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Created March 29, 2024 04:41
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Managing & Developing Extensions

Intro to omni

omni is a Postgres shared library (and also an extension) that helps managing and developing Postgres easier. Think of it like an extension for extensions !


Postgres extension eco-system is growing rapidly, however the tooling/infrastructure around that has a lot of catch up to do. For eg. an extension that allocates shared memory or spins up background workers requires restarting Postgres.


  • Hooks initialization
  • Allocate/Deallocate shared memory
  • Managing background workers
  • Upgrading extensions
  • Setting custom GUC

Installing omni

To find the latest version of omni curl -s | jq .

To download and install omni curl -s | bash -s install omni 0.1.2

postgres=# create extension omni;

or use omni_manifest.install() to install it.

Integrating omni in your extensions

  • Include omni header file omni_v0.h
  • Declare OMNI_MAGIC in your extension
  • Create a function dummy
  • Define the callback function _Omni_init
  • Update postgresql.conf shared_preload_libraies config to include omni

Using omni

Hook capabilities

Declare a hook variable which is of type omni_hook and register that with the handle (of type omni_handle) in the callback function _Omni_init.


void planner_hook_fn(omni_hook_handle *handle, Query *parse, const char *query_string,
                     int cursorOptions, ParamListInfo boundParams) {
  ereport(NOTICE, errmsg("planner_hook_fn %p", handle->returns.PlannedStmt_value));

void _Omni_init(const omni_handle *handle) {
  omni_hook planner_hook = {.type = omni_hook_planner,
                            .name = "omni_guard planner hook",
                            .fn = {.planner = planner_hook_fn},
                            .wrap = true};
  handle->register_hook(handle, &planner_hook);

Shared memory allocation

Inside the callback _Omni_init, invoke allocate_shmem method of omni_handle type.


void _Omni_init(const omni_handle *handle) {
  bool found;
  int a = handle->allocate_shmem(handle, "shmem example using omni", sizeof(int), NULL, NULL, &found);

Shared memory deallocation

Inside the callback _Omni_deinit, call deallocate_shmem method of omni_handle type.


TODO: to tests
void _Omni_deinit(const omni_handle *handle) {
    handle->deallocate_shmem(handle, "shmem example using omni", NULL);

Setting GUC's for your extension

Inside the callback _Omni_init, invoke declare_guc_variable method of omni_handle type.

void _Omni_init(const omni_handle *handle) {
  omni_guc_variable guc_example_variable = {
      .name = "guc_example_variable",
      .long_desc = "Example variable to set GUC with omni",
      .type = PGC_STRING,
      .typed = {.string_val = {.boot_value = "hello"}},
      .context = PGC_SIGHUP};

Starting background workers

In general, starting background workers from an extension require postgres restart.

Inside the callback _Omni_init, invoke request_bgworker_start method of omni_handle type.

request_bgworker_start takes an argument of type BackgroundWorker

TODO: should the function be declared as PGDLLEXPORT or not?
PGDLLEXPORT void example_entry_point() {
  elog(INFO, "do something useful here");

void _Omni_init(const omni_handle *handle) {
omni_bgworker_handle example_bgworker_handle = handle->request_bgworker_start(handle, {
    .bgw_name = "example bgw worker from omni"
    .bgw_type = "omni"
    .bgw_function_name = "example_entry_point"
}, NULL);

Terminating background workers

Inside the callback _Omni_deinit, invoke request_bgworker_termination method of omni_handle type.

void _Omni_deinit(const omni_handle *handle) {
  if (example_bgworker_handle != NULL) {

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