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Last active December 18, 2015 19:38
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Save vighneshbirodkar/5834197 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
RenderContext and LayerStack Base classes.
from abc import ABCMeta,abstractmethod
class Display:
__metaclass__ = ABCMeta
#TODO add text for adjusting image size to fit
The Base class for all Displays in SimpleCV. Inheriting classes
All coordinates specified or returned are a (x,y) tuple . The top left is
(0,0) with Left -> Right and Up -> Down being positive
* FULLSCREEN - Opens up a fullscreen display
* DEFAULT - the default display which tries to fit the image in the best
possible way.
While inheriting , ensure that the original doc string is prepended to the
inherited methods docstring wherever necessary
>>> display = MumboJumboDisplay()
>>> image = Image('lenna')
#good ol flags, I think only these would be valid for all platforms
#Display size doesn't change, come what may !
#what to do with a bigger image when display size is fixed
CROP = 1
#The last display initialized, to be used for
screen = None
#A short string that should indicate the type of dislay
def name():
def __init__(self,size = (640,480),type_ = DEFAULT,title = "SimpleCV",fit = RESIZE):
Opens up a display in a window.
* *size* - the size of the diplay in pixels.
* *type_* - Control how the diplay behaves, either FULSCREEN,FIXED or
DEFAULT ( by default ).
* *title* - the title bar on the display, if there exists onw.
* *fit* - How to display the image if the type_ is FIXED. Either CROP or
>>> disp = Display()
>>> img = Image('simplecv')
screen = self
self.size = size
self.type_ = type_ = fit
self.imgSize = None
self.xScale = 1.0
self.yScale = 1.0
self.image = None
def __repr__(self):
return "<SimpleCV %s resolution:(%s), Image Resolution: (%d, %d) at memory location: (%s)>" % (,self.size, self.imgSize[0], self.imgSize[1], hex(id(self)))
def mousePosition(self):
Reutrns the mouse pointer potion as a tuple of (x,y), with respect to
the image coordinates
def mousePositionRaw(self):
Reutrns the mouse pointer potion as a tuple of (x,y), with respect to
the display coordinates
def mousePositionRaw(self):
Reutrns the mouse pointer potion as a tuple of (x,y), with respect to
the display coordinates
def leftDown(self):
Reutrns the position where the left mouse button last went down,None
if it didn't since the last time this fucntion was called
An (x,y) mouse postion tuple where the left mouse button went down.
def leftUp(self):
Reutrns the position where the left mouse button last went up,None
if it didn't since the last time this fucntion was called
An (x,y) mouse postion tuple where the left mouse button went up.
def rightDown(self):
Reutrns the position where the right mouse button last went down,None
if it didn't since the last time this fucntion was called
An (x,y) mouse postion tuple where the right mouse button went down.
def rightUp(self):
Reutrns the position where the right mouse button last went up,None
if it didn't since the last time this fucntion was called
An (x,y) mouse postion tuple where the right mouse button went up.
def middleDown(self):
Reutrns the position where the middle mouse button last went down,None
if it didn't since the last time this fucntion was called
An (x,y) mouse postion tuple where the middle mouse button went down.
def middleUp(self):
Reutrns the position where the middle mouse button last went up,None
if it didn't since the last time this fucntion was called
An (x,y) mouse postion tuple where the middle mouse button went up.
def setFitMethod(self,method = RESIZE):
Changes how the display accomodates larger images, if it's size is kept
* *method* - the method used to accomodate images.
Options are as follows:
* CROP - Crop the image to fit.
* RESIZE - Resize the image to fit.
Will only take effect is display type is FIXED
def showImage(self, image):
Shows the Image given on the Display
* *image* - the SimpleCV image to save to the display.
>>> img = Image("lenna")
>>> disp = Display((512,512))
>>> disp.showImage(img)
self.image = img
def close(self):
Closes the display window
>>> img = Image("lenna")
>>> disp = Display((512,512))
>>> disp.showImage(img)
>>> disp.close()

Use Cases

import DisplayXYZ
  • This will set DisplayXYZ, DrawingLayerXYZ as the default Display and DrawingLayer classes for all future calls.

Can be mapped to

If a display doesn't exists, a new one will be created. The display always containt a pointer to the current Image being shown

1.Bare Minimum

img = Image('lenna')
  • Image Created
  • A DisplayXYZ is created, and the image is shown by calling display.showImage()

2.Drawing things

img = Image('lenna')
  • Image Created
  • A DrawingLayerXYZ is created and inserted into the image's drawing layer stack if one doesnt exist
  • drawingLayer.drawCircle((10,10),5) is called, which also stored a vector representaion of the figure in the Layer
  • A DisplayXYZ is created, and the image is shown by calling display.showImage(). DisplayXYZ knows how to draw things in a DrawingLayerXYZ

3.Feature Set

img = Image('lenna')
fs = img.findLines()
  • Image Created
  • Feature Set formed
  • DrawingLayerXYZ is created is none exists and pushed into stack.
  • fs is drawn on by drawingLayer.draw*, which also stored a vector representaions of the figure in the Layer
  • A DisplayXYZ is created, and the image is shown by calling display.showImage().

4.Applying Layers

img = Image('lenna')
drawing = img.applyLayers()'new.jpg')
  • Image created
  • A DrawingLayerXYZ is created and inserted into the image's drawing layer stack if one doesnt exist
  • drawingLayer.drawCircle((10,10),5) is called, which also stored a vector representaion of the figure in the Layer
  • applyLayers iterated through drawing layers forming a bitmap specific to XYZLib
  • SimpleCV image object is retuned (most probably by calling toString() internally)
  • Image saved


d = DisplayXYZ((640,480))
#user clicks
  • Display Created
  • LibXYZ cateched the event and assigns the position (x,y) to a local variable
  • leftMouse() returns (x,y)
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