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Last active January 30, 2023 13:37
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Note on Distributive laws for semialign package
-- This exists so that I haven't made a silly mistake,
-- like typo or type mismatch of expressions surrounding equal sign.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
module Check where
import Prelude hiding (zip)
import Data.These
import Data.Zip
import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Bifunctor.Assoc (Assoc (..))
import Data.Bifunctor.Swap (Swap (..))
type (◇) = These
(∩) :: (Zip f) => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
(∩) = zip
infix 6 ∩
(∪) :: (Semialign f) => f a -> f b -> f (a ◇ b)
(∪) = align
infix 6 ∪
foo :: (a, b ◇ c) ◇ (c, b ◇ c) -> (a, b) ◇ c
foo = bar . bimap str fst
str :: (a, b ◇ c) -> (a, b) ◇ c
str (a, This b) = This (a,b)
str (_, That c) = That c
str (a, These b c) = These (a, b) c
bar :: ((a, b) ◇ c) ◇ c -> (a, b) ◇ c
bar = second rightBias . assoc
leftBias, rightBias :: c ◇ c -> c
leftBias (This c) = c
leftBias (That c') = c'
leftBias (These c _) = c
rightBias (This c) = c
rightBias (That c') = c'
rightBias (These _ c') = c'
toThis :: a ◇ b -> a ◇ b
toThis (This a) = This a
toThis (These a _) = This a
toThis (That b) = That b
-- Equation type checks
data Eqn a = Eqn
(≡), (--->) :: a -> Eqn a -> Eqn a
(≡) = const id
(--->) = const id
infixr 0 ≡
infixr 0 --->
($.) :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
($.) = id
infixl 1 $.
undistrPTProp :: (a ◇ b, c) -> Eqn (a ◇ b, c)
undistrPTProp (This a, c) =
undistrPairThese . distrPairThese $. (This a, c)
≡ undistrPairThese (This (a, c))
≡ (This a, c)
---> Eqn
undistrPTProp (That b, c) =
undistrPairThese . distrPairThese $. (That b, c)
≡ (That b, c)
≡ undistrPairThese $. That (b, c)
---> Eqn
undistrPTProp (These a b, c) =
undistrPairThese . distrPairThese $. (These a b, c)
≡ undistrPairThese $. These (a, c) (b, c)
≡ (These a b, c)
---> Eqn
fooProp :: (a ◇ c, b ◇ c) -> Eqn ((a, b) ◇ c)
fooProp (ac, bc) = case ac of
This a ->
foo (distrPairThese (This a, bc))
≡ foo (This (a, bc))
≡ bar . bimap str fst $. This (a, bc)
≡ bar $. This (str (a,bc))
---> case bc of
This b ->
bar $. This (str (a, This b))
≡ second rightBias . assoc $. This (This (a,b))
≡ This (a,b)
≡ undistrThesePair (This a, This b)
---> Eqn
That c ->
bar $. This (str (a, That c))
≡ second rightBias . assoc $. This (That c)
≡ second rightBias $. That (This c)
≡ That c
≡ undistrThesePair (This a, That c)
---> Eqn
These b c ->
bar $. This (str (a, These b c))
≡ second rightBias . assoc $. This (These (a,b) c)
≡ second rightBias $. These (a,b) (This c)
≡ These (a,b) c
≡ undistrThesePair (This a, These b c)
---> Eqn
That c ->
foo (distrPairThese (That c, bc))
≡ foo (That (c, bc))
≡ bar . bimap str fst $. That (c, bc)
≡ bar $. That c
≡ second rightBias . assoc $. That c
≡ That c
≡ undistrThesePair (That c, bc)
---> Eqn
These a c ->
foo (distrPairThese (These a c, bc))
≡ bar . bimap str fst $. These (a, bc) (c, bc)
≡ bar $. These (str (a,bc)) c
---> case bc of
This b ->
bar $. These (str (a, This b)) c
≡ second rightBias . assoc $. These (This (a,b)) c
