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Save viercc/7860183 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. で紹介された、Seven Trees Puzzleの答えとなる全単射を、全単射であるという証明付きで構成する
(* definition of Tree *)
Inductive Tree : Set :=
| leaf : Tree
| node : Tree -> Tree -> Tree.
(* definition of Domain *)
Inductive Domain : Set :=
| I : Domain
| T : Domain
| sum : Domain -> Domain -> Domain
| prod : Domain -> Domain -> Domain.
Notation "t '+' u" := (sum t u).
Notation "t '*' u" := (prod t u).
Fixpoint Typeof (x : Domain) : Set :=
match x with
| I => unit
| T => Tree
| t + u => (Typeof t + Typeof u)%type
| t * u => (Typeof t * Typeof u)%type
(* definition of DomainEq *)
Reserved Notation "t == u" (at level 70).
Inductive DomainEq : Domain -> Domain -> Type :=
| eq_refl : forall a, a == a
| eq_symm : forall a b, (a == b) -> b == a
| eq_trans : forall a b c, (a == b) -> (b == c) -> a == c
| prod_intro : forall a b c d, (a == b) -> (c == d) -> a * c == b * d
| prod_comm : forall a b, a * b == b * a
| prod_assoc : forall a b c, a * (b * c) == (a * b) * c
| prod_unit : forall a, a * I == a
| sum_intro : forall a b c d, (a == b) -> (c == d) -> a + c == b + d
| sum_comm : forall a b, a + b == b + a
| sum_assoc : forall a b c, a + (b + c) == (a + b) + c
| distrib_l : forall a b c, a * (b + c) == a * b + a * c
| expand_tree : T == I + T * T
where "t == u" := (DomainEq t u).
(* definition of Iso *)
Inductive Iso (X Y : Type) : Type :=
| BijectionPair : forall (f : X -> Y), forall (f_inv: Y -> X),
(forall x, x = f_inv (f x)) ->
(forall x, x = f (f_inv x)) ->
Iso X Y.
Definition bijection_from_iso {X Y : Type} (witness : Iso X Y) : X -> Y :=
match witness with
BijectionPair f _ _ _ => f
(* utility to write proof of DomainEq *)
Ltac Transform next_expr :=
match goal with
| [ |- _ == next_expr ]
=> idtac
| [ |- _ == _ ]
=> apply (eq_trans _ next_expr _)
Require Import Coq.Program.Basics.
Require Export Domain.
Definition prod_swap {A B : Type} : (A * B) -> (B * A) :=
fun x => match x with (a, b) => (b, a) end.
Ltac renameTypes :=
match goal with
| [ a : Domain |- _] =>
match goal with
| [ta' := Typeof a |- _] => fail 1
| _ => (* if there's no synonim for Typeof a, create it *)
let ta := fresh "T" a
in set (ta := (Typeof a))
Ltac bij_pair f f_inv :=
apply (BijectionPair _ _ f f_inv).
Theorem DomEq_then_Iso {x y : Domain} :
x == y -> Iso (Typeof x) (Typeof y).
intros wit.
induction wit; simpl; repeat renameTypes.
(* eq_refl *)
bij_pair (fun x : Ta => x) (fun x : Ta => x).
(* eq_symm *)
destruct IHwit as [f f_inv Hf Hf'].
bij_pair f_inv f.
apply Hf'.
apply Hf.
(* eq_trans *)
destruct IHwit1 as [fab fba Hab Hba].
destruct IHwit2 as [fbc fcb Hcb Hbc].
bij_pair (compose fbc fab) (compose fba fcb);
unfold compose;
intro x.
rewrite <- Hcb.
rewrite <- Hab.
rewrite <- Hba.
rewrite <- Hbc.
(* prod_intro *)
destruct IHwit1 as [fab fba Hab Hba].
destruct IHwit2 as [fcd fdc Hcd Hdc].
(fun x => match x with (a, c) => (fab a, fcd c) end)
(fun x => match x with (b, d) => (fba b, fdc d) end).
destruct x.
rewrite <- Hab; rewrite <- Hcd.
destruct x.
rewrite <- Hba; rewrite <- Hdc.
(* prod_comm *)
bij_pair (@prod_swap Ta Tb) (@prod_swap Tb Ta);
destruct x;
(* prod_assoc *)
(fun x : Ta * (Tb * Tc) => match x with (a, bc) =>
match bc with (b, c) => ((a,b),c) end
(fun x : Ta * Tb * Tc => match x with (ab, c) =>
match ab with (a, b) => (a, (b, c)) end
destruct x as [xa [xb xc]].
destruct x as [[xa xb] xc].
(* prod_unit *)
bij_pair (fun x : Ta * unit => match x with (a, _) => a end)
(fun a : Ta => (a, tt)).
destruct x as [xa []].
(* sum_intro *)
destruct IHwit1 as [fab fba Hab Hba].
destruct IHwit2 as [fcd fdc Hcd Hdc].
(fun x => match x with
| inl a => inl (fab a)
| inr c => inr (fcd c)
(fun x => match x with
| inl b => inl (fba b)
| inr d => inr (fdc d)
destruct x as [xa | xc].
rewrite <- Hab; reflexivity.
rewrite <- Hcd; reflexivity.
destruct x as [xb | xd].
rewrite <- Hba; reflexivity.
rewrite <- Hdc; reflexivity.
(* sum_comm *)
(fun x : Ta + Tb => match x with
| inl a => inr a
| inr b => inl b
(fun x : Tb + Ta => match x with
| inl b => inr b
| inr a => inl a
destruct x; reflexivity.
destruct x; reflexivity.
