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Forked from phadej/IApplicativeQuestionMark.hs
Created September 19, 2018 11:33
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{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
-- For the "Another take"
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
import Data.Type.Nat
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Vec.Lazy as V
-- From the paper:
type s :-> t = forall i. s i -> t i
class IFunctor f where
imap :: (s :-> t) -> f s :-> f t
data Path :: ((k,k) -> *) -> (k,k) -> * where
Stop :: Path g '(i, i)
(:-:) :: g '(i, j) -> Path g '(j, k) -> Path g '(i, k)
instance IFunctor Path where
imap _ Stop = Stop
imap f (r :-: rs) = f r :-: imap f rs
class IFunctor m => IMonad (m :: (k -> *) -> k -> *) where
iskip :: p :-> m p
iextend :: (p :-> m q) -> (m p :-> m q)
-- IMonad Path
pathAppend :: Path g '(i, j) -> Path g '(j, k) -> Path g '(i, k)
pathAppend Stop q = q
pathAppend (r :-: rs) q = r :-: pathAppend rs q
instance IMonad Path where
iskip _x = undefined -- x :-: Stop -- cannot write, as GHC is silly :/
iextend _ Stop = Stop
iextend f (r :-: rs) = pathAppend (f r) (iextend f rs)
ijoin :: IMonad m => m (m p) :-> m p
ijoin = iextend id
-- IApplicative Path?
data (:=) :: * -> k -> k -> * where
V :: (:=) a i i
-- List is simple, basically no index
type List a = Path (a := '((), ()))
-- But what about Vec?
-- type Vec n a = Path ?
-- After wandering around, you'll end up with:
data Succ :: * -> (Nat, Nat) -> * where
Succ :: a -> Succ a '(n, 'S n)
type Vec a n = forall p. Path (Succ a) '(p, Plus n p)
-- So what about Applicatives?
-- Well...
-- data Unit a = Unit
-- data (:*:) f g a = f a :*: g a
-- aren't good enough.
type Atkey m i j a = m (a := j) i
-- won't work for Path as Vec
-- We have to write specific variant for :*
class IApplicativePlus m where
ipure :: x -> m (Succ x) '(n, 'S n)
-- iprod omitted - I haven't tried, it's not that easy exercise.
instance IApplicativePlus Path where
ipure x = Succ x :-: Stop
-- So what does this means?
-- We have
-- Vec :: * -> Nat -> *
-- If we a monoidal product of them, having something like
-- p = (x :: Vec a n, y :: Vec a m) -- monoidal product is (,)
-- We want to multiply (pun unintended) the components so we get
-- xy = Vec a (Mult n m) -- monoidal product is Mult
-- And the latter product is specific to each instance.
-- There's an IApplicative for ZipList applicative for Vec, but
-- there product is boring. Also there is a Plus(-like) monoidal "product"
-- Conclusion
-- So the `indexed` approach is to take common input-output things like Path
-- and split the pair into two argument:
-- Without an @a@ index, Path' is a Category...
data Path' f i o a where
Nil :: Path' f i i a
(:>>) :: f x y a -> Path' f y z a -> Path' f x z a
data Succ' i o a where
Succ' :: a -> Succ' n ('S n) a
type Vec' n a = forall m. Path' Succ' m (Plus m n)
-- and then life is easier.
-- Another take
-- This is awful.
class IApp z p f | f -> z p where
iunit :: a -> f z a
iprod :: p n m q => f n a -> f m b -> f q (a, b)
class Mult n m ~ q => CMult n m q | n m -> q
instance CMult 'Z n 'Z
instance (CMult n m nm, Plus m nm ~ q) => CMult ('S n) m q
data Dict c where
Dict :: c => Dict c
-- Vec is used as singleton
conjure :: V.Vec n a -> Proxy m -> Dict (CMult n m (Mult n m))
conjure V.VNil _ = Dict
conjure (_ V.::: xs) p = case conjure xs p of
Dict -> Dict
instance IApp Nat1 CMult V.Vec where
iunit x = x V.::: V.VNil
iprod V.VNil _ = V.VNil
iprod (x V.::: xs) ys = iprod' (conjure xs Proxy) x xs ys where
iprod' :: Dict (CMult n m q) -> a -> V.Vec n a -> V.Vec m b -> V.Vec (Plus m q) (a, b)
iprod' Dict x xs ys = fmap ((,) x) ys V.++ iprod xs ys
-- >>> example
-- (True,'x') ::: (True,'y') ::: (True,'z') ::: (False,'x') ::: (False,'y') ::: (False,'z') ::: VNil
example :: V.Vec Nat6 (Bool, Char)
example = iprod as bs where
as :: V.Vec Nat2 Bool
as = True V.::: False V.::: V.VNil
bs :: V.Vec Nat3 Char
bs = 'x' V.::: 'y' V.::: 'z' V.::: V.VNil
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