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Created July 8, 2017 14:33
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#Programs and features
This file describes the programs installed in the system for future installations.
- [x] SD card driver is present in the github repository.
- [x] Wifi Fixed. Check gthub gist
- [x] Bluetooth fixed. Driver in github
Download mariadb from here
WGET my.cnf
Installation script
./scripts/mysql_install_db --defaults-file=./my.cnf
Starting database server
./bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=./datas
Setting password for default user 'root'
'./bin/mysqladmin' -u root password 'Password$$'
./bin/mysqld_safe --datadir=./datas &
kill `pgrep mysqld`
####Sqlite Browser
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:linuxgndu/sqlitebrowser
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser
This program is a GUI from sqlite3 database.
sudo pacman -S meld
sudo apt-get install meld
This program is used to compare and merge two folders or files very efficiently. Amazing tool
####Haroopad [Depreciated]
Install from AUR repository: haroopad
This program is used to write and make **markdown** documents. This document itself is written in Haroopad.
####Remarkable app
Install from AUR repository: remarkable
This program is also similar to the Haroopad for markdown.
sudo pacman -S zeal
sudo apt-get install zeal
This program is a *all in one* documentation tool. It gives document for almost all frameworks and langages. Although I personally didn't feel it to be productive
####Gvim and Vim
sudo pacman -S gvim
sudo apt-get install vim-gtk
Super useful text editor. Extremely productive one the plugins are installed.
Link: [Vignsh's vimrc](
sudo pacman -S qcalculate
Perfect calculator for programmers supporting all the calculatins ever needed.
sudo pacman -S alacarte
Utility to edit Application menus. Can be opened as **Application Finder** in menu
####MariaDB (Portable !)
wget -O mariadb-5.5.29-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
Unzip in your required directory and do the following
This will install the database
./bin/mysqld_safe &
This will start the database
username : root
password : Password$$
server : localhost
port : 3306
#####Troubleshooting Procedure
1. Use this command to start the server with no root password
mysqld_safe --skip-grant-tables --skip-networking &
2. Set the password now( Default is none due to above cmd)
./bin/mysql_secure_installation --basedir=`pwd`
The above command should be run inside the extracted folder
####Postgres (Portable !)
wget binaries from their website
Extract and cd into the files extracted
bin/initdb -D /data
Create a *data* folder and initialise it as data directory
bin/pg_ctl start -D ./data
This will start the server
bin/pg_ctl stop -D ./data
This will stop the server
bin/pg_crl restart -D ./data
This will restart the server
**Add bin to environment path**
#####Loggin in first time
createdb "database_name"
*createdb* is a executable in bin directory. This will create a new database.
psql -d postgres
This will login to postgres database with the default user. *vignesh* here. Since its portable, no postgres user and all is created.
Username: vignesh
password : [none]
database : postgres ( add more with the above createdb cmd)
port : 5432
## IDE
#### PyCharm
Download from their website.
Perfect python IDE with syntax highlihiting, intellisense and more. Good django support
#### Eclipse
Download from eclipse website
Useful for java development and c++ development, but takes huge RAM.
#### Code blocks
sudo pacman -S codeblocks
Useful for general c++ development. Nothing more
## Misc tools
pip install sphinx
Useful for documentation of source code, especially python
* [ ] Yet to be analysed perfectly
sudo pacman -S doxygen
Perfect for C type language documentation.
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