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Last active January 21, 2016 18:13
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Design patterns in one lines
Design patterns
Behavioural: Deals with communication of objects
Chain-Of-Responsibility - Think of UIResponder class
Command pattern - NSInvocation class. Support undoable operations
Interpreter - language parsing. Think of expression evaluation
Iterator - NSEnumerator; A unified interface for interating a collection.
Mediator - Think of a translator's role in multi lingual people communication.
Memento - Think of a storing in the middle of a game and restore it.
observer - KVO.
State - Think of a premium and basic user on file sharing site.
(The data such as speed , download limit, etc changes based on a condition. )
Creation : Deals with object creation
Abstract Factory - Returns a factory method to create objects.
Factory Method - Think of NSArray init methods.
Singleton - One object to rule them all.
Builder - Create object based on a builder passed.
( Useful to when object creation needs some order or particular algorithm )
Prototype - Object with clonable interface.
Structural : Deals with the object relations
Adapter - Need them when legacy code has to be reused with a modern interface.
Bridge - Prefer composition over unnecessary inheritance. Remember RedRectangle is silly.
Composite - Think of a directory. It can contain sub directories and files.
Decorator - Embellish an object using composition
Protection proxy - Protect an object using composition
Virtual proxy - On demand initialization using composition.
Facade - Simple interface to hide structural complexity.
Implemetation of all these patterns in swift can be found here:
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