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Last active January 8, 2018 10:22
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Applicative laws (in terms of 'prod'):
prod :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
prod = liftA2 (,)
(1) Left unit:
pure a `prod` fb = fmap (a,) fb
pure a `prod` Once b bs
= liftA2 (,) (Once a []) (Once b bs)
= Once (a,b) (fmap (a,) bs ++ fmap (,b) [])
= Once (a,b) (fmap (a,) bs)
= fmap (a,) (Once b bs)
(2) Right unit:
fa `prod` pure b = fmap (,b) fa
Once a as `prod` pure b =
= liftA2 (,) (Once a as) (Once b [])
= Once (a,b) (fmap (a,) [] ++ fmap (,b) as)
= Once (a,b) (fmap (,b) as)
= fmap (,b) (Once a as)
(3) Associativity:
fa `prod` (fb `prod` fc) = assoc <$> (fa `prod` fb) `prod` fc
where assoc ((a,b),c) = (a,(b,c))
Once a as `prod` (Once b bs `prod` Once c cs)
= Once a as `prod` (Once (b,c) (fmap (b,) cs ++ fmap (,c) bs))
= Once (a,(b,c)) (fmap (a,) (fmap (b,) cs ++ fmap (,c) bs) ++
fmap (,(b,c)) as)
= Once (a,(b,c)) (fmap (a,(b,)) cs ++ fmap (a,(,c)) bs ++
fmap (,(b,c)) as)
(Once a as `prod` Once b bs) `prod` Once c cs
= (Once (a,b) (fmap (a,) bs ++ fmap (,b) as)) `prod` Once c cs
= Once ((a,b),c) (fmap ((a,b),) cs ++
fmap (,c) (fmap (a,) bs ++ fmap (,b) as))
= Once ((a,b),c) (fmap ((a,b),) cs ++ fmap ((a,),c) bs ++
fmap ((,b),c) as)
> fmap sum $ sequenceA [[0,8], [0,4], [0,2], [0,1]]
> fmap sum $ sequenceA [Once 0 [8], Once 0 [4], Once 0 [2], Once 0 [1]]
Once {getDefault = 0, getVariants = [1,2,4,8]}
> :{
*ShrinkOnce| do a <- Once 0 [1,2]
*ShrinkOnce| b <- Once 0 [1,2]
*ShrinkOnce| let c0 = a + b
*ShrinkOnce| c <- Once c0 [c0+1]
*ShrinkOnce| return (a,b,c)
*ShrinkOnce| :}
Once {getDefault = (0,0,0), getVariants = [(0,0,1),(0,1,1),(0,2,2),(1,0,1),(2,0,2)]}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
module ShrinkOnce(
) where
import Control.Applicative
data Once a = Once { getDefault :: a
, getVariants :: [a] }
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Functor)
instance Applicative Once where
pure a = Once a []
liftA2 op (Once a as) (Once b bs) =
Once (a `op` b) (fmap (a `op`) bs ++ fmap (`op` b) as)
instance Monad Once where
return = pure
Once a as >>= k =
let Once b bs1 = k a
bs2 = getDefault . k <$> as
in Once b (bs1 ++ bs2)
-- | Apply shrinking function to one of elements of a traversable container.
shrinkOnce :: (Traversable t) => (a -> [a]) -> t a -> [t a]
shrinkOnce f = getVariants . traverse (\a -> Once a (f a))
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