteria['ids'])));
// 订单页签列表检索
if (isset($depths['tab']) && !empty($depths['tab'])) {
// 待处理订单列表
if ($depths['tab'] == OrderConstants::TAB_PENDING) {
$builder->where('orders.order_status', '=', Order::PENDING)
// ->where('orders.transport_status', '=', Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_PENDING)
->where('orders.is_abnormal', '=', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
// ->whereNotIn(
// '',
// function ($query) {
// $query->select('')->from('orders')
// ->leftJoin('order_multiple_tags', '', '=', 'order_multiple_tags.order_id')
// ->where('order_multiple_tags.is_handle', '=', 0)
// ->where('order_multiple_tags.type', '=', 2);
// }
// );
// 交运订单列表
if ($depths['tab'] == OrderConstants::TAB_SHIP) {
->where('orders.is_abnormal', '=', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
// ->whereNotIn(
// '',
// function ($query) {
// $query->select('')->from('orders')
// ->leftJoin('order_multiple_tags', '', '=', 'order_multiple_tags.order_id')
// ->where('order_multiple_tags.is_handle', '=', 0)
// ->where('order_multiple_tags.type', '=', 2);
// }
// );
// 异常订单列表
if ($depths['tab'] == OrderConstants::TAB_ABNORMAL) {
if (isset($criteria['abnormal_tag_id']) && $criteria['abnormal_tag_id'] != '')
$this->filterAbnormalTagById($builder, $criteria['abnormal_tag_id']);
$joinMultipleTags = true;
} else {
// 查询全部异常订单
$builder->where('orders.is_abnormal', '=', Order::ABNORMAL_ORDER);
// 交运异常订单列表
if ($depths['tab'] == OrderConstants::SHIP_ABNORMAL) {
$builder->where('orders.transport_status', '=', Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_FAIL)
->where('orders.transport_error_remove', '=', 0)
->whereIn('orders.order_status', [Order::PENDING, Order::DISTRIBUTION]);
// 已发货订单列表 发货中订单列表
if ($depths['tab'] == OrderConstants::TAB_SHIPPED || $depths['tab'] == OrderConstants::TAB_SHIPMENT) {
// $builder->whereNotIn(
// '',
// function ($query) {
// $query->select('')->from('orders')
// ->leftJoin('order_multiple_tags', '', '=', 'order_multiple_tags.order_id')
// ->where('order_multiple_tags.is_handle', '=', 0)
// ->where('order_multiple_tags.type', '=', 2);
// }
// );
$builder->where('orders.is_abnormal', '=', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
// } else {
// // 全部订单tab:默认排序:优先订单状态排序(异常订单>待处理>可配货>发货中>已发货>已作废,按以上顺序排序),订单状态一致时按付款时间排序
// $builder->orderBy('is_abnormal', 'desc')->orderBy('order_status');
if (!empty($criteria['status_tab'])){
$tabs = is_array($criteria['status_tab']) ? $criteria['status_tab'] : explode(',',$criteria['status_tab']);
$tabConditions = [
OrderConstants::TAB_ABNORMAL => function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('orders.order_status', [Order::PENDING, Order::DISTRIBUTION, Order::DELIVERY])->where('orders.is_abnormal', Order::ABNORMAL_ORDER);
OrderConstants::TAB_PENDING => function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('orders.order_status', [Order::PENDING])->where('orders.is_abnormal', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
OrderConstants::TAB_SHIP => function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('orders.order_status', [Order::DISTRIBUTION])->where('orders.is_abnormal', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
OrderConstants::TAB_SHIPMENT => function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('orders.order_status', [Order::DELIVERY])->where('orders.is_abnormal', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
OrderConstants::TAB_SHIPPED => function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('orders.order_status', [Order::DELIVERED])->where('orders.is_abnormal', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
OrderConstants::TAB_REPEAL => function (Builder $query) {
$query->whereIn('orders.order_status', [Order::REPEAL])->where('orders.is_abnormal', Order::NORMAL_ORDER);
$builder->where(function (Builder $query) use ($tabs, $tabConditions) {
foreach ($tabs as $tab) {
if (isset($tabConditions[$tab])) {
$query->orWhere(function (Builder $query) use ($tabConditions, $tab) {
if (!empty($criteria['order_status'])) {
$orderStatus = $criteria['order_status'];
if (!is_array($criteria['order_status'])) {
$orderStatus = (array)$orderStatus;
$builder->whereIn('orders.order_status', $orderStatus);
$normalFilterOptions = [
$timeIntervalOptions = [
$seniorFilterOptions = [
// 'order_sku_detail',// 特殊查询,为提高代码可读性,从改数组中移除,单独编写检索逻辑,下同
$intervalOptions = [
// 'zip_long',
$keywordOptions = [
// 'abolish_reason',
foreach ($criteria as $key => $value) {
if (empty($value)) {
if (in_array($key,$normalFilterOptions)){
// 物流公司、物流渠道支持查空 前端传0过来
if (in_array($key,['logistic_id','logistic_channel_id']) && in_array(0, $value)) {
$builder->where(function ($query) use ($key,$value) {
$query->whereIn('orders.'.$key, array_filter($value))
}else {
if (in_array($key,$timeIntervalOptions)){
if($key == 'payment_at_gmt'){
