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Created December 3, 2017 14:10
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My take on Set Monad
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
Module : SetMonad
Description : Set that is also Monad
This module provides the @Set@ type equipped with @Monad@ instance and most of set
operations provided in the @Data.Set@ module of @containers@ package.
The ability to handling any type is not \"free\". If there is no clue
that @a@ is an instance of @Ord@, a value of @Set a@ is represented by
container that allows duplication of contents.
This sometimes yields serious slowdown, for example:
> -- Inspired by Petr Pudlák <> on Haskell-cafe ML
> --
> var :: Set Int
> var = fromList' [0, 1]
> addVars :: Int -> PrimSet Int
> addVars n = runSet (f n) where
> f 0 = return 0
> f n = do x <- f (n-1)
> y <- var
> return (x+y)
@addVars 100@ will not finish in a realistic time, despite that it does not take a
second if we use @PrimSet@ directly.
To avoid slowdown, you can inform that the type of returned value has Ord instance,
by using 'returnOrd' function.
> addVars' :: Int -> PrimSet Int
> addVars' n = runSet (f n) where
> f 0 = returnOrd 0
> f n = do x <- f (n-1)
> y <- var
> returnOrd (x+y)
The interface of this module provides no way to observe there are \'duplicated\' element
in the @Set a@. @Foldable@ (and @Traversable@ of course) instance is not
provided because it leaks existence of duplication. For example, what following code
does when there is no @Eq X@ or @Ord X@ instance?
> nums :: Set Int
> nums = fromList [1..10]
> countRange :: (Int -> X) -> Int
> countRange f = Data.Foldable.length (f <$> nums)
module SetMonad(
-- * Set with monadic operations
runSet, primitive, repack, returnOrd, forgetOrd,
-- * Queries
null, size,
member, notMember,
lookupLT, lookupGT,
lookupLE, lookupGE,
isSubsetOf, isProperSubsetOf,
-- * Constructions
insert, delete,
-- * Binary operations
union, unions,
difference, (\\),
-- * Operations for types which has Ord instance
-- $ordVariants
union', unions',
-- * Filters
-- * Mapping
map, map',
-- * Conversions
toList, toAscList, toDescList,
fromList, fromAscList, fromDistinctAscList,
) where
import Prelude hiding (filter, map, null)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..))
import Data.Semigroup
import qualified Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import qualified Control.Applicative (empty)
import Control.Monad
-- * Types and primitive operations
-- | Type synonym of 'Data.Set.Set' in "containers"
type PrimSet = Data.Set.Set
-- | Set monad
data Set a where
Prim :: Ord a => !(PrimSet a) -> Set a
Cont :: (forall m. Monoid m => (a -> m) -> m) -> Set a
reify :: Ord a => ((a -> PrimSet a) -> PrimSet a) -> PrimSet a
reify f = f S.singleton
{-# INLINE reify #-}
-- | Get concrete @PrimSet a@ by providing @Ord a@ constraint
runSet :: Ord a => Set a -> PrimSet a
runSet (Prim s) = s
runSet (Cont t) = reify t
{-# INLINE runSet #-}
-- | Construct @Set a@ from @PrimSet a@.
primitive :: Ord a => PrimSet a -> Set a
primitive = Prim
-- | > repack = primitive . runSet
repack :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a
repack = primitive . runSet
{-# INLINE repack #-}
-- | Forget that it was @PrimSet a@ and there was the @Ord a@ instance.
forgetOrd :: Set a -> Set a
forgetOrd = map id
{- |
Wrap a single value of @a@ to a singleton set, with witness of
@Ord a@ instance.
