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Created January 25, 2017 23:00
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git ls-files | grep -v .jpg$ | grep -v .min.js$ | grep -v composer | grep -v views/errors | grep -v application/config | xargs -n1 git blame -w | ruby -n -e '$_ =~ /^.*\(([a-zA-Z ]+)\d{4}/; puts $1' | sed 's/ //g' | sort -f | uniq -c | sort -n
git log --no-merges --shortstat --use-mailmap --format='%aE' -- application/cache application/config application/controllers application/core application/helpers application/hooks application/index.html application/language application/libraries application/logs application/migrations application/models application/resources application/third_party application/views |sed 's/\(.*\)@.*/\1/' | grep -v "^$" | awk 'BEGIN { line=""; } !/^ / { if (line=="" || !match(line, $0)) {line = $0 "," line }} /^ / { print line " # " $0; line=""}' | sort | sed -E 's/# //;s/ files? changed,//;s/([0-9]+) ([0-9]+ deletion)/\1 0 insertions\(+\), \2/;s/\(\+\)$/\(\+\), 0 deletions\(-\)/;s/insertions?\(\+\), //;s/ deletions?\(-\)//' | awk 'BEGIN {name=""; files=0; insertions=0; deletions=0;} {if ($1 != name && name != "") { print name ": " files " files changed, " insertions " insertions(+), " deletions " deletions(-), " insertions-deletions " net"; files=0; insertions=0; deletions=0; name=$1; } name=$1; files+=$2; insertions+=$3; deletions+=$4} END {print name ": " files " files changed, " insertions " insertions(+), " deletions " deletions(-), " insertions-deletions " net";}'
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