$key = 'payment_at_timezone';
if($key == 'transport_at_gmt'){
if (isset($value['start']) && !empty($value['start'])) {
$builder->where('orders.' . $key, '>=', $value['start']);
if (isset($value['end']) && !empty($value['end'])) {
$builder->where('orders.' . $key, '<=', $value['end']);
if (in_array($key,$seniorFilterOptions) && is_array($value)){
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $value['condition'], 'orders.'.$key, $value['value'] ?? []);//condition=3时,前端不传value
if (in_array($key,$intervalOptions)){
$start = $value['start'] ?? null;
$end = $value['end'] ?? null;
if (!empty($start)){
if (!empty($end)){
if (in_array($key,$keywordOptions)){
$builder->where('orders.'.$key, 'LIKE', '%' . $value . '%');
if (in_array($key, ['plat_sku','order_sku_detail'])) {
if (!$leftJoinItem){
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $value['condition'], 'order_items.plat_sku', $value['value']);
if ($key == 'zip_long'){
$start = $value['start'] ?? null;
$end = $value['end'] ?? null;
if (!empty($start)){
$builder->whereRaw("IFNULL(LENGTH(orders.customer_zip),0) >= $start");
if (!empty($end)){
$builder->whereRaw("IFNULL(LENGTH(orders.customer_zip),0) <= $end");
if ($key == 'abolish_reason'){
->where('abolish_reasons.title','LIKE','%' . $value . '%');
if (!empty($criteria['no_urgent_type_id']) && is_array($criteria['no_urgent_type_id'])){
if (empty($criteria['urgent_type_id'])){
$builder->where(function ($query) use ($criteria){
// 是否有货运转单号查询
if (isset($criteria['is_transfer_no']) && in_array($criteria['is_transfer_no'], [0, 1])) {
if($criteria['is_transfer_no'] == 0) {
$builder->where('is_real_transfer_no', '=', 1)
} else {
if (isset($criteria['is_real_transfer_no']) && in_array($criteria['is_real_transfer_no'], [0, 1])) {
$builder->where('is_real_transfer_no', '=', $criteria['is_real_transfer_no']);
if (isset($criteria['ship_warehouse_ids']) && !empty($criteria['ship_warehouse_ids'])) {
if (!$leftJoinItem){
$leftJoinItem = true;
$warehouseIds = is_array($criteria['ship_warehouse_ids']) ? $criteria['ship_warehouse_ids'] : explode(',', $criteria['ship_warehouse_ids']);
$builder->whereIn('order_items.sku_warehouse_id', array_filter($warehouseIds))->distinct('');
// 平台、店铺域名检索 需要联shops表
if (!empty($criteria['plat_ids']) || !empty($criteria['shop_domain'])) {
if (!empty($criteria['plat_ids'])){
$platIds = is_array($criteria['plat_ids']) ? $criteria['plat_ids'] : explode(',', $criteria['plat_ids']);
$builder->whereIn('shops.shop_plat_id', array_filter($platIds));
if (!empty($criteria['shop_domain'])){
$shop_domain = $criteria['shop_domain'];
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $shop_domain['condition'], 'shops.code_url', $shop_domain['value'] ?? []);
// SKU、SPU、SKU名称检索 需要联order_items表
if (isset($criteria['skus']) || isset($criteria['spus']) || isset($criteria['sku_title'])){//sku、spu、title
if (!$leftJoinItem) {
$builder->leftJoin('order_items', '', '=', 'order_items.order_id');
$leftJoinItem = true;
// SKU检索
if (isset($criteria['skus'])) {
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $criteria['sku_condition'], 'order_items.sku_code', $criteria['skus']);
// SPU检索 需要联skus、spus表
if (isset($criteria['spus'])) {
$builder->leftJoin('skus', 'order_items.sku_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('spus', 'skus.spu_id', '=', '');
if ($criteria['spu_condition'] == 3){
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $criteria['spu_condition'], 'spus.spu_code', $criteria['spus']);
// SKU名称检索
if (isset($criteria['sku_title'])) {
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $criteria['title_condition'], 'order_items.title', $criteria['titles'] ?? []);
if (!empty($criteria['transport_status']) && is_array($criteria['transport_status'])){
$transportStatus = array_filter($criteria['transport_status'],function ($value){
return $value >= 0 && $value <= 5;
if (in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_PENDING,$transportStatus)){
$transportStatus[] = Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_START;
$builder->where(function ($query) use ($transportStatus){
if (
(!in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_SUCCESS,$transportStatus) && !in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_OVERDUE,$transportStatus))
|| (in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_SUCCESS,$transportStatus) && in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_OVERDUE,$transportStatus))
elseif (in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_SUCCESS,$transportStatus) && !in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_OVERDUE,$transportStatus)){
$transportStatus = array_filter($transportStatus,function ($value){
return $value != Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_SUCCESS;
if (!empty($transportStatus)){
// 1、手填单号,状态=成功,交运超期时间为空
$query->orWhere(function ($query1){
// 2、状态=成功、订单已发货