≡ second rightBias $. These (a,b) (That c)
≡ These (a,b) c
≡ undistrThesePair (These a c, This b)
---> Eqn
That c' ->
bar $. These (str (a, That c')) c
≡ second rightBias . assoc $. These (That c') c
≡ second rightBias $. That (These c' c)
≡ That c
≡ undistrThesePair (These a c, That c')
---> Eqn
These b c' ->
bar $. These (str (a, These b c')) c
≡ second rightBias . assoc $. These (These (a,b) c') c
≡ second rightBias $. These (a,b) (These c' c)
≡ These (a,b) c
≡ undistrThesePair (These a c, These b c')
---> Eqn
-- str ≡ bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap
strProp :: (a, b ◇ c) -> Eqn ((a, b) ◇ c)
strProp (a, This b) =
bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap $. (a, This b)
≡ bimap swap fst . distrPairThese $. (This b, a)
≡ bimap swap fst $. This (b,a)
≡ This (a,b)
≡ str (a, This b)
---> Eqn
strProp (a, That c) =
bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap $. (a, That c)
≡ bimap swap fst . distrPairThese $. (That c, a)
≡ bimap swap fst $. That (c,a)
≡ That c
≡ str (a, That c)
---> Eqn
strProp (a, These b c) =
bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap $. (a, These b c)
≡ bimap swap fst . distrPairThese $. (These b c, a)
≡ bimap swap fst $. These (b,a) (c,a)
≡ These (a,b) c
≡ str (a, These b c)
---> Eqn
mainProp :: (Zip f) => f a -> f b -> f c -> Eqn (f ((a,b) ◇ c))
mainProp xs ys zs =
-- The RHS of Distr(1)
undistrThesePair <$> (xs ∪ zs) ∩ (ys ∪ zs)
-- Rewrite using foo
≡ foo . distrPairThese <$> (xs ∪ zs) ∩ (ys ∪ zs)
-- Apply Distr(2)
≡ foo <$> (xs ∩ (ys ∪ zs)) ∪ (zs ∩ (ys ∪ zs))
≡ bar . bimap str fst <$> (xs ∩ (ys ∪ zs)) ∪ (zs ∩ (ys ∪ zs))
-- Free theorem of align
≡ bar <$> (str <$> xs ∩ (ys ∪ zs)) ∪ (fst <$> zs ∩ (ys ∪ zs))
-- Absorption + commutativity of align
≡ bar <$> (str <$> xs ∩ (ys ∪ zs)) ∪ zs
-- Lemma(1)
≡ bar <$> (bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap <$> xs ∩ (ys ∪ zs)) ∪ zs
-- Commutativity of zip
≡ bar <$> (bimap swap fst . distrPairThese <$> (ys ∪ zs) ∩ xs) ∪ zs
-- Apply Distr(2)
≡ bar <$> (bimap swap fst <$> (ys ∩ xs) ∪ (zs ∩ xs)) ∪ zs
-- Free theorem of zip
≡ bar <$> ((swap <$> ys ∩ xs) ∪ (fst <$> zs ∩ xs)) ∪ zs
-- Commutativity of zip
≡ bar <$> ((xs ∩ ys) ∪ (fst <$> zs ∩ xs)) ∪ zs
≡ second rightBias . assoc <$> ((xs ∩ ys) ∪ (fst <$> zs ∩ xs)) ∪ zs
-- Associativity of align
≡ second rightBias <$> (xs ∩ ys) ∪ ((fst <$> zs ∩ xs) ∪ zs)
-- Free theorem of align
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ (rightBias <$> (fst <$> zs ∩ xs) ∪ zs)
-- Commutativity
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ (rightBias . swap <$> zs ∪ (fst <$> zs ∩ xs))
-- Lemma(2)
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ (leftBias <$> zs ∪ (fst <$> zs ∩ xs))
-- Free theorem of align
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ (leftBias . second fst <$> zs ∪ (zs ∩ xs))
-- Lemma(3)
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ (leftBias . second fst . toThis <$> zs ∪ (zs ∩ xs))
-- Absorption law
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ (leftBias . second fst . This <$> zs)
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ (leftBias . This <$> zs)
≡ (xs ∩ ys) ∪ zs
-- The LHS of Distr(1)
---> Eqn

