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Created October 28, 2021 19:13
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bb task to run nrepl server and send initialization code to the server when it starts
;; Task to run nrepl server and send some init code into it, when the nrepl server starts
{:tasks {dev {:requires ([bencode.core :as b]
[babashka.wait :as wait]
[babashka.process :as p :refer [process]])
:task (do
(let [;; Put the command to start nrepl server here, along any other aliases
proc (process "clj -M:dev/nrepl:dev/hashp" {:inherit true})]
(wait/wait-for-path ".nrepl-port")
(let [port (Integer/parseInt (slurp ".nrepl-port"))]
(with-open [s ( "localhost" port)]
(let [out (.getOutputStream s)
in ( (.getInputStream s))
;; Code to send for initializing the app
init-code "(do (require '[myname.myapp]) (in-ns 'myname.myapp) (def init :done) :init-done)"
_ (b/write-bencode out {"op" "eval" "code" init-code})
bytes (get (b/read-bencode in) "value")]
(when bytes
(println (String. bytes))))))
(catch Throwable _
(println "Failed to send init code")))
(.addShutdownHook (Runtime/getRuntime)
(Thread. (fn []
(when (.isAlive (:proc proc))
(println "Kill the app")
(.destroy (:proc proc)))
(println "thx, bye"))))
(System/exit (.waitFor (:proc proc)))))}}}
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