$query->orWhere(function ($query2){
// 3、状态=成功,未超期的
$query->orWhere(function ($query3){
elseif (!in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_SUCCESS,$transportStatus) && in_array(Order::TRANSPORT_STATUS_OVERDUE,$transportStatus)){
$query->orWhere(function ($query4){
// 异常订单tab下选择某个异常分类时,返回查询失败列表专用
if (!empty($criteria['filter_abnormal_tag_id']) && !($joinMultipleTags ?? false)){//防止重复left join
$this->filterAbnormalTagById($builder, $criteria['filter_abnormal_tag_id']);
// 此处针对交运异常列表兼容开头是,结尾是的查询条件
$oldOrderFilterFields = [
'plat_order_no' => 'plat_order_no',
'transaction_no' => 'transaction_no',
'customer_name' => 'customer_name',
'delivery_error' => 'transport_error_message',
'customer_country_code' => 'customer_country',
foreach ($oldOrderFilterFields as $alias => $orderField) {
if (!isset($criteria[$alias])){
if (in_array($condition,[1,2,4,5]) && !empty($criteria[$alias])){
$value = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria[$alias]);
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $condition, 'orders.' . $orderField, $value);
if (isset($criteria['plat_sku'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['plat_sku'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['plat_sku']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.order_sku_detail', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['plat_sku'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.order_sku_detail', 'like', '%' . $criteria['plat_sku'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['logistic_freight_no'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['logistic_freight_no'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['logistic_freight_no']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.logistic_freight_no', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['logistic_freight_no'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.logistic_freight_no', 'like', '%' . $criteria['logistic_freight_no'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['logistic_freight_inner_no'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['logistic_freight_inner_no'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['logistic_freight_inner_no']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.logistic_freight_inner_no', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['logistic_freight_inner_no'] != '') {
'%' . $criteria['logistic_freight_inner_no'] . '%'
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['customer_email'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['customer_email'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_email']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.customer_email', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['customer_email'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.customer_email', 'like', '%' . $criteria['customer_email'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
$builder->where('orders.customer_email', '=', '');
if (isset($criteria['paypal_id'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['paypal_id'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['paypal_id']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.paypal_id', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['paypal_id'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.paypal_id', 'like', '%' . $criteria['paypal_id'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['customer_state'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['customer_state'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_state']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.customer_state', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['customer_state'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.customer_state', 'like', '%' . $criteria['customer_state'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['customer_city'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['customer_city'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_city']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.customer_city', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['customer_city'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.customer_city', 'like', '%' . $criteria['customer_city'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['customer_tel'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['customer_tel'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_tel']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.customer_tel', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['customer_tel'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.customer_tel', 