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Created April 24, 2013 10:01
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Related to: Haskell source file I implemented the algorithm which is written in the question.
-- Related to:
-- Haskell source file I implemented the algorithm which is written in the question.
-- this program is written under GHC 7.4.2 @ Ubuntu 12.10,
-- requires mtl (Monad transformers) module.
-- To test this:
-- * place this file on a directory
-- * run GHCi there
-- * load NatSet module (:load NatSet)
-- * give some list of Int to printClosure function.
-- example: > printClosure [7, 20, 17, 100]
-- This version differs from the pseudocode on some point.
-- Difference are:
-- * To implement variable-update semantics, it uses Control.Monad.State monad. (Can it affect the performance?)
-- * Some set are implemented using List as container, some are IntSet, IntMap.
-- * Does not use recoverEquation. Instead, it remembers how a number is decomposed to the expression of two numbers.
-- the equivalence of the function in the pseudocode
-- requiredNumbers :: Int -> Set of (Set of Int)
-- is
-- required :: Int -> List of (IntSet, Description)
-- where Description stores the expression which caclulates n using the numbers in its pair IntSet.
module NatSet where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List (find)
import Data.IntSet (IntSet, deleteFindMin, (\\))
import qualified Data.IntSet as ISet
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IMap
import Debug.Trace
type Description = String
data Method = Method {
req :: Int -> [[Int]],
desc :: [Int] -> Description }
infixr 5 +++
(+++) = ISet.union
required :: Int -> [(IntSet, Description)]
required n = if (n > 1) then
concat $ byMethod <$> [pow, mult, add] <*> pure n
[(ISet.empty, "(exists)")]
byMethod method = map (\l -> (ISet.fromList l, desc method l)) . req method
add = Method add_list add_descr
add_list n = map (\k -> [k, n-k]) [1..((n+1)`div`2)]
add_descr (j:k:[]) = (show j) ++ " + " ++ (show k)
mult = Method mult_list mult_descr
mult_list n = map (\k -> [k, n `div` k]) $
filter (\k -> (n `mod` k) == 0) $
takeWhile (\k -> k*k <= n) [2..]
mult_descr (j:k:[]) = (show j) ++ " * " ++ (show k)
pow = Method pow_list pow_descr
pow_list n = concatMap (\j -> log_int j n) $
takeWhile (\j -> j*j <= n) [2..]
log_int j n = let k = truncate (logBase (fromIntegral j) (fromIntegral n))
in if j^k == n then [[j, k]] else []
pow_descr (j:k:[]) = (show j) ++ " ^ " ++ (show k)
type SearchMinMap a = State (IntMap a, Int)
updateMin newMap = do i <- gets snd
if (IMap.size newMap < i) then
put $ (newMap, IMap.size newMap)
return ()
findClosure from to =
if ISet.null from then
updateMin to
do bestSize <- gets snd
if (ISet.size from + IMap.size to >= bestSize) then
return ()
let (m, from') = deleteFindMin from
keysTo = IMap.keysSet to
in forM_ (required m) $ \(req, descr) ->
let to' = IMap.insert m descr to
in findClosure (from' +++ (req \\ keysTo)) to'
closure from = let finder = findClosure from IMap.empty
dummyState = (IMap.empty, 100000)
in fst $ execState finder dummyState
closureList = IMap.assocs . closure . ISet.fromList
printClosure = mapM_ pretty . closureList
where pretty (n, descr) = putStrLn $ (show n) ++ " = " ++ descr
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