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Created June 12, 2017 20:10
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Object and scope Assesment

Scope, hoisting and compartmentalization

Answer the following:

In you own words, explain the concepts of scope, hoisting, compartmentalization.

Scope: The section of code within which a variables value holds.

Hoisting: How the javascript interpreter rearranges your code before evaluation. By bringing variable declration and function definitions to the top.

Compartmentalization: Taking advantage of scope to minimize pollution of the global environment.

Provide examples for all three, below:


var name = "Julian";

function nameFunc (){ var name = "Steve"; console.log(name); //Prints "Steve" } console.log(name); //Print "Julian"


function demo(){ var name = getName();

//getName gets hoisted to the top, so the aforementioned assignment works.
function getName (){
    return "Julian"



function blurImage(image){ var img = image; }

function sharpenImage(image){ var img = image; }

//both functions use a variable img, but it refers to two different things

# 1
Warm up
- Study the code bellow and answer the following without checking the console.
- Are the variables what they claim to be?
- What would console.log(y) and console.log(x) print? Why?
- Write you answer bellow the code.
"use strict";
var x = "I'm a local variable";
function scopeThis(){
var y = "I'm a global variable";
------------ ANSWER -------------------
var y is locally scoped to the function scopeThis;
var x is "global" (ignoring the IIFE)
console.log(x) would pring "I'm a local variable"
console.log(y) would be undefined where it is called.
# 2
Warm up
- Study the code bellow and answer the following without checking the console.
- What would console.log(x) and console.log(y) print? Why?
- Write you answer bellow the code.
"use strict";
function warmUp() {
var x = "variable hosting!";
function foo() {
return "function hoisting";
------------ ANSWER -------------------
console.log(x) would be undefined, the "var x" gets hoisted but the assignment gets handled after the console.log call to it.
whereas console.log(foo)'s execution happens after foo() gets hoisted. so this would print "function hoisting"
# 3
Warm up
Date Object
- Declare a variable 'todayIs'.
- Using the date constructor, it should print today's date.
"use strict";
var todayIs = new Date();
var today = todayIs;
console.assert(todayIs == today, "#3 Test failed. Did you set the date correctly?");
//where is testerOne coming from? where is today coming from? Instruction unclear.
# 4
Warm up
- Study the code below. What will console.log(add) (inside the IFEE and outside) print? Why? Write your answer below.
- Do not uncomment console.log(add);
(function() {
"use strict";
const add = 2 + 2;
------------ ANSWER -------------------
Outside the IIFE (not IFEE, but how not proofread these newline things is a different story) add doesn't exist.
Iinside it print 4;
# 5
Date object
- Set 'birthday' to an integer for April 21, 1983.
- There are a couple of hoisting issues in this exercise. Fix them to make the assertion pass.
"use strict";
var birthday = new Date(419752800000);
var date = new Date(birthday);
function bdayMsg(){
return "You were born on " + date.toDateString();
console.log("#5 bdayMsg()", bdayMsg());
console.assert(bdayMsg() == "You were born on Thu Apr 21 1983", "#5 Test failed. Check function hoisting." );
# 6
Date object
- Declare a variable: 'stringDate'.
- Set the value of 'stringDate' to be a string of today's date.
"use strict";
var today = new Date();
var stringDate = today.toDateString();
console.log("#6 stringDate", stringDate)
console.assert(stringDate == stringDate, "#6 Test Failed. Did you set stringDate correctly?")
//where is testerTwo coming from? These excercies are MUCH less effective if the testing in place
//isn't proofread, complete of correct.
# 7
Object notation
- Using dot notation, do the following:
- add a property of "sauceType" with a value of "tomato".
- add a property of "protien" with a value of "chicken".
- add a propety of "orderNow" with a value of that would make it pass the assertion.
- add a property of "sauce" with a value of that would make it pass the assertion.
- Fix hoisting issues
- It should return, "We are making your pizza with tomato and chicken. Pickup in 20 minutes.".
"use strict";
var pizza = {
sauce: true,
orderNow: true,
pizzaMkr: function(){
if (pizza.orderNow == true && pizza.sauce == true){
return "We are making your pizza with " + this.sauceType + " and " + this.protein + ". Pickup in 20 minutes."
else {
return "We only make traditional pizzas. You gotta add some sauce!"
pizza.sauceType = "tomato";
pizza.protein = "chicken";
console.log("# 7 pizza.pizzaMrk()", pizza.pizzaMkr());
console.assert(pizza.pizzaMkr() == "We are making your pizza with tomato and chicken. Pickup in 20 minutes.", "#7 Test failed. Did you add the propeties? Did you set the values correctly? Did you fix the hoisting issues?")
# 8
Object notation
- Study the code below, line by line, carefully. Keep hoisting and scope in mind.
- Add the following properties to 'benefit' using bracket notation:
- "credit" with a value of 50.
- "discount" with a value of 5.
- Complete the missing return statement.
- 'name' must be set to 'James' as a local variable in one of the functions. It should also change the global variable in order for the assertion to pass.
-It should return: "Hello James. Here is the status of your account. Thank you for your loyalty. You've been a member for 18 months . You next bill will reflect a $50 credit and a 5% discount going forward."
- Don't be overwhelmed by the length of the function. Read the instructions carefully. Read it line by line, keeping hoisting and scope in mind. You've got this.
- First fix hoisting issues.
- One of the variables is missing something.
- Are the functions being called when they are supposed to?
(function() {
"use strict";
var goodStanding = true;
var monthsActive = 18;
//Do not modify 'name' globaly.
var name = null;
var benefit = {};
benefit["credit"] = 50;
benefit["discount"] = 5;
//Add properties to 'benefit' using braket notation
function accountCheck() {
name = "James";
var greeting = function() {
return "Hello " + name + ". Here is the status of your account. ";
return greeting() + accountStat();
function accountStat() {
if (goodStanding == true && monthsActive >= 12) {
return offerDiscount();
} else if (goodStanding == false) {
return "Please make a payment within 7 days or your service will be terminated, forever.";
} else if (monthsActive <= 12) {
var timeFrame = 12 - monthsActive;
var months;
if (timeFrame == 1) {
months = "month";
} else {
months = "months";
return "You are " + timeFrame + " " + months + " from getting a special discount!";
function offerDiscount() {
return "Thank you for your loyalty. You've been a member for " + monthsActive + " " + "months . You next bill will reflect a $" + + " credit and a " + + "% discount going forward.";
//Here 'accountCheck' should return both the 'greeting' output and the 'accountStat' output.
console.log("#8 accountCheck():", accountCheck());
console.assert(name == "James", "Test failed. You should set 'name' to 'james' from within accountCheck()");
console.assert(accountCheck() == "Hello James. Here is the status of your account. Thank you for your loyalty. You've been a member for 18 months . You next bill will reflect a $50 credit and a 5% discount going forward.", "Test failed. It returned: " + accountCheck());
# 9
- Fix the Compartmentalization issue in order to make the assertion pass.
(function() {
"use strict";
var multiply = 2 * 8;
function duplicate() {
var multiply = 2 * 10;
console.log( "multiply", multiply );
console.assert( multiply == 16, "Test failed. How can we isolate duplication()" );
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