'like', '%' . $criteria['customer_tel'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['sku_quantity'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['sku_quantity'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['sku_quantity']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.sku_quantity_total', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['sku_quantity'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.sku_quantity_total', 'like', '%' . $criteria['sku_quantity'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['customer_address1'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['customer_address1'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_address1']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.customer_address1', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['customer_address1'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.customer_address1', 'like', '%' . $criteria['customer_address1'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['customer_address2'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['customer_address2'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_address2']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.customer_address2', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['customer_address2'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.customer_address2', 'like', '%' . $criteria['customer_address2'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
if (isset($criteria['remarks'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['remarks'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['remarks']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.remarks', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['remarks'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.remarks', 'like', '%' . $criteria['remarks'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
// 邮编
if (isset($criteria['customer_zip'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['customer_zip'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_zip']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.customer_zip', $arr);
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['customer_zip'] != '') {
$builder->where('orders.customer_zip', 'like', '%' . $criteria['customer_zip'] . '%');
if ($condition == 3) {
// 邮编长度
if (isset($criteria['customer_zip_long'])) {
if (in_array($condition, [1, 2]) && $criteria['customer_zip_long'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['customer_zip_long']);
// 过滤非number类型的
$arr = array_filter(
function ($val) {
return $val && is_numeric($val);
$builder->whereRaw('length(orders.customer_zip) in (?)', empty($arr) ? '-1' : implode(',', $arr));
if ($condition == 3) {
$builder->whereRaw('length(orders.customer_zip) = 0');
if (isset($criteria['title'])) {
if (!$leftJoinItem) {
$builder->leftJoin('order_items', '', '=', 'order_items.order_id');
$leftJoinItem = true;
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['title'] != '') {
$arr = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['title']);
$builder->whereIn('order_items.title', $arr)->distinct('');
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['title'] != '') {
$builder->where('order_items.title', 'like', '%' . $criteria['title'] . '%')->distinct('');
if ($condition == 3) {
$builder->where('order_items.title', '=', '')->distinct('');
// 店铺id检索
if (isset($criteria['shop_ids']) && !empty($criteria['shop_ids'])) {
$shopIds = is_array($criteria['shop_ids']) ? $criteria['shop_ids'] : explode(',', $criteria['shop_ids']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.shop_id', array_filter($shopIds));
// 2023/12/23 增加自定义 分类设置
if (isset($criteria['setting_tags']) && !empty($criteria['setting_tags']) && is_array($criteria['setting_tags'])) {
// 异常已处理 handled
// 异常未处理 unhandled
// 正常分类 normal
$typeArr = [];
$handleArr = [];
if (in_array('handled', $criteria['setting_tags'])) {
$handleArr[] = 1;
$typeArr[] = 2;
if(in_array('unhandled', $criteria['setting_tags'])) {
$handleArr[] = 0;
$typeArr[] = 2;
if (in_array('normal', $criteria['setting_tags'])) {
$typeArr[] = 1;
$type = count($typeArr) == 1 ? reset($typeArr) : null;
$is_handle = count($handleArr) == 1 ? reset($handleArr) : null;
$systemTagsFlag = isset($criteria['system_tags']) && !empty($criteria['system_tags']);
$systemTagsReverseFlag = isset($criteria['no_system_tags']) && !empty($criteria['no_system_tags']);
$system_tags_union = ($criteria['system_tags_set'] ?? 'union') == 'union';
$systemTagIds = $excludeSystemTagIds = [];
if ($systemTagsFlag) {
$systemTagIds = is_array($criteria['system_tags']) ? $criteria['system_tags'] : explode(',', $criteria['system_tags']);
if ($systemTagsReverseFlag) {
$excludeSystemTagIds = is_array($criteria['no_system_tags']) ? $criteria['no_system_tags'] : explode(',', $criteria['no_system_tags']);
if (!$systemTagsFlag && $systemTagsReverseFlag && count($excludeSystemTagIds) == 1){
