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Created August 1, 2014 19:55
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(function($) {
$.fn.simulateDragDrop = function (options) {
return this.each(function () {
new $.simulateDragDrop(this, options);
$.simulateDragDrop = function (elem, options) {
this.options = options;
this.simulateEvent(elem, options);
$.extend($.simulateDragDrop.prototype, {
simulateEvent: function (elem, options) {
var $source = $(elem);
var $target = $(options.dropTarget);
var init_offset = $source.offset();
var target_offset = $target.offset(); += $source.height() / 2;
init_offset.left += $source.width() / 2; += $target.height() / 2;
target_offset.left += $target.width() / 2;
/*Simulating drag start*/
var type = 'mousedown';
var event = this.createEvent(type, init_offset);
this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, event);
/*Simulating drop*/
type = 'mousemove';
this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, this.createEvent(type, {
top: + 2,
left: init_offset.left + 2
this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, this.createEvent(type, target_offset));
/*Simulating drag end*/
type = 'mouseup';
var dragEndEvent = this.createEvent(type, target_offset);
this.dispatchEvent(elem, type, dragEndEvent);
createEvent: function (type, offset) {
var event = document.createEvent("MouseEvents");
event.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 0, 0, 0,
offset.left,, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
return event;
dispatchEvent: function (elem, type, event) {
if (elem.dispatchEvent) {
} else if ( elem.fireEvent ) {
elem.fireEvent("on"+type, event);
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