Distributivity law can be simplified

The documentation of Zip says an instance of Zip must satisfy the following Distributivity laws.

-- The distributivity laws of Zip f
-- Each equation must hold for any
--   a, b, c :: Type
--   xs :: f a
--   ys :: f b
--   zs :: f c

                   align (zip xs ys) zs  undistrThesePair <$> zip (align xs zs) (align ys zs)
distrPairThese <$> zip (align xs ys) zs                       align (zip xs zs) (zip ys zs)
                   zip (align xs ys) zs  undistrPairThese <$> align (zip xs zs) (zip ys zs)

Each of the three equations must hold. Let me name each equation as Distr(1) - Distr(3).

-- Distr(1)
align (zip xs ys) zs  undistrThesePair <$> zip (align xs zs) (align ys zs)

-- Distr(2)
distrPairThese <$> zip (align xs ys) zs  align (zip xs zs) (zip ys zs)

-- Distr(3)
zip (align xs ys) zs  undistrPairThese <$> align (zip xs zs) (zip ys zs)

In this gist, I'll show that Distr(2) implies Distr(1) and Distr(3). In other words, Distr(1) and Distr(3) are redundant.

Preparation of notation

For the cosmetic purpose, I'll use the following type synonyms and operators.

{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
type () = These

(∩) :: (Zip f) => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
(∩) = zip
infix 6 

(∪) :: (Semialign f) => f a -> f b -> f (a  b)
(∪) = align
infix 6 

The choice of operators come from intuition that zip takes the intersection of "sets of places where values exist" and align takes the union. Of course, "the set of places where values exist" is not a defined concept at all, and this is just for memorizing what these operations do.

Using these notations, three equations are

-- Distr(1)
(xs  ys)  zs  undistrThesePair <$> (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)

-- Distr(2)
distrPairThese <$> (xs  ys)  zs  (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)

-- Distr(3)
(xs  ys)  zs  undistrPairThese <$> (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)


This implication holds, because undistrPairThese . distrPairThese = id holds.

(xs  ys)  zs
    -- By undistrPairThese . distrPairThese = id
  undistrPairThese . distrPairThese <$> (xs  ys)  zs
    -- By Distr(2)
  undistrPairThese <$> (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)

And undistrPairThese . distrPairThese = id can be confirmed by exhausting the possible cases.

undistrPairThese . distrPairThese $ (This a, c)
 = undistrPairThese $ This (a, c)
 = (This a, c)

undistrPairThese . distrPairThese $ (That b, c)
 = undistrPairThese $ That (b, c)
 = (That b, c)

undistrPairThese . distrPairThese $ (These a b, c)
 = undistrPairThese $ These (a, c) (b, c)
 = (These a b, c)

For reference, the following is the definition of two functions.

distrPairThese :: (a  b, c) -> (a, c)  (b, c)
distrPairThese (This a,    c) = This (a, c)
distrPairThese (That b,    c) = That (b, c)
distrPairThese (These a b, c) = These (a, c) (b, c)

undistrPairThese :: (a, c)  (b, c) -> (a  b, c)
undistrPairThese (This (a, c))         = (This a, c)
undistrPairThese (That (b, c))         = (That b, c)
undistrPairThese (These (a, c) (b, _)) = (These a b, c)

Note that these functions are not inverse each other, because distrPairThese . undistrPairThese ≠ id.


Unlike Distr(3), the proof of this implication is lengthy. Firstly, why this seems to be possible: distributivity property of a lattice have similar a property.

Distributivity of a lattice

Let A be a lattice by the join (∨) and the meet (∧) operations. These two properties about A are equivalent each other.

  1. For all x,y,z ∈ A, (x ∧ y) ∨ z = (x ∨ z) ∧ (y ∨ z)
  2. For all x,y,z ∈ A, (x ∨ y) ∧ z = (x ∧ z) ∨ (y ∧ z)

Proof: By duality, it is sufficient to prove either one implies the other one. Prove (2) ⇒ (1). (1) is true assuming (2) by the following calculation.