$system_tags_union = false;//只有一个反选时,取交集intersection
// 固定分类 后面优化为横表检索 默认取交集
if ($systemTagIds && $excludeSystemTagIds) {
if ($system_tags_union){
function ($query) use ($systemTagIds, $excludeSystemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
function ($query) use ($systemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags omt1 where omt1.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and is_system = 1 %s %s',
implode(',', $systemTagIds),
!is_null($type) ? 'and type = ' . $type : '',
!is_null($is_handle) ? 'and is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
function ($query) use ($excludeSystemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags omt2 where omt2.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and is_system = 1 %s %s',
implode(',', $excludeSystemTagIds),
!is_null($type) ? 'and type = ' . $type : '',
!is_null($is_handle) ? 'and is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
function ($query) use ($systemTagIds, $excludeSystemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
function ($query) use ($systemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags omt1 where omt1.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and is_system = 1 %s %s',
implode(',', $systemTagIds),
!is_null($type) ? 'and type = ' . $type : '',
!is_null($is_handle) ? 'and is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
)->groupBy('order_id')->havingRaw(sprintf('COUNT(*) = %s', count($systemTagIds)));
function ($query) use ($excludeSystemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags omt2 where omt2.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and is_system = 1 %s %s',
implode(',', $excludeSystemTagIds),
!is_null($type) ? 'and type = ' . $type : '',
!is_null($is_handle) ? 'and is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
} elseif ($systemTagIds) {
if ($system_tags_union){
function ($query) use ($systemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags omt1 where omt1.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and is_system = 1 %s %s',
implode(',', $systemTagIds),
!is_null($type) ? 'and type = ' . $type : '',
!is_null($is_handle) ? 'and is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
function ($query1) use ($systemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags omt1 where omt1.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and is_system = 1 %s %s',
implode(',', $systemTagIds),
!is_null($type) ? 'and type = ' . $type : '',
!is_null($is_handle) ? 'and is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
)->groupBy('order_id')->havingRaw(sprintf('COUNT(*) = %s', count($systemTagIds)));
} elseif ($excludeSystemTagIds) {
$builder->leftJoin('order_multiple_tags', '', '=', 'order_multiple_tags.order_id')
->whereNotIn('order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id', $excludeSystemTagIds)->distinct('');
if ($type) {
$builder->where('order_multiple_tags.type', '=', $type);
if ($is_handle) {
$builder->where('order_multiple_tags.is_handle', '=', $is_handle);
$builder->where('order_multiple_tags.is_system', '=', 1)->distinct('');
$leftJoinTag = true;
function ($query) use ($excludeSystemTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags where multiple_tag_id in (%s) and is_system = 1 %s %s',
implode(',', $excludeSystemTagIds),
!is_null($type) ? 'and type = ' . $type : '',
!is_null($is_handle) ? 'and is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
// 自定义分类交集并集检索
$customTagsFlag = isset($criteria['custom_tags']) && !empty($criteria['custom_tags']);
$customTagsReverseFlag = isset($criteria['no_custom_tags']) && !empty($criteria['no_custom_tags']);
$customTagIds = $excludeCustomTagIds = [];
$custom_tags_set = ($criteria['custom_tags_set'] ?? 'union') == 'union';
if ($customTagsFlag) {
$customTagIds = is_array($criteria['custom_tags']) ? $criteria['custom_tags'] : explode(',', $criteria['custom_tags']);
if ($customTagsReverseFlag) {
$excludeCustomTagIds = is_array($criteria['no_custom_tags']) ? $criteria['no_custom_tags'] : explode(',', $criteria['no_custom_tags']);
if (!$customTagsFlag && $customTagsReverseFlag && count($excludeCustomTagIds) == 1){
$custom_tags_set = false;//只有一个反选时,取交集intersection
if ($customTagIds && $excludeCustomTagIds) {
// 并集
if ($custom_tags_set) {
function ($query) use ($customTagIds, $excludeCustomTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
function ($query) use ($customTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags left join multiple_tags on
where order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id in (%s)
and order_multiple_tags.is_system = 0 %s',
implode(',', $customTagIds),
'and (multiple_tags.type = 1 or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=0) or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=1 and multiple_tags.hide_after_handled=0)) ',