You can use @returnOrd@ at the last of do-notation to ensure
constructed @Set a@ is internally @PrimSet a@ and there is no
> set1, set2 :: Set Integer
> set1 = do a <- fromList [1..10]
> b <- fromList [1..10]
> return (a+b)
> set2 = do a <- fromList [1..10]
> b <- fromList [1..10]
> returnOrd (a+b)
> f :: Integer -> Integer
> f = {- Very heavy computation here -}
> evaluate :: IO ()
> evaluate =
> do print (fmap f set1) -- f is called 100 times
> print (fmap f set2) -- f is called 19 times
returnOrd :: Ord a => a -> Set a
returnOrd = singleton'
-- * Queries
null :: Set a -> Bool
null (Prim s) = S.null s
null (Cont t) = getAll $ t (const (All False))
size :: Ord a => Set a -> Int
size = S.size . runSet
member, notMember :: Eq a => a -> Set a -> Bool
member a (Prim s) = S.member a s
member a (Cont t) = getAny (t (\x -> Any (a == x)))
notMember a = not . member a
lookupLT, lookupGT, lookupLE, lookupGE :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Maybe a
lookupLT a = S.lookupLT a . runSet
lookupGT a = S.lookupGT a . runSet
lookupLE a = S.lookupLE a . runSet
lookupGE a = S.lookupGE a . runSet
isSubsetOf, isProperSubsetOf :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Bool
isSubsetOf s t = S.isSubsetOf (runSet s) (runSet t)
isProperSubsetOf s t = S.isProperSubsetOf (runSet s) (runSet t)
-- * Construction
empty :: Set a
empty = Cont $ const mempty
{-# INLINE empty #-}
singleton :: a -> Set a
singleton a = Cont $ \k -> k a
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
insert :: a -> Set a -> Set a
insert a (Prim s) = Prim $ S.insert a s
insert a (Cont t) = Cont $ \k -> k a `mappend` t k
{-# INLINABLE insert #-}
delete :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a
delete a s = Prim $ S.delete a (runSet s)
{-# INLINABLE delete #-}
-- * Set operations
union :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a
union (Prim s) (Prim t) = Prim $ S.union s t
union (Prim s) (Cont t) = Prim $ S.union s (reify t)
union (Cont s) (Prim t) = Prim $ S.union (reify s) t
union (Cont s) (Cont t) = Cont $ \k -> s k `mappend` t k
{-# INLINABLE union #-}
unions :: [Set a] -> Set a
unions = F.foldl' union empty
{-# INLINABLE unions #-}
difference, (\\) :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
difference s t = Prim $ S.difference (runSet s) (runSet t)
(\\) = difference
{-# INLINABLE difference #-}
{-# INLINABLE (\\) #-}
intersection :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
intersection s t = Prim $ S.intersection (runSet s) (runSet t)
{-# INLINABLE intersection #-}
-- * Always-repack Set operations
{- $ordVariants
Functions like 'insert\'' or 'difference\'' are variants of their original
apostrophe-less counterpart ('insert', 'difference')
in case you know there is an Ord instance. These may or may not be faster than
original function. Usually \"\'\" versions are faster, because they eliminates
But consider this:
> manyData1, manyData2 :: Set Text
> manyData1 = fromList [...]
> manyData2 = fromList [...]
> textLengthSet = runSet $ fmap Text.length (manyData1 `union` manyData2)
> textLengthSet' = runSet $ fmap Text.length (manyData1 `union'` manyData2)
If there are many duplications in @Text@ content, @textLengthSet'@ is faster. But
if there are few duplications in @Text@ but many in its length, @textLengthSet@ is
faster because it maps @Text.length@ over many @Text@ values, then actually build
@PrimSet Int@.