-- The RHS of (1)
(x  z)  (y  z)
  -- Apply (2) by substituting forall-ed variables (x => x, y => z, z => y ∨ z)
= (x  (y  z))  (z  (y  z))
  -- Use commutativity of ∨ and absorption
= (x  (y  z))  z
  -- Use commutativity of ∧
= ((y  z)  x)  z
  -- Apply (2) by substituting forall-ed variables (x => y, y => z, z => x)
= ((y  x)  (z  x))  z
  -- Use associativity of ∨
= (y  x)  ((z  x)  z)
  -- Use commutativity of ∧ and ∨
= (x  y)  (z  (z  x))
  -- Use absorption
= (x  y)  z
  -- The LHS of (1)

When the value of elements in xs, ys, zs are ignored, Distr(1) corresponds to distributive property (1) of a lattice, and Distr(2) corresponds to property (2). I prove the implication Distr(2) ⇒ Distr(1) by carefully tracking the elements, while following the course of this proof about a lattice.

Preparing auxiliary definitions

To mimick the above proof about a lattice, look for a way to rewrite the RHS of Distr(1) to another equivalent form which is applicable the Distr(2) property.

More concretely, find foo function which fills the equation below.

-- The RHS of Distr(1)
undistrThesePair <$> (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)
  foo . distrPairThese <$> (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)
--        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
--  Distr(2) can be applied here

And there is foo such that foo . distrPairThese = undistrThesePair holds. By making some arbitrary choices among functions satisfying that equation, foo can be defined as follows:

foo :: (a, b  c)  (c, b  c) -> (a, b)  c
foo = bar . bimap str fst

str :: (a, b  c) -> (a, b)  c
str (a, This b) = This (a,b)
str (_, That c) = That c
str (a, These b c) = These (a, b) c

bar :: ((a, b)  c)  c -> (a, b)  c
bar = second rightBias . assoc

leftBias, rightBias :: c  c -> c
leftBias (This c) = c
leftBias (That c') = c'
leftBias (These c _) = c

rightBias (This c) = c
rightBias (That c') = c'
rightBias (These _ c') = c'

Let me confirm this foo actually satisfy foo . distrPairThese = undistrThesePair.

-- The goal is to show for all `acbc` below...
acbc :: (a  c, b  c)

-- This equation holds.
foo (distrPairThese acbc) = undistrThesePair acbc

The proof of the equation is done simply by exhausting every case.

-- Case analysis on acbc
-- Case 1: acbc = (This a, bc)
foo (distrPairThese (This a, bc))
 = foo (This (a, bc))
 = bar . bimap str fst $ This (a, bc)
 = bar $ This (str (a,bc))
   -- Case analysis on bc
   -- Case 1-1: bc = This b
   bar $ This (str (a, This b))
    = second rightBias . assoc $ This (This (a,b))
    = This (a,b)
    = undistrThesePair (This a, This b)
   -- Case 1-2: bc = That c
   bar $ This (str (a, That c))
    = second rightBias . assoc $ This (That c)
    = second rightBias $ That (This c)
    = That c
    = undistrThesePair (This a, That c)
   -- Case 1-3: bc = These b c
   bar $ This (str (a, These b c))
    = second rightBias . assoc $ This (These (a,b) c)
    = second rightBias $ These (a,b) (This c)
    = These (a,b) c
    = undistrThesePair (This a, These b c)
-- Case 2: acbc = (That c, bc)
foo (distrPairThese (That c, bc))
 = foo (That (c, bc))
 = bar . bimap str fst $ That (c, bc)
 = bar $ That c
 = second rightBias . assoc $ That c
 = That c
 = undistrThesePair (That c, bc)
-- Case 3: acbc = (These a c, bc)
foo (distrPairThese (These a c, bc))
 = foo (These (a, bc) (c, bc))
 = bar . bimap str fst $ These (a, bc) (c, bc)
 = bar $ These (str (a,bc)) c
   -- Case analysis on bc
   -- Case 3-1: bc = This b
   bar $ These (str (a, This b)) c
    = second rightBias . assoc $ These (This (a,b)) c
    = second rightBias $ These (a,b) (That c)
    = These (a,b) c
    = undistrThesePair (These a c, This b)
   -- Case 3-2: bc = That c'
   bar $ These (str (a, That c')) c
    = second rightBias . assoc $ These (That c') c
    = second rightBias $ That (These c' c)
    = That c
    = undistrThesePair (These a c, That c')
   -- Case 3-3: bc = These b c'
   bar $ These (str (a, These b c')) c
    = second rightBias . assoc $ These (These (a,b) c') c
    = second rightBias $ These (a,b) (These c' c)
    = These (a,b) c
    = undistrThesePair (These a c, These b c')