// !is_null($type) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.type = ' . $type : '',
// ($is_handle == 0) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
function ($query) use ($excludeCustomTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags left join multiple_tags on
where order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and order_multiple_tags.is_system = 0 %s',
implode(',', $excludeCustomTagIds),
'and (multiple_tags.type = 1 or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=0) or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=1 and multiple_tags.hide_after_handled=0)) ',
// !is_null($type) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.type = ' . $type : '',
// ($is_handle==0) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
} else {
// 交集
function ($query) use ($customTagIds, $excludeCustomTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
function ($query) use ($customTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags left join multiple_tags on
where order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and order_multiple_tags.is_system = 0 %s',
implode(',', $customTagIds),
'and (multiple_tags.type = 1 or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=0) or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=1 and multiple_tags.hide_after_handled=0)) ',
// !is_null($type) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.type = ' . $type : '',
// ($is_handle == 0) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
)->groupBy('order_multiple_tags.order_id')->havingRaw(sprintf('COUNT(*) = %s', count($customTagIds)));
function ($query) use ($excludeCustomTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags left join multiple_tags on
where order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and order_multiple_tags.is_system = 0 %s',
implode(',', $excludeCustomTagIds),
'and (multiple_tags.type = 1 or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=0) or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=1 and multiple_tags.hide_after_handled=0)) ',
// !is_null($type) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.type = ' . $type : '',
// !is_null($is_handle) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
} elseif ($customTagIds) {
// 并集
if ($custom_tags_set) {
function ($query) use ($customTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags left join multiple_tags on
where order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and order_multiple_tags.is_system = 0 %s',
implode(',', $customTagIds),
'and (multiple_tags.type = 1 or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=0) or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=1 and multiple_tags.hide_after_handled=0)) ',
// !is_null($type) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.type = ' . $type : '',
// !is_null($is_handle) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
} else {
// 交集
function ($query1) use ($customTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags left join multiple_tags on
where order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and order_multiple_tags.is_system = 0 %s',
implode(',', $customTagIds),
'and (multiple_tags.type = 1 or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=0) or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=1 and multiple_tags.hide_after_handled=0)) ',
// !is_null($type) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.type = ' . $type : '',
// !is_null($is_handle) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
)->groupBy('order_multiple_tags.order_id')->havingRaw(sprintf('COUNT(*) = %s', count($customTagIds)));
} elseif ($excludeCustomTagIds) {
// 并集
if ($custom_tags_set) {
$leftJoinTag = $leftJoinTag ?? false;
if (!$leftJoinTag){
$builder->leftJoin('order_multiple_tags', '', '=', 'order_multiple_tags.order_id');
$builder->leftJoin('multiple_tags', 'order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id', '=', '');
$builder->whereNotIn('order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id', $excludeCustomTagIds);
// if ($type) {
// $builder->where('order_multiple_tags.type', '=', $type);
// }
// if ($is_handle == 0) {
// $builder->where('order_multiple_tags.is_handle', '=', $is_handle);
// }
$builder->where(function ($query) {
$query->where('multiple_tags.type', '=', 1)
->orWhere(function ($query1) {
$query1->where('multiple_tags.type', '=', 2)
->where('order_multiple_tags.is_handle', '=', 0);
->orWhere(function ($query2) {
$query2->where('multiple_tags.type', '=', 2)
->where('order_multiple_tags.is_handle', '=', 1)
->where('multiple_tags.hide_after_handled', '=', 0);
$builder->where('order_multiple_tags.is_system', '=', 0);
} else {
// 交集
function ($query) use ($excludeCustomTagIds, $type, $is_handle) {
'order_id from order_multiple_tags left join multiple_tags on order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id=