empty' :: Ord a => Set a
empty' = Prim S.empty
{-# INLINE empty' #-}
singleton' :: Ord a => a -> Set a
singleton' = Prim . S.singleton
{-# INLINE singleton' #-}
insert' :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> Set a
insert' a s = Prim $ S.insert a (runSet s)
{-# INLINABLE insert' #-}
union' :: Ord a => Set a -> Set a -> Set a
union' s t = Prim $ S.union (runSet s) (runSet t)
{-# INLINABLE union' #-}
unions' :: Ord a => [Set a] -> Set a
unions' = Prim . S.unions . fmap runSet
{-# INLINABLE unions' #-}
map' :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
map' f (Prim s) = Prim $ f s
map' f (Cont t) = Prim $ t (S.singleton . f)
-- * Filtering
filter :: (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> Set a
filter p (Prim s) = Prim $ S.filter p s
filter p (Cont t) = Cont $ \k -> t (\x -> if p x then k x else mempty)
partition :: (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> (Set a, Set a)
partition p (Prim s) = let (s1, s2) = S.partition p s
in (Prim s1, Prim s2)
partition p s = (filter p s, filter (not.p) s)
split :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> (Set a, Set a)
split a s = let (s1, s2) = S.split a (runSet s)
in (Prim s1, Prim s2)
splitMember :: Ord a => a -> Set a -> (Set a, Bool, Set a)
splitMember a s =
let (s1, mem, s2) = S.splitMember a (runSet s)
in (Prim s1, mem, Prim s2)
-- * Mapping
map :: (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
map f (Prim s) = Cont $ \k -> foldMap (k . f) s
map f (Cont t) = Cont $ \k -> t (k . f)
mapMonotonic :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b
mapMonotonic f (Prim s) = Prim $ S.mapMonotonic f s
mapMonotonic f (Cont t) = Prim $ t (S.singleton . f)
-- * Conversion from/to list
toList, toAscList, toDescList :: Ord a => Set a -> [a]
toList = S.toList . runSet
toAscList = S.toAscList . runSet
toDescList = S.toDescList . runSet
fromList :: [a] -> Set a
fromList [] = empty
fromList xs = Cont $ \k -> F.foldMap k xs
fromList', fromAscList, fromDistinctAscList :: Ord a => [a] -> Set a
fromList' = Prim . S.fromList
fromAscList = Prim . S.fromAscList
fromDistinctAscList = Prim . S.fromDistinctAscList
-- Instances
instance Functor Set where
fmap = map
{-# INLINABLE fmap #-}
a <$ bs = if null bs then empty else singleton a
instance Applicative Set where
pure = singleton
{-# INLINABLE pure #-}
fs <*> as = fs >>= \f -> f <$> as
{-# INLINABLE (<*>) #-}
Prim s <* bs = if null bs then empty' else Prim s
Cont t <* bs = if null bs then empty else Cont t
{-# INLINABLE (<*) #-}
(*>) = flip (<*)
{-# INLINABLE (*>) #-}
instance Monad Set where
return = singleton
{-# INLINABLE return #-}
as >>= f = case as of
Prim s -> S.foldl' (\bs a -> union bs (f a)) empty s
Cont t -> t f
{-# INLINABLE (>>=) #-}
(>>) = (*>)
{-# INLINABLE (>>) #-}
instance Alternative Set where
empty = empty
{-# INLINABLE empty #-}
(<|>) = union
{-# INLINABLE (<|>) #-}
instance MonadPlus Set where
mzero = empty
{-# INLINABLE mzero #-}
mplus = union
{-# INLINABLE mplus #-}
instance Semigroup (Set a) where
(<>) = union
{-# INLINABLE (<>) #-}
sconcat (s :| ss) = unions (s:ss)
{-# INLINABLE sconcat #-}
stimes = stimesIdempotentMonoid
{-# INLINEABLE stimes #-}
instance Monoid (Set a) where
mempty = empty
{-# INLINABLE mempty #-}
mappend = union
{-# INLINABLE mappend #-}
mconcat = unions
{-# INLINABLE mconcat #-}
instance Ord a => Eq (Set a) where
(==) = (==) `on` runSet
instance Ord a => Ord (Set a) where
compare = compare `on` runSet
instance (Ord a, Show a) => Show (Set a) where
show = show . runSet
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