  • Lemma(1): str can alternatively written as follows.

    str :: (a, b  c) -> (a, b)  c
    str = bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap
    • Proof.

      bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap $ (a, This b)
       = bimap swap fst . distrPairThese $ (This b, a)
       = bimap swap fst $ This (b,a)
       = This (a,b)
       = str (a, This b)
      bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap $ (a, That c)
       = bimap swap fst . distrPairThese $ (That c, a)
       = bimap swap fst $ That (c,a)
       = That c
       = str (a, That c)
      bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap $ (a, These b c)
       = bimap swap fst . distrPairThese $ (These b c, a)
       = bimap swap fst $ These (b,a) (c,a)
       = These (a,b) c
       = str (a, These b c)
  • Lemma(2): rightBias . swap = leftBias.

    Proof is simple calculation.

  • Lemma(3): The following equation hold.

    leftBias . second fst . toThis = leftBias . second fst

    Where toThis is a function that is not exported from the library, but used in the Absorption law of Zip.

    -- Absorption law (but written using operators for this gist)
    fst <$> xs  (xs  ys)  xs
    toThis <$> xs  (xs  ys)  This <$> xs
        toThis :: a  b -> a  b
        toThis (This a)    = This a
        toThis (These a _) = This a
        toThis (That b)    = That b
    • Proof.

      leftBias . second fst . toThis $ This a
      = leftBias . second fst $ This a
      leftBias . second fst . toThis $ That ab
      = leftBias . second fst $ That ab
      leftBias . second fst . toThis $ These a ab
      = leftBias . second fst $ This a
      = a
      leftBias . second fst $ These a ab
      = leftBias $ These a (fst ab)
      = a

The proof

-- The RHS of Distr(1)
undistrThesePair <$> (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)
-- Rewrite using foo
= foo . distrPairThese <$> (xs  zs)  (ys  zs)
-- Apply Distr(2)
= foo <$> (xs  (ys  zs))  (zs  (ys  zs))
= bar . bimap str fst <$> (xs  (ys  zs))  (zs  (ys  zs))
-- Free theorem of align
= bar <$> (str <$> xs  (ys  zs))  (fst <$> zs  (ys  zs))
-- Absorption + commutativity of align
= bar <$> (str <$> xs  (ys  zs))  zs
-- Lemma(1)
= bar <$> (bimap swap fst . distrPairThese . swap <$> xs  (ys  zs))  zs
-- Commutativity of zip
= bar <$> (bimap swap fst . distrPairThese <$> (ys  zs)  xs)  zs
-- Apply Distr(2)
= bar <$> (bimap swap fst <$> (ys  xs)  (zs  xs))  zs
-- Free theorem of zip
= bar <$> ((swap <$> ys  xs)  (fst <$> zs  xs))  zs
-- Commutativity of zip
= bar <$> ((xs  ys)  (fst <$> zs  xs))  zs
= second rightBias . assoc <$> ((xs  ys)  (fst <$> zs  xs))  zs
-- Associativity of align
= second rightBias <$> (xs  ys)  ((fst <$> zs  xs)  zs)
-- Free theorem of align
= (xs  ys)  (rightBias <$> (fst <$> zs  xs)  zs)
-- Commutativity
= (xs  ys)  (rightBias . swap <$> zs  (fst <$> zs  xs))
-- Lemma(2)
= (xs  ys)  (leftBias <$> zs  (fst <$> zs  xs))
-- Free theorem of align
= (xs  ys)  (leftBias . second fst <$> zs  (zs  xs))
-- Lemma(3)
= (xs  ys)  (leftBias . second fst . toThis <$> zs  (zs  xs))
-- Absorption law
= (xs  ys)  (leftBias . second fst . This <$> zs)
= (xs  ys)  (leftBias . This <$> zs)
= (xs  ys)  zs
-- The LHS of Distr(1)
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