(* sum_assoc *)
(fun x : Ta + (Tb + Tc) => match x with
| inl a => inl (inl a)
| inr bc => match bc with
| inl b => inl (inr b)
| inr c => inr c
(fun x : Ta + Tb + Tc => match x with
| inl ab => match ab with
| inl a => inl a
| inr b => inr (inl b)
| inr c => inr (inr c)
destruct x as [xa|[xb|xc]]; reflexivity.
destruct x as [[xa|xb]|xc]; reflexivity.
(* distrib_l *)
(fun x : Ta * (Tb + Tc) => match x with (a, bc) =>
match bc with
| inl b => inl (a, b)
| inr c => inr (a, c)
(fun x : Ta * Tb + Ta * Tc=> match x with
| inl ab => match ab with (a, b) => (a, inl b) end
| inr ac => match ac with (a, c) => (a, inr c) end
destruct x as [xa[xb|xc]]; reflexivity.
destruct x as [[xa xb] | [xa xc]]; reflexivity.
(* expand_tree *)
(fun tree : Tree => match tree with
| leaf => inl tt
| node t0 t1 => inr (t0, t1)
(fun x : unit + Tree * Tree => match x with
| inl _ => leaf
| inr tpair => match tpair with (t0, t1) => node t0 t1 end
destruct x; reflexivity.
destruct x as [[]|[t0 t1]]; reflexivity.
Definition bijection_from_domeq {x y : Domain} (witness : DomainEq x y) :
(Typeof x) -> (Typeof y) :=
bijection_from_iso (DomEq_then_Iso witness).
Require Import Domain.
Require Import DomainEqToTypeIso.
Lemma sum_right :forall a b c, b == c -> a + b == a + c.
intros a b c H.
apply sum_intro.
apply eq_refl.
apply H.
Lemma sum_left : forall a b c, a == b -> a + c == b + c.
intros a b c H.
apply sum_intro.
apply H.
apply eq_refl.
Lemma split : forall a, a * T == a + a * T * T.
intros a.
Transform (a * (I + T * T)).
apply prod_intro.
apply eq_refl.
apply expand_tree.
Transform (a * I + a * (T * T)).
apply distrib_l.
Transform (a + a * T * T).
apply sum_intro.
apply prod_unit.
apply prod_assoc.
Lemma merge : forall a, a + a * T * T == a * T.
intros a.
apply eq_symm.
apply split.
Definition Invar (a : Domain) : Domain :=
a + a * T * T * T.
Lemma Invar_add_T : forall a, Invar a == Invar (a * T).
intro a.
unfold Invar.
Transform (a + (a * T * T + a * T * T * T * T)).
apply sum_right.
apply split.
Transform (a + a * T * T + a * T * T * T * T).
apply sum_assoc.
Transform (a * T + a * T * T * T * T).
apply sum_left.
apply merge.
Lemma Invar_add_T4 : forall a, Invar a == Invar (a * T * T * T * T).
intro a.
Transform (Invar (a * T)).
apply Invar_add_T.
Transform (Invar (a * T * T)).
apply Invar_add_T.
Transform (Invar (a * T * T * T)).
apply Invar_add_T.
Transform (Invar (a * T * T * T * T)).
apply Invar_add_T.
Fixpoint power (a : Domain) (n : nat) : Domain :=
match n with
| O => I
| S n' => (power a n') * a
Notation "a ^ n" := (power a n).
Theorem sevenTrees : T == T ^ 7.
Transform (T * I).
apply eq_symm.
apply prod_unit.
Transform (T^1).
apply prod_comm.
Transform (T^0 + T^2).
apply split.
Transform (T^0 + (T^1 + T ^3)).
apply sum_right.
apply split.
Transform (T^1 + (T^0 + T^3)).
Transform ((T^0 + T^1) + T^3).
apply sum_assoc.
Transform ((T^1 + T^0) + T^3).
apply sum_left.
apply sum_comm.
Transform (T^1 + (T^0 + T^3)).
apply eq_symm.
apply sum_assoc.
Transform (T^1 + (T^4 + T^7)).
apply sum_right.
replace (T^0 + T^3) with (Invar (T^0)) by reflexivity.
replace (T^4 + T^7) with (Invar (T^4)) by reflexivity.
apply Invar_add_T4.
Transform ((T^1 + T^4) + T^7).
apply sum_assoc.
Transform ((T^5 + T^8) + T^7).
apply sum_left.
replace (T^1 + T^4) with (Invar (T^1)) by reflexivity.
replace (T^5 + T^8) with (Invar (T^5)) by reflexivity.
apply Invar_add_T4.
Transform (T^5 + T^7 + T^8).
Transform (T^5 + (T^8 + T^7)).
apply eq_symm.
apply sum_assoc.
Transform (T^5 + (T^7 + T^8)).
apply sum_right.
apply sum_comm.
Transform (T^5 + T^7 + T^8).
apply sum_assoc.
Transform (T^6 + T^8).
apply sum_left.
apply merge.
Transform (T^7).
apply merge.
Definition TtoT7 : (Typeof T) -> (Typeof (T^7)) :=
bijection_from_domeq sevenTrees.
Definition T7toT : (Typeof (T^7)) -> (Typeof T) :=
bijection_from_domeq (eq_symm _ _ sevenTrees).
(* example *)
Let theTree := node leaf (node (node leaf leaf) leaf).
Let trees := let t1 := (tt, theTree)
in let t2 := (t1, theTree)
in let t3 := (t2, theTree)
in let t4 := (t3, theTree)
in let t5 := (t4, theTree)
in let t6 := (t5, theTree)
in (t6, theTree).
Goal theTree = T7toT (TtoT7 theTree).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
Goal trees = TtoT7 (T7toT trees).
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.
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