where order_multiple_tags.multiple_tag_id in (%s) and order_multiple_tags.is_system = 0 %s ',
implode(',', $excludeCustomTagIds),
'and (multiple_tags.type = 1 or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=0) or (multiple_tags.type = 2 and order_multiple_tags.is_handle=1 and multiple_tags.hide_after_handled=0)) ',
// !is_null($type) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.type = ' . $type : '',
// ($is_handle == 0) ? 'and order_multiple_tags.is_handle = ' . $is_handle : '',
// 物流渠道检索
if (isset($criteria['logistic_channels']) && $criteria['logistic_channels'] != '') {
$logisticChannelIds = explode(',', $criteria['logistic_channels']);
$builder->whereIn('orders.logistic_channel_id', $logisticChannelIds);
// 时间类型条件检索
if (isset($criteria['time_field']) && !empty($criteria['start_time']) && !empty($criteria['end_time'])) {
'orders.' . $criteria['time_field'],
[$criteria['start_time'], $criteria['end_time']]
// sku id检索
if (isset($criteria['sku_ids']) && $criteria['sku_ids'] != '') {
$skuIds = explode(',', $criteria['sku_ids']);
$skuIds = array_filter(array_unique($skuIds));
if (!$leftJoinItem) {
$builder->leftJoin('order_items', '', '=', 'order_items.order_id');
$leftJoinItem = true;
$builder->whereIn('order_items.sku_id', $skuIds)->distinct('');
// sku code批量检索
if (isset($criteria['sku_codes'])) {
if (!$leftJoinItem) {
$builder->leftJoin('order_items', '', '=', 'order_items.order_id');
$leftJoinItem = true;
$skuCodes = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['sku_codes']);
$this->transformAndLoadBuilderByMatch($builder, $condition, 'order_items.sku_code', $skuCodes);
// spu code批量检索
if (isset($criteria['spu_codes'])) {
if (!$leftJoinItem) {
$builder->leftJoin('order_items', '', '=', 'order_items.order_id');
$leftJoinItem = true;
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['spu_codes'] != '') {
$spuCodes = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['spu_codes']);
$builder->leftJoin('skus', 'order_items.sku_id', '=', '');
$builder->leftJoin('spus', 'skus.spu_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('spus.spu_code', array_filter(array_unique($spuCodes)))->distinct('');
if ($condition == 2 && $criteria['spu_codes'] != '') {
$builder->leftJoin('skus', 'order_items.sku_id', '=', '');
$builder->leftJoin('spus', 'skus.spu_id', '=', '')
->where('spus.spu_code', 'like', '%' . $criteria['spu_codes'] . '%')->distinct('');
if ($condition == 3) {
$builder->leftJoin('skus', 'order_items.sku_id', '=', '')
// 店铺域名
if (isset($criteria['shop_domain'])) {
if ($condition == 1 && $criteria['shop_domain'] != '') {
$domains = explode(PHP_EOL, $criteria['shop_domain']);
$builder->leftJoin('shops', 'orders.shop_id', '=', '')
->whereIn('shops.code_url', array_unique($domains))->distinct('');
if ($condition == 2) {
$builder->leftJoin('shops', 'orders.shop_id', '=', '')
->where('shops.code_url', 'like', '%' . $criteria['shop_domain'] . '%')->distinct('');
if ($condition == 3) {
$builder->leftJoin('shops', 'orders.shop_id', '=', '')
// 平台检索
if (isset($criteria['shop_plat_id']) && $criteria['shop_plat_id'] != '') {
$builder->leftJoin('shops', 'orders.shop_id', '=', '')
->where('shops.shop_plat_id', '=', $criteria['shop_plat_id'])->distinct('');
// 订单物流属性检索
if (isset($criteria['order_logistics']) && $criteria['order_logistics'] != '') {
$logisticIds = explode(',', $criteria['order_logistics']);
$builder->leftJoin('order_logistics_features', '', '=', 'order_logistics_features.order_id')
->whereIn('order_logistics_features.logistics_feature_id', $logisticIds)->distinct('');
// 订单商品物流属性检索
if (isset($criteria['order_item_logistics']) && !empty($criteria['order_item_logistics'])) {
$itemLogisticIds = is_array($criteria['order_item_logistics']) ? $criteria['order_item_logistics'] : explode(',',$criteria['order_item_logistics']);
->whereIn('order_item_logistics_features.logistics_feature_id', $itemLogisticIds)
// // 优化sql写法 直接连表改为连接子查询
// $subQuery = OrderItemLogisticsFeature::query()->select('order_id')->whereIn('logistics_feature_id', $itemLogisticIds)
// ->groupBy('order_id');
// $builder->whereIn('', $subQuery);
// if (isset($depths['list']) && $depths['list'] == 1) {
// $with[] = 'systemTagsEnable';
// }
// 过滤作废商品
if ($leftJoinItem) {
// $builder->where('order_items.is_discard', '=', 0);
if (!empty($with)) {
if (!isset($depths['no_group'])) {
if (($criteria['sortByOrderNo'] ?? false) && empty($criteria['sort'])){
$builder->orderByRaw(DB::raw("FIELD(orders.plat_order_no, '" . implode("','", array_unique($criteria['plat_order_no']['value'])) . "')"));
$depths['no_page_sort'] = true;
// 增加可选参数 是否要使用页面排序 因为全部转入发货中操作 需要使用chunkById 要使用id asc排序
if (!isset($depths['no_page_sort'])) {
AllowedSort::field('payment_at_gmt', 'payment_at_timezone'),
return $builder;
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