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Last active January 5, 2021 15:39
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A clone of the Promise API in Javascript.
class PromiseClone {
static #HANDLER_TYPES = {
handlers = [];
constructor(executor) {
executor(this.#resolve, this.#reject);
static #isThenHandler = ({type}) => type === PromiseClone.#HANDLER_TYPES.THEN;
static #isCatchHandler = ({type}) => type === PromiseClone.#HANDLER_TYPES.CATCH;
static #isFinallyHandler = ({type}) => type === PromiseClone.#HANDLER_TYPES.FINALLY;
then = (handler) => this.#registerHandler(PromiseClone.#HANDLER_TYPES.THEN, handler);
catch = (handler) => this.#registerHandler(PromiseClone.#HANDLER_TYPES.CATCH, handler);
finally = (handler) => this.#registerHandler(PromiseClone.#HANDLER_TYPES.FINALLY, handler);
// Private methods
#registerHandler = (type, execute) => {
this.handlers = [{type, execute}, ...this.handlers];
return this;
#noMoreHandlers = () => this.handlers.length === 0;
#resolve = (value) => {
while (true) {
const finallyHandled = this.#handleIfFinally();
if (finallyHandled === null) {
// Using null, to break out of the chain if
// some error occurs.
if (finallyHandled === true) {
// Still need to execute the THEN block
if (this.#noMoreHandlers()) {
// If no more handlers remaining, nothing more to execute
const handler = this.handlers.pop();
if (PromiseClone.#isCatchHandler(handler)) {
// We want to ignore the catch handler here
// Reached here if handler is a THEN handler
try {
const result = handler["execute"](value);
// If the THEN block returns a Promise after completion
// of the execution, then we need to assign all the
// remaining handlers of the current promise to the new
// returned promise. Else, just continue the Promise chain.
if (result instanceof PromiseClone) {
result.handlers = this.handlers;
this.handlers = [];
} else {
// this.#executeAllFinallyHandlers();
} catch (error) {
// If some error occurs during the execution of the promise,
// then we reject.
#reject = (value) => {
while (true) {
const finallyHandled = this.#handleIfFinally();
if (finallyHandled === null) {
// Using null, to break out of the chain if
// some error occurs.
if (finallyHandled === true) {
// Still need to execute the CATCH block
if (this.#noMoreHandlers()) {
// If no more handlers remaining, the error value
// has no handler registered. So, just throw the
// error value in the wild
throw value;
const handler = this.handlers.pop();
if (PromiseClone.#isThenHandler(handler)) {
// If THEN handler, then skip. We are looing for a
// CATCH handler
// Reached here if handler is a CATCH handler
try {
const result = handler["execute"](value);
// If the THEN block returns a Promise after completion
// of the execution, then we need to assign all the
// remaining handlers of the current promise to the new
// returned promise.
if (result instanceof PromiseClone) {
result.handlers = this.handlers;
this.handlers = [];
} else {
// If it doesn't return a Promise, we have
// completed our Promise chain and now just
// need to execute the remaining FINALLY handlers.
} catch (error) {
// If some error occurs during the execution of the
// CATCH block, we pass the error to be handled
// by next error handler.
// Returns if handled finally block successfully
#handleIfFinally = () => {
if (this.#noMoreHandlers()) {
// Returning FALSE, to imply FINALLY was not processed
return false;
const handler = this.handlers.pop();
if (PromiseClone.#isFinallyHandler(handler)) {
try {
const result = handler["execute"]();
if (result instanceof PromiseClone) {
// Pass the current handlers to the new PromiseClone handlers
result.handlers = this.handlers;
// Stop execution SYMBOL, because the new Promise will take over.
return null;
return true;
} catch (error) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
#executeAllFinallyHandlers = () => {
while (this.#noMoreHandlers() === false) {
try {
// Skip all the non-finally handlers
if (this.#handleIfFinally() === false) {
} catch (error) {
const getPromise = (n, doReject=false) => new PromiseClone((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(() => {
if (doReject) {
reject('REJECTED!!!! ' + n);
} else {
resolve('Hello: ' + n)
}, 1000);
.then((res) => {
console.log('THEN 1:', res);
return getPromise(2);
.then((res) => {
console.log('THEN 2:', res);
return getPromise(3, true);
.finally(() => {
console.log('FINALLY 1');
// throw new Error('ERROR IN FINALLY')
return getPromise(42, true);
.catch((err) => {
console.log('CATCH 1', err.message)
return getPromise(4);
.then(res => {
console.log('THEN 3:', res);
.then(res => {
console.log('THEN 4', res);
.then(() => {
return getPromise(5);
.then((res) => {
console.log('THEN 5', res);
.finally(() => {
console.log('FINALLY 2:', 'This is last...');
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