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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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Hubot Spotify to Rdio Converter
request = require('request')
Rdio = require('./vendor/rdio/rdio')
rdio = new Rdio([process.env.RDIO_CLIENT_ID, process.env.RDIO_CLIENT_SECRET])
module.exports = (robot) ->
robot.hear /(https?:\/\/(www.)?((play|open), (msg) ->
url = msg.match[1]
urlParseResults = searchTypeAndTokenFromUrl(url)
searchType = urlParseResults[0]
searchToken = urlParseResults[1]
if (searchType != '' && searchToken != '')
refreshSpotifyAuthToken (authToken) ->
spotifyApiLookup authToken, searchType, searchToken, (spotifyApiResponse) ->
if searchType == 'track'
rdioTrackFromSpotifyResponse spotifyApiResponse, (rdioApiResponse) ->
parseRdioResponseAndRespond(rdioApiResponse, msg)
else if searchType == 'album'
rdioAlbumFromSpotifyResponse spotifyApiResponse, (rdioApiResponse) ->
parseRdioResponseAndRespond(rdioApiResponse, msg)
searchTypeAndTokenFromUrl = (url) ->
token = ''
type = ''
if (url.indexOf('/track/') != -1)
type = 'track'
tokenMatch = url.match(/track\/([^\/]*)/)
token = tokenMatch[1] if tokenMatch != null
else if (url.indexOf('/album/') != -1)
type = 'album'
tokenMatch = url.match(/album\/([^\/]*)/)
token = tokenMatch[1] if tokenMatch != null
return [type, token]
refreshSpotifyAuthToken = (callback) ->
client_id = process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID
client_secret = process.env.SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET
basic_auth_base64_encoded = new Buffer("#{client_id}:#{client_secret}").toString('base64')
options = {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Authorization': "Basic #{basic_auth_base64_encoded}"
form: { 'grant_type': 'client_credentials' }
request options, (error, response, body) ->
spotifyApiLookup = (authToken, searchType, searchToken, callback) ->
url = "{searchType}s/#{searchToken}"
options = {
url: url,
headers: {
'Authorization': "Bearer #{authToken}"
request options, (error, response, body) ->
rdioTrackFromSpotifyResponse = (response, callback) ->
# first get artist names, album name, and track from spotify API response
responseJson = JSON.parse(response)
artists = ( for artist in responseJson.artists).join(" ")
album =
track =
# search Rdio API 'search', { query: "#{artists} #{album} #{track}", types: "Track"}, (err, body) ->
rdioAlbumFromSpotifyResponse = (response, callback) ->
# first get artist names and album from spotify API response
responseJson = JSON.parse(response)
artists = ( for artist in responseJson.artists).join(" ")
album =
# search Rdio API 'search', { query: "#{artists} #{album}", types: "Album"}, (err, body) ->
parseRdioResponseAndRespond = (response, message) ->
if parseInt(response.result.number_results) > 1
result_count_line = "Found #{response.result.number_results} Rdio results"
result_lines = ("#{} -{result.url}" for result in response.result.results).join("\n")
message.send "#{result_count_line}:\n #{result_lines}"
result = response.result.results[0]
message.send "{result.url}"
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